Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Book Tour: Days With Dad by Dennis Knight @RABTBookTours

A Shared Journal for Fathers and Their Children


FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Parent & Adult Child

RELIGION / Christian Living / Family & Relationships

SELF-HELP / Journaling

Date Published: June 11, 2024

Publisher: Lucid Books


Imagine signing for a FedEx package early tomorrow morning. As you open the contents, you discover a journal from your father. In his handwriting, you read entries that share with you stories from his life, moments of your childhood, and written conversations between the two of you captured on pages for you to cherish. You would be slow to put this book down as memories flood back into your mind. Many will make you smile, and all will draw your attention to the gift that your dad has been in your life. This journal is the beginning of such a treasure that will bond a father and child together and leave a forever cherished gift.

Interview with Dennis Knight

    Does writing energize or exhaust you?

    Writing is a major part of who God created me to be. When I write, I feel the pleasure of God on my life. I am indeed energized when I write.

    What is the first book that made you cry?

    The first book that brought me to tear would be Max Lucado’s “Just Like Jesus”.

    How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

    This first experience was very much an eye opening process. Knowing how the process works, I am more educated on how to move from phase to phase.

    What do you owe the real people upon whom you base your characters?

    My first project, “Days with Dad” is a shared journal. The idea came from what I have established and share with my own children. My latest project, “Hello, I’m Matthew” is a story about my unborn son, Matthew, who went straight to the arms of Jesus. I know he is with Jesus and one day we will meet.

    Where did your love of books/storytelling/reading/writing/etc. come from?

    I am not sure where my love or writing and telling stories came from other than God. Since I was a young boy, His story has captivated me and as a pastor and author, every story belongs to the bigger story of Jesus.

    What do you like to read in your free time?

    As an avid reader, I enjoy books on Men’s ministry and development and books that expand my understanding of God’s word through the experiences and studies of other authors.

    Can you share some stories about people you met while researching this book?

    This first book did provide me with several opportunities to meet other fathers and men through being a guest on several podcasts. This has opened an avenue for me to be a part of a men’s conference as a speaker in January of next year.

    Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre?  If you write more than one, how do you balance them?

    I have always wanted to write and have several projects in several different stages of completion. My first project (Days with Dad) is a resource that I know men with children need to grow with their kids. My second project (Hello, I’m Matthew) is a children’s book that uses my own story to help others through the grief of loss by better understanding the promises of God through those painful losses.

    How do you begin writing a new book? What challenges come with it?

    The initial ideas for writing projects is the easiest part of the process. The beginning of the book and the end are always the parts that I do not struggle with. It is the middle that I have to wrestle with.

    Share a place that inspires you to write

    Inspiration in my writing comes most vividly in my truck as I am driving around. It’s the place I am most in tune with what I am learning in God’s word and where I reflect on my own story and how I can write about it in ways that will bring God the most glory. 

About the Author

Dennis Knight, a pastor, speaker, and business owner, is passionate about men’s ministry. As a pastor, speaker, and father for the past 27 years, he is establishing a new ministry that celebrates and equips men to become all God intended when He designed the masculine heart. Beyond writing and speaking, Dennis enjoys training in Jujitsu and hiking with his wife as they work to conquer all 48 of the 4000’ peaks in New Hampshire. Contact information is available through


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