Thursday, April 30, 2015

#Review: Saving Eve by Dianna Hardy @TheWitchingPen

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Saving Eve by Dianna Hardy
Publisher: Satin Smoke Press
Published: First edition (April 28, 2015)


Author's Note: Saving Eve is the story of what happened to Lucifer after The Last Dragon (The Witching Pen series) - the only character who had a "loose thread" in that series. If you haven't read The Witching Pen series, stop now and read no further. Read that first. I tried really hard (too hard, actually) to make this book readable for all, but just as with The Last Dragon (for which I had the same intention), I failed. Lucifer's personality, hinted at story, and the creation myth set up in that series proved to be too complex to explain all over again, in this book's context, without losing some of the intensity of this story and making things more complicated than they needed to be. So, the end result is that Saving Eve - even though not directly part of the arc of The Witching Pen series - is truly one for Witching Pen fans, and in particular, for those who had a soft spot for Lucifer, the first angel to fall. It begins at the point we left Lucifer in The Last Dragon...

Amid long, wild grass, a snake slithers, hidden. Hidden until a man opens his eyes…

Awaking with amnesia in St Mary's Hospital, after a near-fatal freak accident, he is known only as Luc. With the help of Evie Gold, the kind, young woman who found him, he starts a new life – a second chance, a clean slate.

A bond burgeons between them.

But disturbing dreams of dark deeds become waking recountings. A blackness is uncoiling – seductive, familiar and dangerously provocative.

An ancient craving stirs; an old addiction rises.

Nothing is as it seems, and as reality crumbles, Luc finds himself asking, not just who he is, but...

Who is Evie?

From the author of the international bestselling Witching Pen series, Dianna Hardy takes a seed from The Last Dragon, and brings you an existential story of two beings in search of completion.

My Review:

I received a free copy of the book from the author for my honest opinion.

Dianna never stops amazing me with her writing. With each story of hers that I have read she knows just the right words to say to open my eyes and mind or at least make me think about the things that we have been taught. If your mind is already open she gives you more to think about and opens your mind even more. I love reading Dianna's books because I learned something from each and every one that I have read. You've heard the saying "My cup runneth over"? Well my cup will never be full or run over. I will always have room for more. My cup doesn't have a bottom in it.

I love how in Saving Eve that Dianna saw the good and the bad in both Eve aka Evie and Lucifer aka Lucky or Luc for short. We all have a good side and a bad side. With some of us we only show our good side but once in a while something will set us off and our bad side will sneak out until we come to our sense's and gain control of our bad side again. Then there are some of us who lets our bad side show at all times but once in a while we will let the good side of us peep out.

I also loved how she took biblical characters and told their stories and lives; the way she saw it and gave us a more in depth look into their lives and the people they were and who they became. Eve was a quiet and shy person who stayed to herself. Eve was a lonely woman who thought she was going to spend the rest of her life all alone. Then she met Luc who changed all of that and changed the way she looked at life. Luc had been looking for Eve for a very long time. He searched all four corners of the Earth from one end to the other.

Any writer who can cause you to like someone that you were taught growing up to hate is one amazing author and person in my book. You know it's not just the words that you are reading that show you the good in Lucifer it is what is in the author's heart too. It just shows me that Dianna can find good in almost anybody.

There is something about Eve and Lucifer being together that means something to me but I can't quiet put my finger on it just yet. Not knowing what it is that I feel like I am missing something is frustrating me to the point where I want pull my hair out. UGG! I know that Saving Eve is going to be on my mind for a while until I figure out what it is that I am missing. It has something to do with both Eve and Luc like everyone else as well; having good and evil in them. I don't know what it is but it is like when their together not only are they balanced but so is the world in its own way.

If you have not read Saving Eve yet then I recommend that you do right now. That is if you have read The Witching Pen Series and The Last Dragon a companion novel to The Witching Pen Series first. Otherwise you will have a difficult time understanding what is going on in Saving Eve. While you are at it why not check out her series Eye of the Storm too. Thanks Dianna for writing such amazing novels and giving me the opportunity to read them.

Author Bio:

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Dianna Hardy is the international bestselling author of The Witching Pen series and the Eye Of The Storm series. She combines a titillating mix of contemporary and paranormal romance into her writing, as well as urban and dark fantasy, to bring you stories that are action-packed, fast- paced and not short of heat, with the focus on both character development and the plot. She writes full-length novels and short fiction.

She currently lives in Surrey (United Kingdom) with her partner and their daughter, where she writes full-time.

Cover Reveal: Tryst Series by Marie York @MarkMyWordsPR

Tryst Series by Marie York
 Cover Reveal
April 30, 2015


Dark and mysterious, Jaxon Reed is Lyla Scott's living breathing sexual fantasy. There's one problem, though. She's with Kyle, the love of her life. She shouldn't feel this way about anyone else, right? But when disaster strikes with Kyle, she can't help but wonder about Jax. Lyla doesn't usually do this, but could a steamy tryst be the answer to her heartbreak?

Goodreads Link

About the Author 

An American writer who works the corporate circuit by day but come nightfall transforms into a steamy writer. She loves the city life and a good cocktail.


Virtual Tour: WRONG SIDE OF THE GRAVE by Bryna Butler @MogdocNews @GoddessFish #Giveaway


by Bryna Butler


When the dearly departed of Point Pleasant start walking and talking, the Men in Black mark Mothman as suspect number one. A fun read, Wrong Side of the Grave is a fast-action Teen Sci-Fi Mystery with a paranormal twist.

Parent Approved: Contains no profanity or sexual content.


A beep sounds off as Warner locks down the vehicle so he doesn’t wander off. No one can get in or out.

Most of the [Men in Black] black suits’ vehicles are equipped with the feature. Of course, that’s a lesson I learned the hard way...more than once.

From the trunk Warner pulls a shiny black, rectangular box. I think he’s going to open it from the top, but he slides his index finger over one of the small ends and it disappears. The end, not his finger. Warner repeats the motion on the opposite end and a large red button appears.

“Probably pretty tempting not to pocket one of those suit gadgets and try your luck as a magician in Vegas.” I smirk.

“You laugh,” he says. “But they actually have protocols in place for that. They call it the Penn and Teller Contingent.”


He just shrugs as he begins to pump the red button. With each intake of air, the box hums and whirs as he watches a tiny screen that has appeared on its top.

“There’s a trace of her DNA still here,” he announces. “Maybe we can find a trail.”

“So that’s like a bloodhound in a box? Handy.”

He tips his chin up to me. “DNA detector. Analyzes hair, bodily fluids, and even microscopic skin particles floating in the air. Anything that contains DNA, no matter how small, this device is on it.”

“Handy and disgusting.”

“Let’s focus on the handy,” he suggests.

Bryna Butler is a journalism-trained writer having authored dozens of articles and financial publications before taking the leap into fiction in 2011. Her first book, Of Sun & Moon, skyrocketed to number one on Kindle top free charts in the categories of Teen/YA Supernatural Mystery, Teen/YA Romantic Mystery, and Teen/YA Time Travel in the U.S. and U.K. when the title went to free status in 2014. Butler’s work is free of profanity and sexual content making them safe reads for pre-teen as well as teen readers.


$50 Amazon/BN 

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your chances of winning.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Blog Tour: Buddy Carruthers, Wide Receiver (First & Ten #2) By Jean C. Joachim @JeanJoachim @GHBTours #Giveaway

Buddy Carruthers, Wide Receiver
First & Ten #2
By- Jean C. Joachim
Genre- Sports Romance

Known for his record-breaking stats and womanizing ways, wide receiver, Buddy Carruthers, would give it all up for one chance to win the only woman he ever wanted, Emmy Meacham. Hard-won games, and traveling half the season kept Buddy from pursuing his secret passion. Even if he managed to corner her for a moment, would she still care? 

Now a rock star known as Emerald, Emmy lived her life on the road with no time for love. In her dreams, she longed to turn back the clock and spend another night with Buddy. But lies and deceit had kept them apart for five years. Would a chance meeting wash away those years or cause old wounds to resurface? Could two lives traveling in opposite directions make room for love or would they continue to spin, out of sync, and always alone?



Cover Reveal: Palace Secrets (Palace Secrets #1) by Ravyn Rayne @BlushingRavyn


Title: Palace Secrets
Series: Palace Secrets #1
Author: Ravyn Rayne
Publisher: Blushing Books
Expected Publication: June 6, 2015

Love comes in many forms and always at a price.

At twenty-three, Princess Isabella must settle down for the sake of her kingdom. Caught up in a secret affair with her lady-in-waiting, Hannah, the princess knows it can only last for so long.

When Prince Alexander arrives to court her, he confides that his father is on his death bed, and he will be crowned king soon. Isabella hastily agrees to the proposal, desiring to be queen, knowing little about her soon to be husband.

Murder, secrets, and lies combine with menage, spanking, and erotic encounters in this steamy medieval romance.


Teardrops fall from the sky as I sit in my room with the window open, watching the dirt road into the castle. Prince Alexander, from a neighboring kingdom, is scheduled to arrive at court today. It's no secret I've made things difficult for the last prince that courted me. I can't remember his name, only his beady eyes and putrid breath. I have no desire to tie my heart down.

The thought terrifies me to no end.

There's a knock at my door and I shut my window, keeping the mood from seeping inside. Silly superstitions.

"Princess Isabella," Hannah says, greeting me with a curtsey. Her blonde hair is braided intricately across the top of her head and down her back. I wonder who did her the honor. She's wearing my favorite color on her too, a deep rich blue that accentuates and compliments her pale blue eyes.

I pull her into my room, slamming the door shut behind her. Hopefully no one saw her entrance. If they did, we can surely think up an excuse for her presence in my room. Unlike a boy, there's no rules being broken having Hannah alone in my chambers. Lucky me.

Without thought, my lips descend onto hers, shoving her forcefully against the door.

Hannah is not shy, though she pretends to be around my parents. I don't blame her, they are intimidating and also the king and queen of our land.

"You have to tell your father King William," Hannah whispers between kisses. Her fingers slip against the back of my neck, moving my dark locks to one side. Hannah's rosy lips fall against my bare skin, kissing a path up to my ear. "It's the only way we can be together."

"He'll never allow it," I say and sigh letting my eyes shut. I worry that confessing my feelings for her might result in her banishment from our kingdom. It's not only the fact Hannah is a woman and our relationship is forbidden, there's also the issue that she's a lady-in-waiting.

She's not of royal blood and I'm to marry a prince and strengthen our alliance. Nothing can ever develop between us more than lust and romance.

About the Author

Ravyn Rayne

Ravyn is a sassy, fun-loving, and adventure-seeking young woman. She loves to travel and can't wait for her next vacation, wherever it might be.

Ravyn writes romantic erotica. She began writing romance novels in college, spending her down time either reading a book or writing fiction. Please don't make her choose between the two, she loves them equally.

Although BURNING DESIRE is her debut romantic erotica novel, it is not her first published book. She has been published professionally since 2013. You can find her other books here.

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Release Day Blitz: Stolen Art by Ruth Silver @writeawaybliss #Giveaway


Title: Stolen Art

Author: Ruth Silver

Publisher: Lazy Day Publishing

Release Date: April 28, 2015

Genre: Young Adult, Sci-Fi Romance

Stolen Art

Sixteen-year-old Madeline has been living on the streets, biding her time until she's eighteen. With little to no money, she takes on a heist in hopes of making ends meet. What could possibly go wrong?


Getting caught is just the beginning of Madeline's adventure as she meets Weston and discovers the secret of where she came from.

Fans of Orphan Black, The X-Files, and Fringe will fall head over heels for STOLEN ART.

Recommended: 15+

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I rush back up the dark stairwell, shoving the key into the doorknob. It takes a minute for the lock to click and I push myself inside the apartment, securing every lock and deadbolt. I can't stay here in Hutchinson, Kansas any longer. Pulling my phone from my purse, I text Weston.

Tatiana is here. It's not safe for me.

I grab the few belongings that have any value to me, sentimental or otherwise, and shove it into my shoulder bag, including the stolen silver necklace. It has value and if I'm forced on the run, I'll need money to survive.

I know.

What did Weston mean he knew Tatiana is at the bar? Had he seen her? Is he there?

What do you mean, you know? I type into the phone. If he saw her, why didn't he warn me? I can't go down out the front door and it's only a matter of time until she finds me just a few feet away. I grow restless waiting for an answer.

The phone buzzes and displays an incoming call from Weston. "Wes, tell me you're here." The only thing to do is hop in his car and drive into the night, far from Kansas.

A female's voice bubbles with laughter. "Oh he's coming darling, but you should know he won't get here in time. Amazing how easy it is to clone a phone number and steal his service. The advancements Stem Tech has made is encouraging."

teaser stolen art2

About the Author

Ruth Silver

Ruth Silver is the best-selling author of the Aberrant trilogy. With a passion for writing and a love of story-telling, Ruth is actively writing multiple series under her name as well as the pen name Ravyn Rayne. Her interests include traveling, reading, and photography. Her favorite vacation destination is Australia. Ruth currently resides in Plainfield, Illinois.

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Looking for a steamier read? Check her out here

book series

Virtual Tour: Metamorphosis: The Trey Parker Story by R.W. Reels @RReels @GoddessFish #Giveaway

Metamorphosis: The Trey Parker Story
by R.W. Reels


Metamorphosis: The Trey Parker Story, the first novel in a three-part paranormal thriller series. A young male is forever changed after a near death experience. His incident invites the attention of a covert Government agency. A gritty detective remains diligent in discovering the facts of the incident and encounters opposition from the unlikeliest of places.


The men average six feet and two hundred pounds each, most with two-day-old stubble. They stand waiting as their sergeant, nicknamed Razor, walks across the half-lit Air Force hangar to speak to the captain. Razor’s camouflage pants and green T-shirt fade in the dim hangar as he approaches the captain, but his black jump boots glisten. “Sir, the men would like to say a prayer.”

The veins throb in the captain’s neck, as if his heart has pushed all of his blood to the wrong spot. “Bullshit! You got to be shitting me, Razor. You tell the men to save their breath for when the rounds fly. I don’t take orders from women … and I don’t take orders from God.”

The seasoned communications officer turned Green Beret’s shoulder thumps Razor in the chest as he walks past him and back to his A-team in the Okinawa, Japan hanger—far from their home base at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Huddled around an enlarged map spread on an easel, the twelve burly soldiers can see the answer on the captain’s face as he walks toward them with Razor a few steps behind.

His laser pointer stops on an area on the map circled in red tape. The captain says, “You have your orders, men … We land here … about twenty clicks from our target. Here,” he slides his red dot into an area on the map circled in green tape. “We’ll rotate, carrying the ordnance every two clicks … then we’ll take out the target from this ridgeline. Too easy. Any questions?”

The captain looks around, but no one says a word. In fact, the eyes of his soldiers turn away for the first time that he can remember. No plan survives first contact with the enemy—they all know that. The captain glances at his men. “Your M14s will save you, not God.”

The captain writes each of their names deep into his memory, but finds no time for praying. “Grab your gear, men.”

The group of Green Berets quick-time it out of the hangar and onto a C-141 Air Force jet with a classified destination. They were all briefed on their infiltration plan, and were told no feasible exfiltration plan could be formulated. After planning the destruction of the target, military leaders could not agree on an exit strategy. No escape plan was sound enough that Pentagon planners were willing to put their ‘John Hancock’ on. The Green Berets will be on their own, and truer still, their lives will be in the hands of their young captain—and God, if he cares.

 Having worked so hard to earn the respect of his sergeants, a challenge West Point Military Academy barely prepared him for, the captain quietly fears he may have just lost it. Most of the sergeants are older than he is and have families of their own, while he is still a bachelor. They have great reason to want to keep their lives. The captain’s baby is a new black Hummer he enjoys cruising around the base on the weekends.

My infatuation with writing was born before I ever took my first breath, somewhere on the rural plains of Eastern North Carolina, nourished by the adventures of my grandmother’s childhood. From the time I was only four or five years old, her memories gave flight to my imagination and fuel to my curiosities. Her stories widened my eyes to the fascinatingly bizarre in the everyday.

As a young girl, my grandmother would bring her puppy with her to stalk rabbits every morning. The two of them would chase an unlucky long-eared rascal until it escaped into a hollow at the base of a tree, and she would run a stick around the inside of the opening as though churning butter. The spell of the sound and vibration would lure the rabbit out of the tree and into her hands.

Good fiction, inventive and provocative fiction, reverberates in readers and spellbinds them. It can spur surprise, delight, discomfort, and revelation and defy reason. As a storyteller, I strive to help others solve their problems by sharing things that I have read about, heard about, and seen. But I also prize the look on people’s faces when they hear the brilliant punch line of a joke, or when they experience an epiphany that knocks the logical wind out of them. These are the reactions that I live to inspire in my audiences when I write paranormal thrillers.

My obsession with the extraordinary in my writing might also, ironically, stem from my 20-year career in the U.S. Army. I can allow my mind to wander in the extraterrestrial sphere while my love for my country keeps me grounded in domestic affairs. Of all of my accomplishments, serving as a paratrooper in a Special Forces Group and a Field Artillery outfit during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm claims high rank. Few situations force a person to confront his humanity as painfully as going off to war, and this experience taught me both to accept accountability for my actions and to trust others. Eventually, I became a successful Army Recruiter and Station Commander, earning the Top Recruiting Station awards in Dallas and Seattle Recruiting Battalions. North Carolina Central University granted me a Public Service Award for my work in the local community. And currently, I serve fellow veterans as an HR Specialist for the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Other passions of mine include playing chess, traveling, and indulging in my contrarian nature by instigating debate. Spending time with my wife tops the list of my life’s privileges, however. Whether I am entertaining her with my emulation of Laurence Olivier as Marcus Crassus or protecting her from an elk during one of our photography excursions in the wild, I treasure her companionship and affection.

When I was twelve years old, I announced to my Aunt Becky and Cousin Tony that I wanted to write a book. They stared at me in astonishment. The world of publishing was an enigma to simple country folks in Beaufort, North Carolina in 1982. These days I am achieving my dream with the ebook, a medium through which I can express my individuality without sacrificing my voice to expectations of marketability, popularity, and deadlines. My goal is to create an opportunity for escapism that is bold and absolute.


$25 Amazon or B/N GC

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Cover Reveal: Desert Fire (Valley of Death Series Book # 2) By Charyse Allan @Chaaryse4 @GHBTours

Desert Fire
Valley of Death Series Book # 2
By- Charyse Allan
Genre- YA Thriller
Expected Publication Date- May 12th, 2015

Payton survived being forced to flee her home in order to escape the Elites. Yet she's still not safe. The Elites are relentless, and they won't give up their pursuit of her that easily. With her loved ones at risk, and trusting her boyfriend Conner, the two devise a plan to ditch her family in order to keep them safe. But their plan quickly backfires and puts everyone in even more danger.

Reiley is left behind when Payton leaves. Having to prove herself as a capable assassin, she joins Cadmar in his pursuit to track and end the Elites. Except the agency anticipates their every move. In her angst to establish herself, Reiley is caught off guard and makes a deadly mistake that jeopardizes everyones lives.

Betrayal, abductions, and murder stand between Payton, Reiley, and their loved ones. Can they trust anyone in a world of treachery and destruction?

Cover Unveil: Unruly by Cora Brent @StarAnge13

by: Cora Brent
Publication Date: May 2015
Cover Designer: Mayhem Cover Creations


Forbidden hookups are rarely simple.  
Claudia Giordano only plans to be home long enough to watch her eternally irresponsible father marry her high school nemesis.  
She never expects to embark on some horny sex odyssey with a wild nineteen-year-old baseball player.    
Easton Malone is cocky, crude and off-limits on so many levels.
That hot, reckless week should never have happened.  The only option is to forget.    
But life's triumphs and heartbreaks keep bringing Easton and Claudia together again.  
And again….
In the beginning they only find lust.
At the end they find each other.  
Along the way they find everything else.  
There will be sex.  (A lot of it.) 
There will be grief.  (You might find yourself ugly crying.)
But there will also be redemption in the face of tragedy.  
And yes, love will prevail.  

About the Author:

Cora Brent was born in a cold climate and escaped as soon as it was legally possible. Now, she lives in the desert with her husband, two kids and a prickly pear cactus she has affectionately named 'Spot'. Cora's closet is filled with boxes of unfinished stories that date back her 1980's childhood and all her life she has dreamed of being an author.  Amazingly, she is now a New York Times and USA Today bestselling writer of contemporary romance and begs not to be awakened from this dream.

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Release Day Book Blitz: Dragons Are People, Too by Sarah Nicolas @sarah_nicolas @entangledteen @NereydaG1003 #YABOUNDBOOKTOURS #Giveaway

Dragons Are People, Too
Release Date: 04/28/15
Entangled Teen

Summary from Goodreads:
Never judge a dragon by her human cover...

Sixteen-year-old Kitty Lung has everyone convinced she's a normal teen-not a secret government operative, not the one charged with protecting the president's son, and certainly not a were-dragon. The only one she trusts with the truth is her best friend-and secret crush-the über-hot Bulisani Mathe.

Then a junior operative breaks Rule Number One by changing into his dragon form in public-on Kitty's watch-and suddenly, the world knows. About dragons. About the Draconic Intelligence Command (DIC) Kitty works for. About Kitty herself.

Now the government is hunting down and incarcerating dragons to stop a public panic, and a new shape-shifting enemy has kidnapped the president's son. Kitty and Bulisani are the last free dragons, wanted by both their allies and their enemies. If they can't rescue the president's son and liberate their fellow dragons before getting caught themselves, dragons might never live free again.


Thank you so much for hosting me on your blog today! I have a little excerpt for you. In this scene, Kitty has just realized there's something a little off with the girl who just rode off with the President's son, Jacob.

"This is Draco Three. Probable threat."

"What -" Sani begins. I cut him off with a glare and, within half of a heartbeat, a confused realization dawns on his face.

"In Midday Sun's car. Now." I don't say much, but it's enough for my contact, whose name I don't actually know.

He pauses for maybe three seconds. It feels like an eternity. "Communication with the agents in the car is down. Can you pursue on foot?"

I start running at the word "down" and I'm already halfway down the driveway with Sani at my side when I say, "Pursuing."

"Secure Midday Sun," my contact orders. "At all costs."

"Understood." I don't bother hanging up before dropping both the phone and my backpack on the grass. Sani has already shed his pack.

The car is gaining speed on the main road, but traffic is keeping it from escaping completely. I can run about twenty miles an hour for several miles. Sani is faster. He's holding back to stay with me.

"Go!" I yell.

I know he wants to argue, but I'm not his friend right now. I'm his superior. To his credit, he doesn't hesitate longer than the time it takes for a single step. His stride lengthens. It's a matter of seconds before he's halfway between me and the car.

The front half of the black town car explodes in a fireball. My lungs are working overtime and I gulp in the acrid scent of burning rubber and gasoline. Tires all around us squeal as brakes are slammed. Somewhere to my left, a roaring crunch echoes the explosion, as two more cars collide in a less explosive way.

Dominic pops out of the sun roof, somehow looking confused and focused at the same time. He has his side-arm in his right hand and I dare to hope the Secret Service has control of the situation. But, somewhere inside me, I know better.

Dominic raises his gun and takes aim at Sani, who's fifty feet from the car. He fires four shots.

I let loose a primal roar as a bullet rips through Sani's left bicep. His shoulder jerks back at the impact, but his steps don't even falter.

About the Author
Sarah is a 30-something YA author who currently lives in Orlando, FL with a 60-lb mutt who thinks he's a chihuahua. She believes that some boys are worth trusting, all girls have power, and dragons are people too.

She's a proud member of the Gator Nation and has a BS in Mechanical Engineering, but has switched careers entirely. She now works as an Event Coordinator for a County Library and as a freelance book publicist and author's assistant. She also blogs at YAtopia and video blogs at the YA Rebels.

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Release Day Blitz: Life Unaware by Cole Gibsen @colegibsen @entangledteen @NereydaG1003 #YABOUNDBOOKTOURS #Giveaway

Life Unaware
Release Date: 04/28/15
Entangled Teen

Book Summary:
Regan Flay has been talking about you. 

Regan Flay is on the cusp of achieving her control-freak mother's "plan" for high school success?cheerleading, student council, the Honor Society-until her life gets turned horribly, horribly upside down. Every bitchy text. Every bitchy email. Every lie, manipulation, and insult she's ever said have been printed out and taped to all the lockers in school. 

Now Regan has gone from popular princess to total pariah. 
The only person who even speaks to her is her former best friend's hot but socially miscreant brother, Nolan Letner. Nolan thinks he knows what Regan's going through, but whatnobody knows is that Regan isn't really Little Miss Perfect. In fact, she's barely holding it together under her mom's pressure. But the consequences of Regan's fall from grace are only just beginning. Once the chain reaction starts, no one will remain untouched... 

Especially Regan Flay.

Video Guest Post:

About the Author
Cole Gibsen first realized she different when, in high school, she was still reading comic books while the other girls were reading fashion magazines.

It was her love of superheroes that first inspired her to pick up a pen. Her favorite things to write about are ordinary girls who find themselves in extraordinary situations.

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Book Blitz Organized by: