Monday, July 9, 2012

Blog A Quote #8

Blog A Quote is weekly meme hosted by Michelle Chew Writes. Each week we will be sharing a quote from our favorite books. For more info and to sign up visit Michelle Chew Writes.

My quote for this week is from Evernight By Claudia Gray

My quote for this week is from Evernight By Claudia Gray

Evernight (Evernight, #1)

“The silence between us stretched out, but it wasn't awkward. Sometimes there are people you can be quiet with, and you never feel the need to fill the gap with meaningless chit-chat. I'd only become that close to a couple people in my hometown, and I'd always thought it took years. Lucas and I were already there. ”

I like this quote because my husband and I can sit for hours and never say a word but we are ok with this. We love and trust each other and are confident in who we are. We don't need the other to fill certain emotional needs. We don't need to be the center of attention.

What is your favorite quote?


Michelle Chew said...

Love the quote! :) I'm this way with one of my closest friend since high school. We practically think alike. Hehe..