I would like to welcome Rusty Fischer to The Avid Reader today. Thanks for stopping by Rusty Fischer. Please be sure and check out Rusty Fischer's novel Detention of the Living Dead. Check out my interview with Rusty Fischer.Oh and be sure you enter the giveaway before you leave.
Title: Detention of the Living Dead
Author: Rusty Fischer
Genre: Paranormal, Young-Adult
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Pages: 181
Detention of the Living Dead
Detention of the Living Dead
Maxine "Max" Compton is in detention when the outbreak starts; so are several other students when Max's best friend Brie storms in - chomping on the thigh bone of their favorite Home Ec teacher, Ms. Watkins!
Brie is a zombie, and quickly starts biting everyone in the room - even her best friend, Max!
When the class realizes what happens, it's too late; they are all zombies - and they're no longer alone.
Now a thin gray man in a white lab coat is testing them; making them read, and once they can no longer read, the zombies are led from the room, never to be seen again.
One by one the zombies stop reading, all but a few of them, Max included. Oh, and that cute thug she's been crushing on for years, Cory Winthrop!
That's when Max learns that there are good zombies, and bad zombies. And if she's to survive, she has to pick a side.
Who knew Detention could be this hard… or last forever?
Detention of the Living Dead
"G-g-g," the zombie sputters, black eyes focused intently on the page in front of her, tongue tied in an endless loop, frustration oozing out of every gray, decaying pore.
If she could still sweat, I know she would.
Her cold white hands grip the pages of the comic book like the edges of a life raft in a wild, raging sea.
If she could still cry, she'd already be bawling.
Instead she is locked in this endless loop, stammering, yammering, trying to find the keys to her lost humanity.
Her voice is raspy, like maybe her vocal chords have been sanded down, blow dried for days, and now look like strips of beef jerky hanging in the back of her throat, useless at his point except for her guttural scratching."A-A-A…."
It's been like this for five minutes; five endless, torturous, agonizing minutes.
Endless because, well, you've never realized how long a single minute-sixty short seconds-can stretch out until every stinking bleeding one of those sixty seconds is filled with a "G-G-G" or an "A-A-A or an "M-M-M."
It's like waiting for a stutterer to finish reading War & Peace, out loud, in one sitting, while you kneel on a bed of nails, with water dripping on your head, sitting next to your distant cousin from Alabama, with her whispering in your ears about her favorite catfish casserole recipe.
Torturous because I can see the word right in front of me and just want to finish it for her: "Gamma!" I want to scream. "Gamma! What you've been yammering for the last five minutes is 'G-G-G-G-GAMMA,' you freakin' moron!"
Agonizing because this is no typical zombie; this is my best friend since third grade, Brie Cunningham.
Rusty Fischer
The Avid Reader: What inspired you to write Detention of the Living Dead?
Rusty Fischer: As a former teacher I was always fascinated by classroom dynamics and the "politics" of adolescence. Now that I'm a zombie author, I thought it would be fun to put a few students in this kind of situation and see how they responded!
The Avid Reader: When or at what age did you know you wanted to be a writer?
Rusty Fischer: I knew very early, 9 or 10, and started writing books immediately!
The Avid Reader: What is the earliest age you remember reading your first book?
Rusty Fischer: I can't remember the age, exactly, but it had to be in grade school and either Judy Blue or Beverly Cleary; for the longest time, they were my Stephen King and Dean R. Koontz. That is, until I got older and started reading King and Koontz! But I still have a fondness for Judy and Beverly and all they taught me about reading and writing at a very young age.
The Avid Reader: What genre of books do you enjoy reading?
Rusty Fischer: I'm pretty eclectic. My nightstand has a bunch of half-read cozy holiday mysteries, some "making of" books about movies like Jaws and Psycho, a LOT of YA books I need to read, some thrillers by Johathan Kellerman and Michael Connelly, stuff like that.
The Avid Reader: What is your favorite book?
Rusty Fischer: I have been asked this question a dozen or more times and I always say Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt. Maybe it's my Irish heritage or just the man's innate storytelling ability but I could read that book every year!
The Avid Reader: You know I think we all have a favorite author. Who is your favorite author and why?
Rusty Fischer: I always say Stephen King because not only is he a good writer, but he is a good author. By that I mean he just always seems so supportive of other authors, always eager to blurb a new or good book he's read, writing books for writers, just an all-around good buy who happens to write incredibly well!!!
The Avid Reader: If you could travel back in time here on earth to any place or time. Where would you go and why?
Rusty Fischer: I know it's not very exotic or challenging, but I would really like to go back to the 1970s and hang around for awhile. I would like to chat with a lot of my family members who are no longer around and thank them for how they influenced my life and just generally recapture what was a very special time in my life.
The Avid Reader: When writing a book do you find that writing comes easy for you or is it a difficult task?
Rusty Fischer: I think I'm lucky in that the actual writing comes fairly easily and I actually enjoy it, but that has a lot to do with the fact that I tend to plan stories that I know I'll enjoy writing. Now, editing? That's a whole other ball game!!!
The Avid Reader: Do you have any little fuzzy friends? Like a dog or a cat? Or any pets?
Rusty Fischer: We actually feed a stray cat every night, and some mornings. We call her "Sugar" because she's the same off-white color as Florida's "sugar sand," which is a kind of beige. Someone in our neighborhood abandoned her and, for whatever reason, she picked us as her adopted family soon after we moved in to our new house.
The Avid Reader: What is your "to die for", favorite food/foods to eat?
Rusty Fischer: I am partial to Little Debbies, myself!!!
The Avid Reader: Do you have any advice for anyone that would like to be an author?
Rusty Fischer: Don't let anybody stop you from writing. If you want to take a break, cool off, recharge your batteries, whatever, fine, but don't let anyone -- agents, editors, publishers, reviewers, bloggers, whoever -- detract you from doing what you love to do!!!
Rusty Fischer is the author of Zombies Don't Cry, as well as several other popular zombie books, including Panty Raid at Zombie High, Detention of the Living Dead and the Reanimated Readz series of 99-cent living dead shorts.
Rusty runs the popular website Zombies Don't Blog. At Zombies Don't Blog you can read more about Rusty's work, view his upcoming book covers and read - or download - completely FREE books & stories about… zombies!
The giveaway is tour wide for 3 Ebook copies of Detention of the Living Dead by Rusty Fischer and ends Nov. 30th
Be sure and check out all the other stops on the tour.
Nov. 15th- Happy Tails and Tales (Review/Giveaway)
Nov. 16th- Lizzy's Dark Fiction (Review/Guest Post)
Nov. 19th- The Avid Reader (Interview/Giveaway)
Nov. 20th- Paranormal Fans for Life (Guest Post/Giveaway)
Nov. 21st- Mallory Heart Reviews (Book Review/Interview)
Nov. 22nd- A Bit of Dash (Deleted Scene/Giveaway)
Nov. 23rd- Books and Beauty (Review)
This tour was put together by FMB Blog Tours
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