Title: The Green Dagger (BlackMyst Trilogy #2)
Author: Kelly Hess
Publisher: Booktrope
Published: December 2, 2014
Genre: Middle Grade, Fantasy
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Dream Cast
Beynn Firehand - Asa Butterfield
Fritz Daggard - Cameron Kennedy
Krigger - Tim Roth
Rani Mosler - Emma Watson
Shutterpot - Wallace Shawn
Tabitha - Katie Cassidy
Character Bios
Beynn FirehandIn The Green Dagger, Beynn is eighteen and is settling in and accepting his new life as a Sorak, but is still conflicted by having to live a double life. He is still afraid to reveal his true self to the people from his village, and so must disguise himself. He is intelligent and compassionate and a loyal friend. It is his loyalty to his friend Fritz that leads him on this next adventure.
Fritz Daggard
Fritz is an ambitious young man dealing struggling to deal with the dark influence of the green dagger he possesses. His good nature conflicts with the evil power of the blade and this turmoil causes him to be angry, frustrated, and sometimes just plain mean. He loves Rani, but his hateful behavior has driven a wedge between them and this irritates him even more. The pull of the dagger is a tremendous weight on Fritz and he is desperate to find a way to counteract and control its power.
Krigger is a Rodentian; sort of a humanoid rat with great skills of stealth and thievery. He is tall and wiry with silky black fur and protruding front teeth. He is much stronger than his appearance would suggest . Although brilliant as a thief, he can often be immature, even childlike. He is good-hearted and enjoys having fun, even if that fun might sometimes irritate those around him. Krigger's loyalty to Fritz comes both from what he perceives as a friendship with the boy and from the profits he gains by doing Fritz's bidding. Also, Krigger's curiosity about the mysterious dagger and its potential value keeps him close by.
Title: Eyes of the Enemy (BlackMyst Trilogy #1)
Author: Kelly Hess
Genre: MG, Fantasy
Publisher: Booktrope
Published: June 30, 2014
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About the Author
Kelly Hess grew up with a love of reading science fiction and fantasy that inspired him to write his own fantasy trilogy. He lives in Vacaville, California with his wife and son, and is putting the final details on the last book of his BlackMyst Trilogy: The Third Power.
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