Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and would LOVE to see your top ten lists! the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.
For future Top Ten Tuesday topics, check them out here!
This weeks Top Ten List
Top Ten Most Vivid Worlds/Settings In Books
Fire Baptized (Habitat #1) by Kenya Wright
The supernaturals are forced by humans to live in caged cities. Can you image being trapped inside fences and you can't get out? Not being able to travel to other parts of the country.
Darkness Falls (Darkness Falls #1) by Jessica Sorensen
A virus spreads through the world turning people into vampires. These vampires are your drop dead gorgeous vampires that you normally see in other books. They are hideous, grossest creatures that will kill any humans they meet or see.
Shatter Me by (Shatter Me #1) by Tahereh Mafi
Juliette is locked in a cell just because she touched someone and they died. She was only trying to help them. Juliette has not touched another human being in 264 days. She has not been outside to feel the warmth of the sunshine on her face. They keep her locked up in a dark foreboding cell with no human contact of any kind.
The Fall (The God Slayers Trilogy #1) by David L. Dawson
They live in Glass Palace, a run down mall with lots of other people. When they reach the age of 15 they have to go out into the world alone on a journey that makes them an adult. The Order Of Power a group of people that worship the Gods are fighting to try to keep everyone else in the power of the Gods.
Fire & Ice (Icefire Trilogy) by Patty Jansen
For fifty years the Eagle Knights have ruled the city, killing all the Imperfects, leaving them as newborn babies to die on the ice floes. Tandor is tired of seeing his kinfolk slaughtered and left to die. He wants to take back control of the City of Glass from the Eagle Knights.
Zombie Fever: Malaysia Outbreak by B.M. Hodges
They will be racing through The Zombie Zone. Malaysia has been over run by zombies. Maylaysian called the zombie's 'Berjalan penyakit' in English it means the 'walking infection'. Everyone in the Zombie Zone has been evacuated or has succumbed to the fever. The zombies in Zombie Fever are a little different than the zombies in The Walking Dead or movies that you see on tv. These zombies are a lot faster and they seem to have retained some of their intelligences if you can call it that.
Hollowland (The Hollows #1) by Amanda Hocking
A medical compound set up for survivors of the zombie apocalypse. In this compound they have trailers set up for people to live in. They have Remy's 8 year old brother in the building on the compound. He is immune to the zombie disease. They are using him as human guinea pig.
Starters (Starters and Enders #1) by Lissa Price
Callie her little brother Tyler and her friend Michael are children who lost their parents in the Spores War and have no one to claim them and be their guardian. Children like Callie live in abandon bulidings and eat whatever they can find on the streets. Callie is a very strong person that grows up very fast to take care of her little brother. She has no choice, she is all he has now.
Children of the Gods (A Chosen Novel) by Monica Millard
On the night of the choosing everyone that was the right age to be in the choosing all lined up in their rows. Reka was one of the chosen. They took her away to her new home which was a ship. Reka was so terrified when they reached the ship and the doors started to slide open that she almost fainted. Upon entering the ship she learns that she will be the host body to their queen. They place an alien worm inside of her that is the queen. Reka is a very strong person; she is the stronger of the two between her and the queen inside her body. This is not normal; the queen is supposed to be the stronger of the two with Reka only being an annoyance inside her head.
Lord of the Mullets (Trailer Country Trilogy, #1) by A.M. Sawyer
Two witches, Sasha and Matilda who are very evil and cruel want to rule the world. Sasha is a very powerful witch, the strongest in the land. No one has ever been able to fight her and win. They start out on their journey to rule the world and end up in Trailer Country where the rednecks live. They find out from the King of Eldies that the rednecks weakness was beer. So they put a spell on all the beer in Trailer country that will cause everyone to be in pain with hangovers. But there are these three rednecks, George, Fred and Billy that they don't count on that are out of money and can't buy beer. They have used up all of their resources to obtain beer when they are out.
I agree that the dystopian worlds in Starters and Shatter Me were very vivid and shocking. Not places I'd want to visit!
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