by Rayna
GENRE: Historical Fantasy
For seventeen years, the convent walls kept Meara Cleary from
the secret of her own parentage. A bearded stranger claims she’s his niece and
promises to take her home. Before he can, a cataclysmic event thrusts her into
a war-torn world.
Meara vows to journey to Ireland to find her uncle, unaware of
how perilous a journey it will be. Her Druidic father guides her through
dreams, explaining her magical heritage. Her dead parent can’t help her with
the intricacies of village life, especially when she catches the eye of the
very engaged Braeden.
A whirlwind composed of equal parts menace, romance, and
revelation sweep Meara across the continent while gathering allies and enemies
with equal speed. Her intent to return to her family turns into a fight to
survive her own destiny.
England 1915
Even though the sisters accepted that
their God took male form, they seldom spoke of the male gender at all. This
other sex could roam free outside the walls without worrying about falling prey
to the temptations of the world.
“Make haste, Mary.” Mother Superior
slapped her hands together, which bespoke her irritation.
Meara shook off her initial fear and
strode into the room, stopping short past the door. The smiling man’s
expression changed as he sent a sharp look at the Mother Superior.
“You told me her name was Meara.”
Her heart leapt. Outside of Sister
Gabriella whispering her name when she asked for details about her birth, she’d
never ever heard another person say it. Mentally, she called herself Meara in
an effort not to lose that slender thread that connected her to her mother.
The woman swung around so fast her
black veil fluttered from the motion. Even though she couldn’t see her
expression, Meara knew it would be stern enough to cause trembling in the most
stalwart of the sisters. The man did not seem intimidated. Strange.
“Meara is a heathen name. Even though
her mother chose to name her Meara, I chose the name of Mary to inspire the
child who came from a sinful union.”
A low growl emanated from the man’s
throat. The other man placed a hand on his shoulder while speaking loud enough
for her to hear. “Careful, Simon, don’t be doing something you might regret.”
He shook off the man’s hand before
addressing Mother Superior. “Meara is my mother’s name, a good Celtic name my
sister chose to keep in the family. It means the sea. As for my sister, you
slander her good name. She was married to one of your kinsmen, an Englishman.”
He spat the last word as if it were poison and needed to be out of his mouth.
“Meara, come closer.” He gestured to a nearby chair.
Interview with Rayna Noire
What inspired you to write Glimmer?
I wanted to do
something in England and in the early 20th century.
When or at what age did you know you wanted to be a writer?
I started writing at
six because I was bored in first grade. My mother taught me to read and write
when I was four, which didn’t leave me much to do in first grade. Not only did
I read the entire first grade reader in a day and told the other students how
it ended much to my teacher’s regret, I went on to make alternative endings
that involved runaway trains, jumping off cliffs, and bandits. My father was a
big Western fan.
What is the earliest age, you remember reading your first book?
I remember looking at
picture books, but I don’t remember the titles of the books.
genre of books do you enjoy reading?
I love fantasy,
sci-fi, mysteries, and romance.
What is your favorite book?
I enjoyed Gone with the Wind as a kid because
Scarlett was a bit of a scoundrel. She went after what she wanted.
You know I think we all have a favorite author. Who is your favorite author and
Jayne Ann Krentz is
my favorite author. She’s concise, funny, and creates memorable characters. She
also writes under the names Jayne Castle and Amanda Quick.
If you could travel back in time here on earth to any place or time. Where
would you go and why?
I would like to go
back when Rome was at its peak. I’m curious about the customs and mythology.
When writing a book do you find that writing comes easy for you or is it a
difficult task?
There are days when
it flows and other days when I delete a great deal.
you have any little fuzzy friends? Like a dog or a cat? Or any pets?
I have a sixteen-year-old
pooch who is very spoiled.
What is your "to die for", favorite food/foods to eat?
I love dark
chocolate, steak, and pizza.
Do you have any advice for anyone that would like to be an author?
Write every day, but
don’t get hung up on following all the rules. You can always edit later.
Meara Cleary was born and raised behind the walls of the
convent. Meara’s mother died giving birth to her at the convent. Meara was
raised by the nuns. She was not allowed outside the walls of the convent because
the world was filled with sin. But Meara slipped outside the wall on occasion
and then this one time she decides to go at night and while she is outside the
walls the convent is bomb by the Germans.
Meara is left to face the unknown world all on her own
without anywhere to go as she did not know anyone outside the convent. But as
she was watching the convent the only home she had ever known go up in flames
she runs into an old lady in the forest who takes Meara under her wings and
invites her into her home.
Meara is happy to have found such a loving and kind woman
to take care of her but she can’t keep taking advantage of this ladies
kindness. But where will she go? Before the convent was attacked a man came to
the convent claiming that he was Meara’s uncle her mother’s brother from
Ireland. Her uncle came to take her home with him where she belongs but he had
a few things he had to take care of before she could go stay with him. Meara
was afraid that her uncle would think she was dead and never come looking for
her. She didn’t know what to do or how to find him.
When things in the town turn ugly and Meara along with
the kind lady are forced to leave their home in the middle of the night with
the help of a friend Meara made in the town they all set out to go to Ireland
and find her uncle and hopefully give them a place to stay. But Meara and her
friends run into a little trouble along the way. Someone is trying to stop
Meara from reaching or taking care of her destiny. Who would want to hurt
Meara? Will Meara make it to Ireland safely? Will she find her uncle?
When I first read the summary of Glimmer I thought I
would like to read this but I didn’t have time so I didn’t sign up to review.
But I kept thinking about Glimmer and thinking I really want to read this. Glimmer
kept calling me and calling until I couldn’t stand it anymore and I gave in.
And boy am I glad I did because Glimmer was just as good as I thought it would
be if not better. It pulled me in before I even opened it up. Maybe the fairies
were calling me hummm… Glimmer is a magical book that I think everyone should
I loved how innocent Meara was. She sort of reminded me
of that old movie Starman where this alien came to earth and he didn’t know the
meaning of words. I would like to see Meara on the old big screen to see her
face when she heard a word that she had never heard before to see her reaction
when she was told the meaning of the word.

Rayna Noire is an author and a historian.
The desire to uncover the truth behind the original fear of witches led her to
the surprising discovery that people believed in magick in some form up to 150
years ago. A world that believed the impossible could happen and often did must
have been amazing. With this in mind, Ms. Noire taps into this dimension,
shapes it into stories about Pagan families who really aren’t that different
from most people. They do go on the occasional adventures and magick happens.
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Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)
I've enjoyed following the tour for Glimmer and reading all of the excerpts along the way. I'm definitely going to be checking it out :)
I loved Starman. Thanks for reminding me about it. I appreciate the review too.
Thanks for hosting the giveaway. It looks like an interesting read. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com
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