Thursday, March 31, 2016

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Deviations by Anma Natsu @XpressoReads @XpressoTours #XpressoBookTours

Anma Natsu
Publication date: February 14th 2016
Genres: Romance, Young Adult

“We’re just deviants, that’s all. You, me, Taka. We’re deliciously, wonderfully deviant.” 

Seventeen-year-old Miho has spent years struggling to deal with the aftermath of a tragic accident. Between the nightmares, PTSD, depression, and her parents’ abandonment, the burden of being the sole survivor has her near her breaking point. The darkness whispers to her, promises of release from the pain, from being a burden, if she is willing to give up. 

While the girls love classmate Shinji’s blond hair and blue eyes, to his father it’s all the proof he needs that his wife was unfaithful. Unwanted and unloved, Shinji is used to his mother’s hatred, his brother’s indifference, and his father’s violence. Male or female, he doesn’t care; his regular string of sexual partners helps him temporarily forget that he will soon have to leave the only person he loves, if he can survive that long. 

As the first-born son, Shinji’s best friend Taka has known from birth that his future was not his own. He’ll go to the right schools, get the right grades, take over the family business, and produce a perfect heir with a perfect wife, just as his father dictates. Taka’s wants and desires are irrelevant; he can’t change his fate nor escape it, any more than he can protect the only person who keeps him sane. 

Drawn to one another like moths to a flame, the three find themselves torn between what society deems acceptable and a happiness they never dreamed existed. 

**On sale for $2.99 until April 1st only!**

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You can request a review copy of Deviations here!


It’s funny how I never noticed till now. Miho, I mean. I’d talked to her a few times in the library, though only to exchange the usual greetings and perform book transactions. But we hadn’t really talked, not until Taka approached her. Then watching her, I realized she was like me. Her eyes had that same deadness to them. Did her preference for long clothes make it easier to cover bruises, like I had to? Was she always alone because it was easier—easier to hide the shame and the pain if you had no one around?

Now that I’d acknowledged it, I was hyperaware of it, looking for more clues. When she checked me out at the library, I thought I spotted a white scar on her wrist. I wanted to ask her, ask her about all of it, but that would have been crass. You never talk about that sort of thing in public, and not with strangers. We were still strangers, after all, even if we had the darkness in common.

After leaving the library, I’d taken the books to our hideout before heading back into town. I never took the books I got home out of fear something might happen to them. It was one thing when they were my own books, but letting my dad destroy other people’s property, much less community property, would be pretty crappy. So I kept them safe where only Taka and I could find them.

I was heading home when I spotted her walking across the river from me. I don’t think she saw me before that pack of girls surrounded her. It was clear they’d been lying in wait. I leaned on the rail and watched them with an odd sense of pride in Miho for not crying. She was used to it, like I was. People like us, we learn how to endure. Crying, appearing weak, it only gets them going worse, feeding on whatever it is inside them that makes them have to hurt others.

Miho only broke when they stole the scarf we’d picked out for her. That bothered me a little. Though I knew it was better not to interfere, I moved towards the bridge to cross to the other side.

I was halfway across when the scarf hit the river and Miho was left there to watch it float away. Only she didn’t. She dived into the water without hesitation. I ran, scared she would drown. All those heavy clothes could easily pull her under, but when I reached the bank I realized she was swimming. Her arms breached the water at her side before slicing back into the water above her head like a professional. The only difference was her legs stuck straight out behind her instead of kicking. Smart girl.

Then she was back at the bank and lying on top of me, both of us panting even though she’d done all the work. Her body was thin, but soft and warm. Her chest was small, a B cup at best, but more likely an A. Still, they felt nice. She felt nice.

Author Bio:
Anma Natsu is a Texas-based writer of stories that explore love in its various forms, including how it can be both good and bad parts of our lives, sometimes at the same time. Her not quite conventional stories span a range of genres but rarely follow the standard fare. 
When she isn't writing, writing, voraciously reading manga and light novels, playing too many video games, and hosting her own podcast, Anma works as a web developer and steals all the free time she can to snuggle with her sweetie and her pets. 
You can find her online at She's also active on Facebook, Google+, and Goodreads. 
Find out about Anma's upcoming works and get exclusive content by signing up for her mailing list at 


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Blog Tour + #Giveaway: Stricken (The War Scrolls Series #1) By A.K. Morgen @AKMorgen @StarAnge13

 Title: Stricken
Series: The War Scrolls Series #1
By: A.K. Morgen
Publication Date: March 8, 2016
Genre: NA Urban Fantasy/PNR

It took only four months to bring the angels to their knees…

With a virus ravaging the fallen angels on earth, mankind’s symbol of love and hope is at risk of extinction.

Centuries ago, a group of angelic warriors known as The Fallen risked everything to save themselves and carve a future for their kind. Hope slips away as The Fallen and their kin are cut down by an ancient menace, LaMorte Nera—and no one saw it coming.

Only one immortal can save them, and only one mortal can stand in his way…

When Nephilim warrior Killian St. James sets out on a quest to find a cure, he and his blade-brothers discover nineteen-year-old Aubrey Carter—a human with a past as dark as it is mysterious—cowering in an abandoned house in the heart of Memphis, Tennessee.

The corrupted races are chasing her, and Killian is determined to find out why…

But neither he nor Aubrey are prepared for their attraction to one another, or for the frightening truths lurking in the shadows. The painful childhood memories Aubrey has buried hold precious answers. Answers that threaten to tear Killian's world apart.

With her life hanging in the balance, Killian must choose between the future of The Fallen, and the human girl he's pledged to protect.

Demons are rising, and this time they plan to win the war for dominion once and for all.

Killian stepped forward, forcing her to tilt her head back to look up at him. He still seemed so big to her. He still overwhelmed her. But he didn’t frighten her anymore.

“You look tired.” She fought the urge to lift her hand to touch his gorgeous face.

“I am,” he said, the corner of his lips turning up in a half smile.


He stared down at her, his half smile slipping. A dizzying parade of emotions swirled through his eyes. She couldn’t read them all, but she understood enough. He felt as torn as she did.

“Will I remember you three years from now?” she whispered, her heart aching with the fear that she would forget him as she had so much else…and with fear that she would remember him. That she would survive this nightmare and he would haunt her for the rest of her days like so much else did.

“Do you want to remember me?” He took another step in her direction.

“I don’t know.”  She frowned, confused. “You make me feel like maybe the world isn’t so bad. Like maybe I’m safe with you. I don’t think I want to forget that.”

Killian tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek gently in one big hand. “You are safe with me. I won’t let anyone hurt you, Aubrey.”

She stared at him for a long, silent moment. He’d promised before that he wouldn’t hurt her, but even then an unspoken fear had stood between them like a wall. A little voice whispered that if she got too close, he would hurt her as badly as the things in her past hurt. That voice had stopped whispering when he’d kissed her today, and wasn’t that odd?

“You hurt me today.”

He bowed his head, letting his hand fall away from her face. “I’m sorry.”

Her heart ached a little at the agonized way he said it. As if it shamed him to know he’d hurt her. As if, maybe, he cared more than he should too.

“Why did you?” she asked, not accusing, but curious. She wanted to understand him. No, she needed to understand him on some level she couldn’t even explain to herself. “You wanted me, didn’t you?”

His gaze sought hers, honesty shining from his angel-bright eyes. “More than you know.”
Aubrey took a deep breath, letting her lungs fill with air even as her heart filled with his confession. And just as quickly, the buoyant feeling vanished. “It doesn’t change anything, though, does it?” she whispered.

“Do you want it to?”

She hesitated for a long moment, unsure. And then her shoulders slumped, the breath she’d taken expelling in a long sigh. “I’m sorry.”

Killian gave her a sad smile and reached for her again. He swept a finger beneath her eye, collecting the teardrop she hadn’t even realized had fallen. “No apologies,” he whispered, bringing his finger to his mouth. He stuck out the tip of his tongue and lapped that single bead of moisture from his fingertip. “You owe me nothing.”

If that was true, why did she feel like crying?

A.K. Morgen is the Amazon Bestselling author of the Ragnarök Prophesies series. She lives in the heart of Arkansas with her childhood sweetheart/husband of twelve years, and their five furry minions. When not writing, she spends her time hiking, reading, volunteering, causing mischief, and building a Spork army. Ayden graduated summa cum laude with her Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice and Forensic Psychology in 2009 before going on to complete her graduate degree in CJ and Law. She currently puts her education to use in the social services and CJ field.

Ayden also writes New Adult and contemporary romance under the penname Ayden K. Morgen. You can find her on Twitter, Facebook, or via her website at

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Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Alone by Kate L. Mary @kmary0622 @yaboundtourspr

Cover Reveal + #Giveaway: Sun and Moon by Desiree Williams @DWilliamsBooks @XpressoReads @XpressoTours #XpressoBookTours

Sun and Moon
Desiree Williams
Publication date: April 28th 2016
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult

There is nothing in life that eighteen year old Zara craves more than her freedom. Stolen from her home in Cadrebia at the age of eight, Zara has spent more years than she cared to admit as a slave to the Tankadesh courts. Her days are filled with protecting the princess, while she spends nights entertaining the king and his officials with her mastery of weapons. Any spare moment in between, she plots escape. 
Yet her hopes for freedom come to a crashing halt when a stranger arrives bearing the mark of her assigned lifemate, and he threatens war if she isn’t turned over into his care. But a lifemate is not part of the plan. Her dreams, of choosing her own path and being the master of her own will, weaken as her Moon seeks to claim his Sun. 
Is it possible that this stranger, with gentle blue eyes and a ready smile, didn’t come to be her new master? That there could be more to his tale? 
Zara soon finds that neither her captivity nor her parents’ deaths were mere random attacks. And by returning to Cadrebia, she may have put the future of the royal line—and her Moon—in jeopardy. While Zara breathes in her first taste of freedom, her enemies move in, seeking to rob Cadrebia of its blessed prophecy. 
To keep what she holds dear, Zara must rise above the pain and uncertainty to claim the lifemate assigned to her, or more than her freedom will be stolen this time.


“What’s going on here?” Dareh dismounted from his horse and with long purposeful strides worked his way toward them. His green eyes blazed. His jaw was set. Zara would hear about this later, but for now she would welcome his rescue.

The captain of the guard surveyed the scene. He closed his eyes briefly—probably praying for patience not to strangle her—and clamped a hand on her shoulder.

“I swear, Zara,” Dareh whispered low into her ear. “You attract trouble like a siren.”

She opened her mouth with a rebuttal, but Dareh narrowed his eyes, silencing her on the spot.

“Get to the palace before you’re recognized by my men. If Melchior learns you’ve been outside the palace walls you’ll spend the night in the flogging yard. Go. Take Essie with you. I’ll sort things out here.”

Zara opened her mouth once more, but a prickling over her palm stopped the words from flowing. Heat traced the lines of her mark. Goosebumps dotted her flesh. She shivered despite the heat from the desert sun. Oh, no. Please, no.

“May I be of some assistance?”

She jerked at the rich baritone that came from behind her. The world fell away in that moment. The merchants cursing over their loss were gone. Dareh’s men waving or shouting at the crowd gathered around them—gone. Even poor Essie, standing with her jaw dangling like a loon, faded.

Zara’s senses zoned in on the man behind her. She curled her fingers to close over the crescent shaped mark that had begun to throb. Her mind screamed for her to run. Her heart was all but having a seizure. But her feet somehow managed to turn her stunned body.

Pale blue eyes were the first thing she noticed. They reminded her of the moon with a ring of dark night around them. Sun-kissed skin followed with a splash of scruff along a strong jaw. Deep brown locks fell over his forehead and touched the tips of his ears.

“Hello, my Sun.” Full lips curved into a smile, revealing perfect teeth. And just like that, all their hopeful plans for escape blew away like grains of sand on the desert floor.

Her heart crumpled.

Would she ever be free?

Author Bio:
Desiree Williams is a dreamer by day and chocoholic by night. She lives in the beautiful state of Kentucky with her husband and daughter, where she juggles life as a wannabe supermom. Desiree is a lover of food and avoider of dirty dishes. She delights in making people laugh and strives to bring hope and love with her wherever she goes. 

You can find out more about Desiree and her books at 


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Virtual Tour + #Giveaway: Eolyn by Karin Rita Gastreich @EolynChronicles @GoddessFish

by Karin Rita Gastreich
GENRE: Fantasy


In a land ravaged by civil war, the Mage King Kedehen initiates a ruthless purge of the magas. Eolyn, last daughter of the magas and sole heiress to their forbidden craft, seeks refuge in the South Woods.

When she meets the mysterious Akmael, heir to the throne of this violent realm, she embarks on a path of hope, seduction, betrayal, and war. Desire draws Eolyn toward Akmael’s dark embrace, but fate binds her to Corey of East Selen, a cunning mage whose ambition challenges the limits of love and loyalty.

Can she trust either man?

Hunted in a realm of powerful wizards and brutal deceptions, Eolyn must find her own path to freedom or she will burn on the pyre.

“Gastreich allows her heroes to have flaws—including moments of cowardice—and some victories bring new sorrows. Vigorously told deceptions and battle scenes will satisfy fans of traditional epic fantasy, with a romantic thread.” –Publisher’s Weekly



Corey’s Circle

Renate made Eolyn suffer more than the others, with constant rebukes and scoldings. This was the way of things for any new member of the Circle, but in Eolyn’s case the challenge was multiplied by the girl’s utter lack of experience. Corey would no doubt get an earful about it this evening, but Renate had no grounds for complaint. She had brought this upon herself.

“Have you gone completely mad?” Renate had cried, bursting into Corey’s tent the day after he hired Eolyn. “Putting that girl in your magic show?”

“I’ve been seeking an assistant for some time,” Corey had replied evenly.

“She’ll be on the pyre within a week, and the rest of us may very well burn with her.”

“She will not do any magic.”

“Even the illusion of magic could—”

“She will not perform any illusions.”

“Curse you, Corey! I am so weary of the risks you take.”

“You are free to withdraw from the Circle any time you please, Renate.”

Renate had set her lips in a thin line. Corey knew well the terror he invoked whenever he suggested she leave. Nothing waited for Renate outside of the Circle, save solitude and fear, the unending torment of all her ghosts from the past.

Renate’s tone softened. “Corey, please. She’s just a child. Don’t make her your toy in this.”

Toy? Was that what Renate thought?

“I can’t imagine what you expect to gain from this folly,” Renate insisted, “but that girl, that beautiful, innocent girl, could lose her life. Is that a fair price for your amusement?”

Corey could not very well argue with that.

Well, he could, but why upset Renate more than necessary?


Karin Rita Gastreich writes stories of ordinary women and the extraordinary paths they choose. She lives in Kansas City, Missouri, where she is part of the biology faculty at Avila University. An ecologist by vocation, Karin has wandered forests and wildlands for over twenty years. Her past times include camping, hiking, music, and flamenco dance. In addition to The Silver Web trilogy, Karin has published short stories in World Jumping, Zahir, Adventures for the Average Woman, and 69 Flavors of Paranoia. She is a recipient of the Spring 2011 Andrews Forest Writer’s Residency. 


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New Release: Vision in Love by Liz Bower @LizBowerAuthor @HotTreePromos @hottreeedits

 Title: Vision in Love
Author: Liz Bower
Genre: Romantic Fantasy 
Release Date: 31-Mar-16
Series: Book 1 in the Legends of the North series
Cover Designer: Premade Ebook Cover Shop

After Emma Williams’ life took an unexpected turn, she decides to start over, by moving back to her home in the north of England. But as soon as she arrives in the village of Altenchester, she starts to suffer from strange visions. Visions of people she doesn’t know and disturbing events she can’t explain. 

They lead her to find an unlikely friend in Matt, a local history enthusiast. Emma is unaware he is also an Altenbury, the prominent family in the village. As they search for the meaning of her visions it brings them closer together. But their venture soon turns into a nightmare when Matt is the victim of a series of brutal yet mysterious attacks. 

Can Emma find out what the visions mean before the attacks on Matt become fatal?

Amazon: US I UK I AU I CA


Originally from Lancashire, England, Liz now lives just outside of London. 

She started her writing career with an online course and is now studying for a creative writing degree, so it was probably inevitable that she would write a novel. 

When not writing, Liz can be found curled up with a cup of coffee and a book or walking her dog.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Blog Tour: The Beasts Unveiled (Twisted Bloodlines # 5) By Linda Jackson @lindajackson41 @GHBTours

The Beasts Unveiled
Twisted Bloodlines # 5
By- Linda Jackson
Genre- Adult Paranormal Romance
Publication Date- March 16th, 2016

Under attack from all angles, Sabrina’s mission is simple: retrieve the child and stop Deacon’s rise to power. But in their world, nothing is ever that easy.

Deacon has reined in every available source of power to ensure his success in the war against the panthers; all except one. Amelia, born to Peter and Beth, is said to hold the power of a long forgotten bloodline, and Deacon will stop at nothing to get her.

Sabrina has been steadily turning friends into enemies with her opinionated views and is tired of living life on the sidelines. Deciding it’s time to leave behind this chapter of her life, she uncovers a devastating betrayal that sends her straight into the lion’s den. Soon, the knife twists even deeper revealing that Deacon is not the only master of deceit. A puppeteer has been pulling their strings from the beginning, creating a destiny that was never intended and replacing it with another, leaving their souls forever incomplete.

Fully aware that their lives have been tampered with, accusations fly and loyalties divide making them vulnerable against the enemy. Things spiral out of control and one unavoidable situation leaves blame and guilt weighing heavily on Sabrina’s mind. Despite being shunned by the people she called family, she is determined to help them win against Deacon.

In a moment of stupidity that could have ended her life, the future is revealed in two paths for her. Will she choose the right path and go the distance, or will she perish under her uncertainty, leaving Deacon as the successor?


Blog Tour + #Giveaway: Fated (Forever #2) By Regan Ure @ReganUre @StarAnge13

 Title: Fated
Series: Forever #2
By: Regan Ure
Publication Date: March 22, 2016
Genre: YA Fantasy

Seventeen-year-old Keri Edwards has led a hard life. She is the daughter of the most ruthless Alpha in the territory. In the shadow of cruelty, he molded her to follow in his footsteps. Her father’s unexpected death has freed her and made her the Alpha of a powerful pack. Forced to lie and deceive the people closest to her has led to the rejection of her mate, Blake Stevens. He walked away instead of claiming her. In his eyes she is the one who betrayed him, her actions unforgivable. There is no time to deal with her heartache as she takes on the biggest task of her life, becoming the Alpha she was trained to be. Settling into her new role has dangers, and when Blake appears out of the blue, wanting her as his mate, she can’t trust his motives.

Forever Series #1

Regan is a South African who is married to an IT specialist. She is also mom to a daughter and son. She discovered the joy of writing at the tender age of twelve. Her first two novels were teen fiction romance. She then got sidetracked into the world of computer programming and travelled extensively visiting twenty-seven countries. A few years ago after her son’s birth she stayed home and took another trip into the world of writing. After writing nine stories on a free writing website, winning an award and becoming a featured writer the next step was to publish her stories. If she isn’t writing her next novel you will find her reading soppy romance novels, shopping like an adrenaline junkie or watching too much television.

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