Thursday, October 5, 2017

Book Tour + #Giveaway: Wehr Wolff Castle by B. Bentley Summers @bryce_summers @SDSXXTours

Wehr Wolff Castle
The Wehr Wolff Chronicles Book 1
by B. Bentley Summers
Genre: Historical Horror, LGBT

During the rise of Nazi Germany, Hagen Messer joins the Royal Air Force as an American soldier who specializes in tracking. He’s attached to British commandos and given a seemingly simple mission—to find a captive and destroy a dam—but everything goes awry. Hagen’s plane crashes into Germany’s Wehr Forest and he has to use his extrasensory abilities to track the captive to nearby Wehr Wolff Castle, a secret Nazi base where vile experiments are being conducted.

Hagen and his surviving team members must sneak into the castle and devise a way to destroy the experimental labs creating diabolical creatures. Hagen is horrified to find Nazis and scientists with no scruples, and at the most inconvenient time, he learns that he may be in love with one of his teammates, an Irishman named Liam. In order to protect his love and his friends, Hagen must feign nonchalance amidst pure degeneracy and suspicion. Hagen soon discovers, though, that he is in over his head.

What may not only redeem him, but also save his lover and friends, is a childhood past and a darkness lurking deep inside him, just waiting to be engaged.

Wehr Wolff Nazi Lab 

They were in a new corridor that had torches set close to each other, high on the wall. The worn-out stone floor had turned to marble. The area had been renovated. High-powered lights set in the ceiling replaced the torches. They turned a couple of corners, and the disturbing howling noises diminished and then were gone. 
They came to a more compact room with a small squad of SS troopers. A vaulted door was to one side. The troopers stood at attention while one rotated the dial on a combination lock and twisted on a circular metallic wheel that served as a door handle, then yanked. There was a quick release of air, and the vaulted door swung open. 
Dr. Mengele's expression was animated, reminding Hagen of a child who was about to enter a candy store. 
The Nazi doctor scanned everyone in the room and finally rested his gaze on Roesia. "Here is where the real work is being done." 
They were ushered through the door. Hagen felt faint—the air reeked of chemicals, ammonia being dominant. He was still on an elevated walkway, but in this location, it was less than ten feet down to the floor. The ceiling was over fifty feet above. A vast laboratory spread out before them, which was comprised of numerous cubicles, divided by thin walls and stopping at a solid wall farther back. Between the walkway where Hagen stood and the vast laboratory was an open space that had a charcoal-coarse surface; On it were several bleached white metallic pods, about fifteen feet in height and length. The pods were spread apart, and all of them were interconnected by narrow metal meshed walkways. A few guards, rifles held across their chests, were bent down, staring through holes to the tops of the pods. 
Flush to the laboratory cubicles was a raised platform that was around forty feet in length. A man was at a control center, which had multiple levers, along with hydraulic hoses attached to a console. Behind this station for personnel was the largest pod in the room, abutting the lab wall—it dwarfed the other pods in height, width, and length. 
A squeal caught Hagen's attention, and he turned toward the far end of the room.  
Two soldiers dragged a naked one-armed man over the walkway to a pod at the end, and yelled, "Pod Ten!" 
Hagen directed his attention back to the person at the main console. The man pulled down a lever. Hagen snapped his focus back to the one-armed prisoner; a hatch popped open at the top of what must have been pod ten. The guards pushed the person into the hole, and the lid closed with a loud clank. A scream ensued from inside the pod, and then dead silence. The SS officers around Hagen laughed and clinked their wineglasses. 
Dr. Mengele was oblivious to the show at the end of the room, but stepped down the narrow staircase and across the floor with all of its pods. Everyone followed. A few personnel wearing white cotton coats carried clipboards and monitored the varied pods; they peered through small windows on the pods and jotted down some notes. 
Hagen stared back at the pods. What are in those? 
Dr. Mengele stepped up to the platform and came to the console where the personnel monitored various gauges. 
Dr. Mengele extended his arm, and said, "In these pods are the original creatures we captured inside Wehr Forest. We had more, but many have died, unfortunately—not for lack of being fed, either. We tried to train a few, but they are incorrigible, ignorant beasts. But too precious to be put down." 

Hagen stepped over to the largest pod on the platform, close to the console, and leaned over to look inside a small, thick-plated glass window. Hagen gasped at the beast inside. Memories returned with a thunderbolt, of him kneeling down beside his brother. Hagen willed the old remembrance to vanish. He touched his forehead and stepped back, bumping into someone. He turned around. It was Roesia. She had her hands clasped in front of her. Hagen again peered inside the pod. The wolf was colossal in size and tried its best to pace back and forth in its limited space. It appeared agitated as it snapped its fierce amber gaze toward Hagen. It had no hint of mutations and reminded him of the wolves he had seen earlier in the day. The creature's nose flared, its eyes burned bright, and it bared its teeth. The wolf brought its head back and howled. Even outside the container, everyone in the room cringed and covered their ears. 
Bryce is a psychologist, author, and the founder of Queer Sense Theory. 

Bryce writes popular fiction genres meant for all audiences under Bryce Bentley Summers, and pens gay fiction under B. Bentley Summers, although he'd argue that anyone would enjoy his gay fiction pieces.

Bryce's full time work is at the Veteran Affairs where he has been employed for five years. He has extensive history of working with people diagnosed with PTSD and he used these experiences when writing Fresh Meat.

The novel, Fresh Meat, recently won Dan Poynter's Global eBook Awards for best gay fiction. This piece is more than just a book, but embraces gay identity while deploring the hateful violence that happens in the U.S. prison system, and across the world. The book parallels the vicious Man-Punk prison system to the long ago abolished American Slavery System. However, Fresh Meat is not non-fiction, but fiction, and it's genre is best described as Supernatural Horror. 

Rotville and The Zombie Squad, are two of Bryce's recent completions. The Zombie Squad is a teen Post-Apocalyptic Thriller that recently received Reader's Favorite 5-Stars. This novel has humor and is fast pace, that follows four teens in New Orleans who find themselves not only chased by psycho gangsters, but in the middle of zombocalypse. Rotville is a new adult/ adult Sci-Fi Post-Apocalyptic Horror that takes place in the near future, in a city called Rotville where people with a rot disease are quarantined. Inside this city is the mega prison Colleseo, where inhumane experiments are carried out on inmates. It's also the birthplace of Dylan, a super soldier who must fight his way out, save a couple of youths from the new deadly mutants, and keep from being re-caught by the greedy director.

Bryce is also the author of the fiction Young Adult Dark Fantasy/ Sci-Fi series AMEN TO ROT. The novel NYTE GOD is the conclusion to this series. The Amen to Rot series and Nyte God pit Ace and his friends against alien invaders who are turning humans into mutant creatures. 

Bryce authors popular fiction with a style that entices readers of all backgrounds to consume, and makes every attempt to make his characters diverse. 

As noted, Bryce does dabble in gay fiction, and pens it under B. Bentley Summers, though in truth, these works are meant for everyone to read. Bryce is the founder of Queer Sense, a theory that describes how people form attitudes. The theory provides insight into how specific components in cultural contexts shape our beliefs and values, which ultimately form our attitudes. The nonfiction book, QUEER SENSE: How Are Attitudes Formed? A Revolutionary Guide for Teens, Parents, Mental Health Professionals and Anyone Interested in Queer Theory, is due out by 2016.

Follow the tour HERE for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!


Bea LaRocca said...

Happy Friday! I hope that you're enjoying your book tour. Have a great weekend!