Saturday, July 21, 2012

Blog Tour: Giveaway + Interview with T.C. Archer Author of Chain Reaction

Today I would like to welcome T.C. Archer to The Avid Reader. I will be interviewing T.C. Archer. Stay tuned because after the interview there will be a giveaway of 13 Ebook copies of Chain Reaction (Phenom League, #1) by T. C. Archer.

Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction, Chain Reaction Book Cover FMB

Book Title: Chain Reaction

Series: Phenom League, Book 1

Author: T. C. Archer

Published: February 18th 2012

Publisher: Silver Publishing

Genre: Romance


Words: 65,000

Book Description:

Former Chicago Detective Jordan Pierce put his life on hold in order to protect America's secret weapon against the Nazis, The Manhattan Project. But he can't protect himself as his humanity is eaten away by a mysterious disease that destroys him, while at the same time makes him more powerful than any man he's ever known. Jordan finds out how much the disease has devoured his soul when he falls in love with the woman who might destroy America and tear apart his last shred of humanity.

Buy Links:






A moment later, I halted in front of the closed door where Dr Nichols waited. The name painted on the glass read: Dr Enrico Roma, the alias of the great scientist and Nobel Prize laureate Enrico Fermi. The alias didn't fool anybody but the ignorant. Light shone through the milky glass window. I blew out a breath. The last thing I wanted to do was interrogate a hysterical woman.

I opened the door and stopped dead at the sight of a shapely blonde leaning against Fermi's mahogany desk. I stared as realization sunk in that the Veronica Lake look-alike standing there was the same egghead pictured in her personnel file. The glasses she'd worn were absent and, despite the red-rimmed eyes and drawn expression, the single overhead light warmed the creamy complexion that had looked bland and colorless in the photo.

Thick blond hair slid across her face in a broad wave and flowed down slim shoulders. Suddenly, I understood the reasoning behind the functional bun in the picture. Despite the legs that mesmerized a man all the way down to the high heel straps, the tweed skirt and blazer she wore emphatically stated the bombshell figure was off limits. But the moment a man laid eyes on her luxurious hair all bets were off. My breath caught with bloodlust as I drew in her scent from across the room.

Gray-blue eyes stared from behind the drape of blond hair. Her gaze flicked to my waistband and I realized she'd glimpsed the colt holstered beneath my suit jacket.

"You wear your gun like a gangster," she said.

I startled. Her voice, low and sultry, held a shaky note, but I knew the remark was payment for my staring.

"This incident requires I carry a weapon." My drill sergeant used to berate any reference to the word gun. "Your gun is between your legs, son. Your pistol or rifle is called a weapon."

She continued to stare and guilt stabbed at me. She'd discovered a colleague who'd been brutally murdered, and I stood in the doorway gawking at her. I swallowed, feeling like a school kid.

"Dr Nichols, I'm Agent Pierce, head of nightshift security." Her fingers tightened around a lace handkerchief gripped in her right palm. I didn't want to step closer, but had to. Her pheromones were making my blood, or what was left of it, crave an infusion from her veins. "What happened?"

Her gaze dropped to the hankie and she began working the fabric with both hands. "I was working late and needed Leon to come to the lab. I couldn't get the Geiger counter to calibrate. I knocked. When no one answered, I opened the door and…" Her eyes swung up to meet mine. "So much blood." Her gaze remained locked with my eyes as if demanding a response.

"I'm sorry," I offered. "I thought you were assigned to dayshift."

She swiped at the corners of her eyes with the handkerchief. "I switched shifts yesterday so Leon and I could calibrate the new equipment."

I nodded. The scientists worked a twelve hours on, twelve off schedule seven days a week. We were in a race against Nazi scientists while men died in Europe, North Africa, and the Pacific. "Did you notice anything unusual tonight?" I asked.


"Hear anything strange on the way to Dr Heinrick's office, pass anyone in the hall?"

She shook her head. "Maybe he's still here." Something in the way she stared at—through—me, searching for answers and fearing what she might find, threatened to tip me off balance. "The murderer is gone," I replied in a level voice.

"How do you know?"

"A hunch," I said, and meant it.

"Why kill Heinrick?" she said. "Why not Compton or Fermi? But Heinrick…" Her voice trailed off.

"Are you saying Heinrick didn't know anything worth killing for?"

"I suppose we all know something worth killing for. Each scientist on this project is top in his or her field. But the project will go on without Heinrick. If we lost Oppenheimer, or Fermi, the project would be delayed, if not brought to a standstill."

"Did you enter Heinrick's office?" "No, I took one look and ran."

The response, given without hesitation, or guile, made me wonder if this woman ran from anything.

"This was the first office I came to," she said.

Her story made sense, and my instincts said she was telling the truth. I had learned to trust my sixth sense, especially the last eight months. This ability was another one of those things I couldn't explain, like being conscious of the way her pheromones where working on me double-time.

"Are you staying in the dorm?" I asked. She nodded.

"I'll have someone escort you there."

Desire to go with her shot to the surface with the heat of a volcano. I pictured white skin, full breasts, and blond hair between perfect thighs. I forced my breathing to remain even, and the swelling in my shorts abated. I'd never experienced such sudden, intense lust. If I escorted her back to her room I would drink her blood—and God only knew what I would do to her afterward. My pulse jumped with the thought of her warm blood flowing past my tongue down my throat… and her tight walls closing around me as I entered her. "I have to complete my measurements before the day shift," she said. I jarred from the erotic thought. "There's not enough equipment to go around," she added.

I nodded. "Of course."

Clipped footsteps sounded almost noiselessly on the linoleum floor of the hallway and I recognized McHenry's walk two seconds before Dr Nichols's eyes shifted over my shoulder.


I glanced back to see him standing in the open doorway.

"The general wants to talk to you."

A measure of sanity reasserted itself. I had to get away from her, now. "Could you escort Dr Nichols back to the lab?"

His expression lightened. "No problem." He stepped aside and motioned toward the door with an open hand. "Dr Nichols."

She cast me a farewell glance and headed toward the door. I tried tearing my eyes from the gentle sway of hips as she walked past, but couldn't, and felt the heat swell to the surface again. I had to find one of the small rodents whose blood I drank to keep my thirst for human blood at bay, or go back to Heinrick and hope the congealed blood in his decaying body would make me forget the craving. Rising desire twisted my insides and I feared even Heinrick's dead blood wouldn't work against the warm, pulsing blood of Dr Nichols.

Interview with T.C. Archer

  1. What inspired you to write Chain Reaction?
  2. Shawn: Evan started the draft of Chain Reaction. However, we were playing with the idea of a superhero story, of sorts. We knew the time period we wanted and the fact that we wanted paranormal characters. When he gave me those opening chapters, I fell in love with the story.

    Evan: I’ve been thinking about how lucky the allies were to have won critical battles, developed game changing technology, and forced the axis powers to make mistakes. This triggered a ‘what if’ scenario in my thinking. What if a few phenomenal people placed themselves in the right place and the right time to nudge the execution of the war in the favor of one side (or the other).

  3. When or at what age did you know you wanted to be a writer?

  4. Shawn: I came to writing a bit later in life. I was in my early thirties when I began to get the bug to write. It took me nearly seven years to get the courage to write my first book.

    Evan: For me it happened in my 30’s. I began writing fiction junior high, but I must have been a dopey kid because I didn’t know people made a living writing stories. I picked a profession and went a long time thinking that defined me as a person. Fortunately, I was compelled to write and write and write, and when textbooks and papers were not enough, I took the plunge back into fiction.

  5. What is the earliest age you remember reading your first book?

  6. Shawn: Ugh! I was (am), a total geek. I read my first book at four.

    Evan: When I was very young, I had a book of nursery rhymes. My parents would tell their friends to pick any page and I would read it. In my opinion, I had them memorized. It was some time later when I picked up a book on my own accord. I could not have been much younger than 12 or 13. Boys have other things to do, especially when one has a bike and a BB gun.

  7. What genre of books do you enjoy reading?

  8. Shawn: I love pretty much any genre. I really just love reading. Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of suspense and science fiction.

    Evan: I like science fiction, mysteries, suspense, and the classics. Right now, I’m reading Anna Karenina again.

  9. What is your favorite book and why?

  10. Shawn: That’s easy! A Tale of Two Cities. Charles Dickens is the master of characterization.

    Evan: Lord of the Rings. I like that book because the plot is complex it has great characters, and has an epic story.

  11. You know I think we all have a favorite author. Who is your favorite author and why?

  12. Shawn: Charles Dickens. My favorite modern author is Stephen King—who loves Dickens, btw!

    Evan: I’d say Arthur C. Clarke. I started reading everything he wrote after I saw the movie 2001, A Space Odyssey.

  13. I read in your bio that you like to write about time travel and space travel. If you could travel back in time here on earth to any place or time. Where would you go and why?

  14. Shawn: First century Rome. There was a lot going on at that time. I’d love to see just how mankind stepped into the new millennium.

    Evan: HA, Shawn. I thought you would want to go to 18th century Scotland. I want to go to July 1969 and watch Neil Armstrong walk on the Moon from mission control in Houston.

    Shawn: (I don’t know who Evan is kidding. He was around in 1969. He’s old.)

  15. When writing a book do you find that writing comes easy for you or is it a difficult task?

  16. Shawn: ROFL. The idea is easy.

    Evan: Some things are easy, but it’s mostly hard work.

  17. Do you have any little fuzzy friends? Like a dog or a cat?  Or any pets?

  18. Shawn: Sadly, not right now.

    Evan: I two dogs, an Australian shepherd and a pug. We do AKC agility competitions and I take them to a training center every Tuesday night so they can train me.

  19. What is your "to die for", favorite food/foods to eat?

  20. Shawn: I love donuts! But I won’t touch them with a ten foot pole. Well, maybe a couple times a year. Heh heh.

    Evan: German chocolate cake. I love the icing.

  21. Do you have any advice for anyone that would like to be an author?

  22. Shawn: Read, write, and write more.

    Evan: Read every day, write every day, and join a critique group.

About the Author:

T. C. Archer is comprised of award winning authors Evan Trevane and Shawn M. Casey. They live in the Northeast.

Evan puts his Ph.D. to good use by writing about alternate realities, and Shawn channels the mythology and philosophy she studied during her wasted youth into writing about exotic places and times.

Evan and Shawn write romantic sci-fi, paranormal romance and romantic suspense.

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The Giveaway will be 13 Ebook copies of Chain Reaction (Phenom League, #1) by T. C. Archer.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure and check out the other stops on the Tour

Tour Schedule:

July 17th- The Jeep Diva (Book Review/Giveaway)

July 18th- The Bunnys Review (Book Review/Author Interview)

July 19th- Full Moon Bites (Giveaway/Promo Post)

July 20th- Heart Of A Wolf (Book Review/Author Interview)

July 21st- The Avid Reader (Author Interview/Giveaway)

July 22nd- A Dream Within A Dream (Giveaway/Promo Post)

July 23rd- Proserpine Craving Books (Author Interview/Giveaway)

July 24th- A Bit of Dash (Promo Post/Giveaway)

July 25th- A Diary Of A Book Addict (Book Review/Giveaway)

July 26th- Tricia Kristufek (Book Review/Giveaway)

July 27th- Books & Beauty (Author Interview/Promo Post)

July 28th- Ramblings of an Amateur Writer (Giveaway/Promo Post)

July 28th- Black Hippie Chick's Take on Books &The World (Book Review/Giveaway)

July 29th- Blood, Lust and Erotica (Author Interview/Giveaway)

July 29th- A Page Away (Giveaway/Promo Post)

July 30th- Off the Page (Author Interview/Promo Post)

July 31st- Simply Infatuated (Author Interview/Giveaway)

This tour was put together by FMB Blog Tours


Kimberly @ Turning the Pages said...

I've heard some really good things about this one, I enjoyed the interview! I'm adding this one to my wishlist :)
-my link text

The Avid Reader said...

Thanks Kimberly for stopping by. It is always a pleasure to hear your comments.