Stacking The Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews. Where each week we share the books that we have added to our shelves during the past week. This includes books that we bought, borrowed from the library, received from the author for review, books that we won. They can be either physical books or ebooks.
You can find out more about Stacking The Shelves from the official launch page.
Author: Tamara Rose Blodgett
I love reading about zombies and apocalyptic worlds. The only show that I watch on tv is The Walking Dead. so there fore I know that this series will be real good. I just need to find the time to read it.
Author: Willow Rose
I did a blog tour and had the opportunity to read and review Savage (Daughters of the Jaguar #1). So when I saw the second book in the series Broken for free on Amazon I knew I had to have it too. I loved Savage it was a very great read. It was different than any books about shifters that I had ever read before.
Author: Catherine Wittmack
I was asked by the author Catherine Wittmack if I would like to read and review her book Eliza's Shadow. (Review coming soon) And after reading the summary I was hooked. I was very glad that I agreed to read Eliza's Shadow. It was a very great read. So when she emailed me and asked if I would help her spread the word about Eliza's Shadow being free for a couple of days on Amazon I was very glad to help her out. The free days was Nov. 14 and Nov. 15. I couldn't resist having an Amazon copy of her book as well. Thanks Catherine.
Author: Cameron Jace
Nice Day to Die kind of reminds me of a book that Stephen King wrote called The Running man. Where they are fighting for their lives trying to stay alive on a tv show that is live or like one of those reality tv shows.
Author: Elle Casey
Apocalpysis sounds like a very intriguing read. Bryn Mathis lives all alone since his dad died a year ago and he is almost out of food. This book sounds very interesting to me because Bryn lives outside of Orlando, Florida and I have family that lives in Orlando. You are not going to believe this but their name is Mathis also. Although they do not live in Orlando now they did up untill a few years ago. Besides all of that I do love reading about apocalyptic books.
Author: Kathryn Meyer Griffith
I read a review on Goodreads that compared Dinosaur Lake to Jurassic Park. I read the book Jurassic Park and I have also watched and own all three of the Jurassic Park movies. I loved them. So I just know that Dinosaur Lake will be a very, very good read.
Author: Angela Scott
I love reading books about zombies but reading about zombies in the wild wild west. This has got to be a very great book. I can't wait to start reading this one.
Author: Kerry Adrienne
I love reading books about zombies but reading about zombies in the wild wild west. This has got to be a very great book. I can't wait to start reading this one.
Author: Taryn Kincaid
Lily Night put her prom date, Campbell Jones, into a coma after a night of wild, unbridled sex. Campbell tries to forget the night he spent with Lily on prom night but he has never forgotten neither has Lily.
What did you add to your shelves this week?
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