Sunday, November 30, 2014
Cover Reveal: Initiate Me by Elle Raven @ElleRaven1 @HotTreePromos #Giveaway
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Book Tour: Society of Benevolent Strangers by Leslie Parker @VBTCafe #Giveaway
Society of Benevolent Strangers
by Leslie Parker
Book Genre: Contemporary Romance/Adventure
Publisher: indie
Release Date: September 6, 2014
From a clinical perspective, Dr. Kate Hastings found acquiring a disease she had been treating for over twenty years fascinating. Emotionally it was terrifying. Especially when her access to the operating room was curtailed and her colleague has drastically cut her patient load.
The life-altering diagnosis coincides with Kate's thirty-year high school reunion, a reunion that has Kate reminiscing about her first love and her plans to have Clayton Beech by her side through the rigors of med school, a lengthy surgical residency and the rest of her life.
An idealistic Clayton Beech, an expert in languages, a player of jazz piano and football, dreamed of saving the world. Exploring this calling, he signed on for a stint with the Peace Corp. Clay planned a life of service, always with Kate by his side.
However, futures cannot be planned. Neurosurgeons get sick, lovers leave with no explanation and saving the world might best be done alone.
A no-show at the reunion, Kate discovers Clay is the head of an important healthcare organization in East Africa. With time on her hands and the growing conviction that they should have always been together Kate follows his trail to London. It is in London that she discovers that it was she not Clay who made a serious mistake that destroyed their dreams.
After almost thirty years their lives are continents apart. Can Kate find a way to correct past wrongs? Can she merge into the life they should have had although Clay is adamant that he has no time to take her on safari and does not want her in Africa?
With the sole responsibility for a large NGO weighing on his broad shoulders and wanting to be with Kate weighing on his heart Dr. Clayton Beech knows that until he makes the most difficult decision of his life, neither weight can be lifted. Until he makes that decision, Kate is a distraction he just cannot afford.
Sitting in the airport, waiting to board her flight to London, trying to quell the butterflies in her stomach, Kate pulled out the envelope that Mrs. Lautenberg had handed her. It had been shoved to the bottom of her travel bag and forgotten until she discovered it while packing for Europe and decided to save it for something to do on the long overseas trip. Carefully, Kate ripped the seal open and slid the contents out.
Sorting through odds and ends, Kate discovered a postcard she had sent her father from her first summer camp when she was eleven. Ticket stubs from the last play they had gone to see in New York City, Le Miz. A photo of the two of them at the Deer Park, she remembered Paul, the bartender, snapping it on her twentieth birthday; they looked happy. Other pictures were of Evan Hastings over the years with grad students and colleagues she barely remembered.
A woman with a familiar face surrounded by curly dark hair, holding an infant, smiled up from a black and white Polaroid, gone sepia with age. Kate smiled at the picture, the face mirroring her own. Hi, Mom.
After a moment, she leafed through the rest of the stack. There was a packet of slit envelopes containing letters from colleagues. Kate recognized names but had never met them and did not bother to read their notes. The last letter in the stack was addressed to Kathryn Hastings c/o Dr. Evan Hastings, the script clear and familiar. The return address had been water damaged and was illegible. The stamp was from the Dominican Republic. She turned the envelope over slowly and looked at the seal.
A chill crept up her spine and her heart started to thump hard in her chest. As far as Kate could tell, the letter had never been opened.
Her hand shook as she tried to use a fingernail to slit the dry, aged paper. She stretched her fingers, willing away the tremor and taking a deep breath. She finally got her fingertip wedged under the corner and ripped the envelope across the top. One page of notebook paper, folded into a neat rectangle, had been tucked inside. Slowly, Kate unfolded the paper, smoothed it carefully, and then read the handwriting she still recognized after so many years.
Dear Kitty-Kate,
I know you think that because my plans are more recent, yours should take priority. Believe me I heard you loud and clear, and I understand, but that doesn't make mine any less important.
I have been pulled in the direction of the Peace Corp and the REAL work I could do there, and pulled toward you, to the most love and admiration I have ever felt for another human being. I have no doubt those two forces can move in the same direction. I can follow my calling and still be with you as you follow yours.
We can do it together. Just as we planned.
Calling. Does that sound corny? I cannot think of a better way to express how I have felt the last few months. I have read that people believe they are called to the ministry, to politics, to teaching. This is my calling.
You set me on this path and I am following it without fear or hesitation. It feels right. Like medicine, your calling, feels right to you. I know you understand.
Working with the foreign students really opened my eyes. Until now, my life has been narrow and safe, and too damn easy. Writing that, I notice that easy is a four-letter word. For many people, life is not easy, or just, or safe, or free. Lots of four letter words. For many, life is barely survivable.
I think everyone should be given the chance to survive. At the very least.
There is so much I need to ask you about the choice you made. Maybe your leaving me was right, but it doesn't feel right. I only hope it's not too late. It was just a stupid argument. I don't understand why you left without telling me.
But I don't care. I want to make it work for both of us. Whatever I have to do, I am prepared to do it. Just tell me what it is. I know I can make do without most things, but the one thing I can never give up is you. And I desperately need your love to sustain me on my life's journey.
Please write back. Please. We can work this out. You are the love of my life.
Always and forever,
As she finished the letter, the call came over the intercom for first-class passengers to begin boarding. Tears filled Kate's eyes as she stumbled through the gate onto the plane. She quickly settled into her seat, whispered water when the flight attendant asked quietly if she needed anything. And then she read the letter all over again.
His words did not make any sense at all.
How could he have written this letter? Nothing he had written made any sense.
Clay was blaming her.
About the Author:
Between stints as a lion tamer and exotic dancer, LA Parker earned a degree in Art History from the University of Delaware.
After a harrowing experience excavating ancient ruins along the Amazon, she earned a second degree in Computer Science from East Carolina University.
Dabbling in the art of lying for fun and profit, she has published three works of fiction: Against the Grain, Stella's Sheets and Society of Benevolent Strangers.
Settling for a quieter life, LA is currently residing in North Carolina with her husband, son and dog, Tony, Zach and Max the Bandit, where she is happily dreaming up more fantastical and phenomenal lies for your entertainment.
Book Tour Organized by Virtual Book Tour Cafe'
Spotlight Tour: Peanut Butter Principles: 47 Leadership Lessons Every Parent Should Teach Their Kids By Eric Franklin @Pnutbutter47 @GHBTours
Book Blitz: Love, Laughter, and Merrily Ever Afters Collection @XpressoReads #XpressoBookTours #Giveaway
Love, Laughter, and Merrily Ever Afters Collection
Publication date: November 25th 2014
Genres: Romance
TEN fun, romantic holiday novellas by ten New York Times & USA Today bestselling authors
An all-star gathering of some of today's most popular NYT and USA Today bestselling romance authors in a fun-filled style! With the overwhelming response to the chart-topping summer boxed set, we've brought together even MORE of your favorite authors for a winter compilation, and this time, we've giftwrapped TEN stories for you all. From the funny & sweet, to the STEAMY & heartfelt, each novella is packed with a whole lot of romance, and hand-picked to infuse perfectly-portioned holiday cheer into your busy days this season...along with hot bursts of holiday steam for those winter nights.
And at just ***99 CENTS USD*** that's a huge savings of over 95% off retail for the individual books sold separately! This is an extremely limited edition bundle available for just 5 weeks so get your copy today!
IF I RETURN -- by USA Today bestselling author Sawyer Bennett
WILD IRISH CHRISTMAS -- by New York Times bestselling author Mari Carr
SEDUCING SANTA -- by New York Times bestselling author Janelle Denison (aka Erika Wilde)
DECKING DREW -- by New York Times bestselling author Violet Duke
FAIRIES & WISHES -- by USA Today bestselling author Karen Erickson (aka Monica Murphy)
TWELVE DATES OF CHRISTMAS -- by New York Times bestselling author Jessie Evans (aka J. Evans)
HOLIDAY SPIRIT -- by New York Times bestselling author Cathryn Fox
UNWRAPPED -- by New York Times bestselling author Melody Grace
A CHRISTMAS HEAT WAVE -- by New York Times bestselling author Alannah Lynne
HIS CHRISTMAS WISH -- by New York Times bestselling author Marquita Valentine
DECKING DREW by Violet Duke
If anyone can make Drew Lawson believe in the magic of Christmas, of course the universe would pick the addictively sweet, mind-wreckingly beautiful Skylar Sullivan to try. She's only the girl-next-door of his dreams he'd classified as completely off-limits two years ago...the same one now standing on his doorstep on Christmas eve.
What on earth was she doing here in Vegas?
And not alone, for that matter.
While he had managed the herculean task of speaking all civil-like to Skylar, Drew couldn't stop the predatory growl vibrating out of his chest now that he was within striking range of the guy who'd been making Skylar smile for the past few minutes.
A hotel worker, by the looks of his uniform, carefully observing Skylar as if he'd just figured out the answer to a final crossword puzzle question.
"Huh," commented the Abercrombie & Fitch model shoe-in, still half eating Skylar up with his eyes. "So this is the guy?"
Damn right, I'm the guy. Drew rumbled the silent declaration with a feral possessiveness he felt down to his bone marrow. If he could have it his way, there'd never be a question mark at the end of that sentence in any context when it came to Skylar.
But not much had changed in the two years since he'd seen her last.
And the few things that had changed just made it more imperative for him to keep his distance like he'd sworn he'd do.
…Something he was going to fail pretty epically at tonight, he wagered, as he skimmed his thumb across the petal-soft skin of her cheek to smooth away a few wayward locks of hair the wind had curtained over her eyes.
Though he didn't have nearly enough platonic female friends to know the official descriptive term for it, Skylar looked both blonder and more brunette than he remembered. Her hair was down to her waist now in golden honey waves instead of the sandy apricot tresses he saw in his mind whenever he let himself think about her, which was more often than he could control.
He sifted his fingers through her hair and watched her reaction display in high-def via those incredible, animated eyes of hers-candidly expressive windows to her soul he'd never been able to banish from his mind for very long.
Always quietly thinking.
He forgot how much he loved the way he could see a thousand thoughts flashing over her expression at a million miles an hour before she'd eventually land on one, somehow always rooted in kindness, and usually linked to some unique personal insight that would light up her smile.
Jesus, she was doing it now. Smiling. At him.
Violet's Favorite Holiday Recipe
Aunty Pam's Cornbread Recipe
This recipe is near and dear to my heart. I've always loved cornbread. Always. However, growing up in Hawai'i with immigrant parents from Japan, it wasn't exactly a staple of my diet. Luckily, my dad was a fan also. The first time I tasted really good cornbread, I was hooked. When I was younger, we didn't have much money and I used to shop for books in thrift stores (yes, a book addict even then). I found an old local cookbook circa faded brown paper and basic clipart for images and just a few colors on the cover. I distinctly remember the cornbread recipe in it - "Aunty Pam's Cornbread" it was called. Even though I lost the book after we moved years later, I never did forget how good that cornbread was. Fast forward a few decades after my marriage to the love of my life. I met a good friend of my husband's parents, like an extended aunty for him through most of his life, who was well-known for the fabulous cornbread she always makes for parties - almost cakey and just scrumptious. The woman's name? Aunty Pam. The Aunty Pam. Living on a small island, things like this happen all the time. And my taste buds sure are thankful! Enjoy!
2 cups Bisquick mix
1 cup Sugar
2 sticks of Butter
2 Eggs
1 cup Milk
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1/8 cup Cornmeal
1. Mix all ingredients together well.
2. Pour into a 9" x 13" pan.
3. Bake at 350º for 1/2 hour.
4. Let cool before cutting.
P.S. I know that's a lot of butter (I just close my eyes and throw the sticks in). That's why I only make this during the holidays. LOL! Here's the link to another cornbreadk recipe I like with less butter!
About the Author:
Violet Duke
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Violet Duke is a former professor of English Education who is ecstatic to now be on the other side of the page writing wickedly fun contemporary romance novels. Her books have been Top 10 bestsellers on Amazon, iTunes, and Barnes & Noble, as well as NYT, USA Today, and international bestsellers. When she's not writing or feeding her book-a-day reading addiction, Violet enjoys tackling reno projects with her power tools, trying pretty much anything without reading the directions first, and cooking 'special edition' dishes that laugh in the face of recipes. She lives in Hawai'i with her two cute kids (daughter Violet & son Duke) and similarly adorable husband.
HIS CHRISTMAS WISH by Marquita Valentine
War hero Joaquin Morales is back in Holland Springs for the first time in years. His mission? To convince his wife that they have a future together. But falling in love with her husband for the second time is not a part of Sage Caswell's plans this holiday Season. With the help of a little Christmas magic (and a well-timed snowstorm), can Joaquin and Sage's dreams come true?
He strode to her, cupping her slender shoulders and turning her to face him. Her lashes fluttered down, skimming her cheekbones. "Sweetheart, I'm not blowing you off."
"It doesn't matter," she said, still not looking at him.
"Yes, it does." Hooking a finger under her chin, he lifted it up. A pink tongue darted out to lick at her top lip and he couldn't stop himself from doing the same. She gasped, her full lips parting at his touch. Never one to let opportunity slide by, he nipped at her full bottom lip. "Ask me."
Her hands came between them, lightly resting on his chest. The heat of her palms searing him. "You're not playing fair."
"This isn't a game." He let his hands travel the length of her arms, then back up again to cup her elbows and pull her closer. Full breasts pressed against him, her hands drifting lower to grab the waistband on his jeans. He hadn't been with a woman in years, his determination to make something of himself and winning her back his only goal. Meaningless one-night stands weren't part of the plan, which totally explained the hard-on pressing against the zipper of his jeans. "Ask me."
What seemed like an eternity passed before she replied, "Kiss me."
Sage expected him to go in for the kill, mostly because that's what she felt like doing, but she restrained herself, locking joints and tightening muscles. However, Joaquin had other things in mind.
He started at the base of her neck, his tongue and teeth working in tandem to make everything inside of her warm and gooey.
"I won't hurt you, not this time," he whispered against her jaw, pressing butterfly light kisses along it. He teased the corner of lip. "Open."
And as if that was somehow a magical command, she did. In her next heartbeat, his mouth was sealed over hers and he was drinking her in. She couldn't stop kissing him, touching him, or moaning in his mouth. Four years of longing passed between them. In that moment time fell away, old regrets and new frustrations erasing from her heart with each toe-curling kiss.
Their tongues touched, then tangled as her body cried more. He was hard against her stomach and she touched him there, sliding her hand under the waistband of his loose jeans and caressing him until she was so damn weak in the knees that she all but thanked God when Joaquin swept her off of her feet.
Their mouths tasted and explored one another, remembering and showing exactly what the other liked as he carried her to bed. Don't think, don't think, she chanted in her head.
Her back hit the mattress, then the delicious weight of Joaquin pressed against her. Moaning into his mouth, she pushed at his shirt and sat up. "I want this off."
He sat back on his calves, then gently removed her glasses and set them on the nightstand.
"That's an order, soldier."
"Yes ma'am," he said on a laugh and pulled his shirt over his head, in the sexy way that men do. Tight abs greeted her and she kissed the center of his chest, rubbing her cheek in the crisp black hair. "Damn, woman."
Marquita's Favorite Holiday Recipe
So, I'm not much of a cook, but Hot Builder (my husband) is and he makes the most delicious chocolate tarts. Every one loves them, especially me!
Chocolate Tarts
8 ounces of semi-sweet dark chocolate, chopped
1 egg, lightly beaten
1/3 cup of milk
¾ cup of heavy whipping cream
1 package of individual small pie shells
1 tub of cool whip
Preheat oven to 350
Place pie shells on baking sheet
Combine heavy whipping cream and milk in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat until hot. Don't forget to stir! Add chocolate, stirring until blended. Let stand for about 5 minutes. Whisk in egg. Pour mixture into pie shells and bake for about 23 minutes. Allow to cool for fifteen minutes. Place tarts upside down on plate and add dollop (or two or three) of cool whip on top. Serves six, unless you like to share. I don't.
About the Author:
Marquita Valentine
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, Marquita Valentine, writes sexy heroes that make you swoon and sassy heroines that make you laugh. She's the author of the bestselling contemporary romance series, Holland Springs, and the new adult romance series, Boys of the South. Marquita met her husband aka Hot Builder at Sonic when they were in high school. She suggests this location to all of her single friends in search of a good man--and if that doesn't work, they can console themselves with cheesy tatertots. She lives in North Carolina in a very, very small town with Hot Builder and their two children.
Blitz-wide giveaway
(Open to US/CA/AU/GB/UK)
1 Kindle Fire HD 6 Tablet AND 1 $100 Gift Card
Book Blitz Organzied By
Friday, November 28, 2014
Cover Reveal: Rise Of The Wolf (Eye Of The Storm #5) by Dianna Hardy @TheWitchingPen
Rise Of The Wolf
(Eye Of The Storm #5)
by Dianna Hardy
The fifth book in the dark paranormal fantasy series, Eye Of The Storm.
With the king returned after twenty years absent, wolves across the country - even Europe - are coming out of hiding to show their support. And not a moment too soon, for dark shadows from the past are taking centre stage in the lives of the four who lead the Surrey pack.
Is the royal line corrupt? Where do storm-wielders truly come from? And how does an ancient Egyptian mythology fit into the confused present?
As the moon begins to wax once more, answers start to surface. However, they may come too late to save their species from extinction.
The bond between the mated four is stronger than ever; a future worth fighting for is within reach... But The Trident have a new leader - one who will do anything to survive. And the knowledge one old woman harbours could be enough to destroy everything.
*This blurb is subject to small changes before publication. Release is expected to be around Oct / Nov, 2015
Pre-orders for this title will be available in 2015.
Don't miss a thing.
Follow Dianna for all the latest!
Dianna on Twitter
Official website
Have you NOT read the Eye Of The Storm series yet? Dianna's site lists all the books and their reading order. Begin a journey of lust, love, dark secrets and brutal monsters, as a pack of werewolves in the Surrey Hills, England, are brought out of hiding by the sudden arrival of the Alpha's destined mate … or is she more than that? View more here, including links to all the books: Eye Of The Storm Series
Important note: although this series deals with romance, it is not written to be a standard romance. Its focus is on the theme of man vs. beast, and higher consciousness vs. baser needs. Although humorous in places, this series is also highly erotic, dark, and contains violence and scenes that may disturb some readers.
About The Author
Dianna Hardy is the international bestselling author of The Witching Pen series and the Eye Of The Storm series. She combines a titillating mix of contemporary and paranormal romance in to her writing, as well as urban and dark fantasy, to bring you stories that are action-packed, fast- paced and not short of heat, with the focus on both character development and the plot. She writes full-length novels and short fiction.
She currently lives in Surrey (United Kingdom) with her partner and their daughter, where she writes full-time.
Blog Tour: Clandestine Trysts By C.L. Foster @CLFoster1 @GHBTours
#Review of Sound of Sirens (Tales of Skylge #1) By Jen Minkman @JenMinkman
Sound of Sirens
(Tales of Skylge #1)
by Jen Minkman
An ancient land protected by a Tower of Light,
its people ever tempted by Siren song,
and a girl who falls for the wrong boy.
On the island of Skylge, electricity is only for the Currents - the rich ruling class who once came from across the sea and brought the holy fire of St. Brandan to Skylge. Ever since, the light in the Brandaris Tower has protected the islanders. Heeding the Siren's call will drown your body and steal your soul, but the sacred light in the Tower will chase the merfolk away.
When Skylger girl Enna welcomes her brother back from a long sea voyage, he gives her a special present from the mainland - an electronic record only playable on a Current device. The problem is that Royce Bolton, Current heartthrob and the town's most gifted pianist, wants it too. After she stubbornly refuses to sell the LP featuring his favorite artist, he suggests sharing the record by secretly meeting up in his private summer house. Taken aback yet thrilled, Enna agrees - and discovers that there's more than meets the eye when it comes to Current society and the history of Skylge. Why do the Sirens tempt the islanders to give themselves up to the sea? And where does the Currents' monopoly on electricity really come from?
While struggling with these questions, Enna begins to fall for Royce, risking everything to be with a guy who is clearly wrong for her. She will learn that the sound of Sirens isn't the most treacherous thing out there to haunt her dreams.
“Well, I brought something to cheer you up anyway ,” Sytse continues, opening his bag so I can sneak a peek inside. My heart trips when I spot at least five new records. “Here, why don’t you hold on to these things for now? I have to help the crew. There’s lots of unloading to do, and I bet those Currents hovering around the harbor want to inspect the goods as soon as they can.” He winks.
I grin. “I won’t unpack this until we get home,” I promise.
“Good girl,” Sytse says with a sunny smile. “But I want to show you one thing now. I brought it especially for you. Here, wait.” He snatches the sack from my hands again and digs up a flat, square cardboard sleeve with a picture on it. A Long Play record?
“These women sing like the Nixen,” Sytse tells me . “The lead singer’s name is Jyoti. You’ll love her music. She plays the piano like she’s putting a spell on the keys, and her partner Maya plays the cello . Unbelievably beautiful. I heard these songs outside a brown café near the Krummhorn harbor and I knew I had to get this for you.”
The two red-haired women depicted on the front chasing a fiery bird stare at the animal with wide, slightly slanted eyes. They look mesmerizing; almost witch-like. I’m intrigued, but Sytse’s gift makes me painfully aware of the things we can never have.
“How will I ever listen to this?” I say, sounding disheartened.
“We’ll figure out a way,” he replies, resting his hand on my shoulder. “Who knows, you might win a day’s supply of electricity this year during Oorol. Don’t give up hope.”
My Review:
I received a free copy of the book from the author for my honest opinion.
Enna lives on the island of Skylge she has lived there all her life and has never been off the island as with most everyone else who lives there. She lives with her dad and her brother Sytse. Sytse and her dad worry about Enna a lot as she is afflicted with the sadness at times like their mother was. They are afraid that the sadness will one day take over Enna and she will hear the call of the Sirens like her mother and they will lose her as well.
The only ones who get to leave the island are the marines. Sytse gets a job as a marine so that he can sail the seas and get off the island to see what is out there in the world and so he can visit different places across the water. He also became a sailor for the money so that he could help take care of Enna and their dad too. When Sytse goes away on the ship Enna misses him very much and is always waiting for his return. He always brings her presents from across the water. Enna loves listening to music and collecting records. One day on his return from the place across the water he brings her a new record of two women that he had heard singing while he was there. He loved listening to these ladies and knew Enna would love them too but there was one little problem with the record she would never be able to listen to it. She couldn't play the new record on her phonograph. To play the record she would need a new record player that only worked with electricity.
Enna lives on the part of the island where there is no electricity. Only the Currents who live on the other part of the island have and can use electricity. Enna was upset that she would never get to hear her record. But it just so happened that there was this guy there who wanted her record. He wanted hers because it was the only copy that was brought back from the place across the water on the ship. Royce loves music too and he offers to buy her record but Enna won't sell it. So they strike up a deal where both of them can listen to the record. They meet in private at Royce's cottage where he has electricity and the machine to play it on. It is forbidden for a Skylger and a Current to be together and if they are caught they could be arrested.
Enna and Royce keep meeting each other in spite of what the consequences could be. They both find out that neither one of them are the people they were raised to be. Enna and Royce start to have feelings for each other that they shouldn't. They try to ignore what they are feeling because of who they are and what they have each been taught about the other.
One day when Enna slipped away to go meet Royce she sees and finds something that she was never supposed to see or know about. This starts Enna to thinking about everything she has been taught. According to what she has learned everything she knows or has been taught may be a lie. Enna doesn't know what to do about what she has found out. Should she keep it a secret? Would anyone believe her if she told them? What will she do with all of this information that she has found?
I have read quite a few of Jen's books and have loved each and every one of them. I love her way of writing and how she tells a story. It is like she is trying to tell a story within a story and I absolutely love it. I really enjoyed reading Sound of Sirens and I think you will too. Oh but there is one thing you may want to keep in mind while reading it; you might want to watch out for the call of the Sirens, they just might pull you right into their world with them.
About The Author:
Jen Minkman (1978) was born in Holland, in the town of Alphen aan den Rijn. When she was 19, she moved between The Hague, Salzburg (Austria), Brussels (Belgium) and Cambridge (UK) to complete her studies in intercultural communication. She is currently a teacher of English, career counsellor and teenage coach at a secondary school in Voorburg, Holland. She tries to read at least 100 books a year (and write a few, too!). She is a published author in her own country, and translates her own books from Dutch into English for self-publication.
In her spare time, she plays the piano, the guitar and the violin. For every novel she writes, she creates a soundtrack.
'I have always been drawn to writing. My first book was a sci-fi novel at the age of eight, which I painstakingly typed out on my dad's typewriter and illustrated myself. Nowadays, I stick to poetry, paranormal romance, chick lit and/or fantasy. In my home country, I am the first-ever published writer of paranormal romance, and I will gradually make my books also available in English (seeing I have to re-write and translate the books myself, this will take some time!).
Cover Reveal: Exposing the Flesh (Love & Ink # 3) By J.A. Howell @JenniferHowlz @GHBTours
Release Blitz: Hunters and Creators (My Demonic Ghost # 3) By Jacinta Maree @JacintaMaree6 @GHBTours
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Book Tour: Gracie's Secret by Lorelie Rozzano @LorelieRozzano @VBTCafe #Giveaway
Gracie's Secret
by Lorelie Rozzano
Book Genre: Children's Ficton
Publisher: Edgewood Publishing
Release Date: July 29, 2014
Meet Grace. At nine years old she has a big secret. Grace knows first-hand that life can be difficult. Her parents aren't very happy. Their arguing is giving her a stomach ache. She spends a lot of time alone, worrying. Are her parents problems her fault? Had she done something wrong? Grace pretends everything is fine, but it's not. She feels helpless and has learned that making things up is easier than telling the truth. One big question haunts her every day. Will her family ever be happy again?
This book is perfect for a child with a difficult home life. Divorce, addiction, mental health issues and more can cause children to feel alone, anxious and afraid. Gracie's Secret addresses this by showing kids they aren't alone, and that they can feel better. With a workbook section for kids to understand their own issues and a message that talking to a safe person will help, Gracie's story can help kids cope.
"Grace wished she could take Cameron and run far away. She held him close and hummed, hoping to cover the noise of their parent's yelling so he could fall asleep.
Her stomach was hurting again.
The raised voices below them were joined by a crash. She plugged her ears.
Her bedroom was so dark she thought it might swallow her up.
Grace closed her eyes, trying to stay calm as she imagined what was going downstairs. Her eyes blinked back open, not able to stay closed. She remained upright in bed for most the night."
An Interview with Lorelie Rozzano
What inspired you to write Gracie's Secret?
I got the idea to write Gracie's Secret from my granddaughter Emma and some children I knew who had lost their mother. These kids wanted to talk about it. They mentioned that people got funny and changed the subject when they tried. They heard things like 'don't worry, she's still with you.' They drew pictures of their Mom and came to my door every morning to see how the book was progressing. It was very apparent that not only were these kids eager to talk about their feelings, they needed too in order to heal.
When or at what age did you know you wanted to be a writer?
I had fleeting thoughts of being a writer but never more than that. I couldn't imagine how one sat down and wrote a book! It wasn't until I finished Gracie's Secret that I knew I really could. After Gracie's Secret I wrote a series of books on addiction, Jagged Little Edges and Jagged Little Lies. I'm currently writing book three in this series now.
What is the earliest age you remember reading your first book?
I was five or six and it was The Bobbsie Twins. I loved it! It opened up a whole new world for me!
What genre of books do you enjoy reading?
I like many genres, mystery, thriller, medical mysteries. I also like auto-biographies and books about addiction.
What is your favorite book?
I don't have one favorite book. I have many favorites. The Stand, Odd Thomas and the series, Green Eggs and Ham and Jagged Little Edges are just a few.
You know I think we all have a favorite author. Who is your favorite author and why?
I really don't have one favorite author, but there are some I like more than others. Harlan Coben, Jeff Abbot, Lindsay Barclay, Dean Koontz, Stephen King and James Patterson would be at the top of my list.
If you could travel back in time here on earth to any place or time. Where would you go and why?
I would travel back to me as a little girl. I would tell her all the things I've learned as a woman. I would let her know she was loveable and precious. But most importantly, I would tell her Gracie's Secret because then no matter what was happening around her, she would be okay.
When writing a book do you find that writing comes easy for you or is it a difficult task?
It's both. When I sit down to write I have an idea of what it will look like. However, that is often changed mid-stream. If I don't fight the process and allow the creative side of me to rule, it is so much easier!
Do you have any little fuzzy friends? Like a dog or a cat? Or any pets?
I do. I love animals! I have a pug, she is three years old. Her name is Maddy. She is a comical delight. There's nothing like coming home after a hard day's work to a bouncy, tail-wagging, excited little fur baby!
What is your "to die for", favorite food/foods to eat?
Hmm? There's a few! I am completely addicted to Chic Boom Pop popcorn. I love frozen yogurt. A slice of lemon loaf and a tall Starbucks, now that's to die for
Do you have any advice for anyone that would like to be an author?
I do. One of the things that kept me from starting my first book was I didn't know what it would look like, or say. I thought writing a book, was like reading a book. You had to know what was on the pages before sitting down to write them. Well that's not true. If you want to write a book just sit down and start. Write a sentence. Then write another one. Soon you'll have a paragraph and then a page. It doesn't matter if it's the first page or last page of the book. Just keep at it and eventually, if it's meant to happen, the story will start to write itself!
About the Author:
My name is Lorelie Rozzano and I'm a recovering addict. Seventeen years ago I took the most difficult walk of my life - through the doors of a local treatment centre. I found in recovery, what I'd been looking for in alcohol and drugs. Finally, my skin fit! I'm an author, mother, wife, grandmother, foster parent, sister, family counsellor and daughter. Growing up in an alcoholic home I understand first-hand, the importance of a healthy family. I began working at the Edgewood Treatment Centre for addiction in 1998 and have had the privilege of working with both patients and their families. I'm passionate about helping others whose lives like mine, have been affected by addiction. In the past few years I've created a blog, Jagged Little Edges - living in a world of hope, and written three fiction books: Gracie's Secret, Jagged Little Edges, and Jagged Little Lies. My hope is that the honesty found in my books and and on my blog, will help those dealing with unhealthy behaviours and addiction. After all, I truly believe if I can get clean, anyone can. I'm currently working on book three in the Jagged series
Gracie's Secret Ebook
Book Tour Organized by Virtual Book Tour Cafe'
Book Blitz: December Rain (August Fog #2) by A.L. Goulden @A_L_Goulden @XpressoReads #XpressoBookTours #Giveaway
December Rain by A.L. Goulden
(August Fog #2)
Publication date: November 25th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
Monica and Alex Waters have spent that last few months working to repair a broken marriage and rekindle their passion. Just as they start finding their spark, Quinn Matthews and his escalating career resurfaces, but this time Alex makes the decision to let Monica go.
The devastation of losing her high school sweetheart, her home, and even her dog twists Monica down a destructive path that alienates her from her closest friends and lands her on Quinn's couch. Despite her efforts to resist jumping into his arms again, the spark between them reignites and sweeps her away on a whirlwind holiday adventure. She finds that falling in love with Quinn's family and lifestyle is as easy as falling for his ocean colored eyes. The problem is that it's all too easy, and when she sees that Quinn's reinvented life has completely shifted towards her dreams, she starts to question whether he's too good to be true.
Quinn has a secret that was never meant to be kept this long, but will Monica be able to trust another man who's lied? And now that Quinn's got his happily ever after in sight, he's not about to let her go or share her with another man.
(Monica and her husband Alex run into Quinn very unexpectedly)
The outdoor style shopping mall is bustling with tourist and local art lovers. Rows of art galleries surround the courtyard where a stage welcomes a local reggae band. Monica settles into a groove and starts dancing with the crowd. Alex tries to hang in for a couple of songs before he starts feeling claustrophobic and looks to the galleries and shops around them.
"Go ahead," she says with a loving smile. "I'll meet you down there… after one more song."
He gives her a little kiss on the cheek and glides his hand across her behind before making his way out of the crowd. His attention is pulled by various pieces in gallery windows along the way. There's a large glass sea turtle in shades of green and gold followed by a painting of an autumn forest with heavy texture. He stands daydreaming for a minute until he's distracted by a reflection passing in the glass. It's so brief he's sure it's his imagination. He barely catches a glimpse down the mall as the backside of the man disappears into another gallery.
Alex follows the ghost, dodging through happy couples and pushy salespeople trying to get his attention. Before he can see inside the gallery, a painting that's prominently displayed on a front wall stops him. A cold washes over as he stands there staring at it. He slowly moves inside, mesmerized by the familiar vibrant paint strokes until he sees a few people gathered in the back. A man talking to two smiling women stills himself as Alex's eyes freeze on the back of his shaved head. No words were needed as the tropical air takes a chill. Even the women sense a showdown, and step back to give Quinn room.
Quinn turns. What do I say? Fuck! I thought that was him. I hoped it wasn't. Quinn moves very slowly towards Alex. Is he gonna hit me? I do deserve it. Might as well get it over with. "Hey." Quinn pauses near the center of the room waiting.
Alex swallows hard, his nostrils flaring and fist clenched. His jaw flexes as his breathing grows heavier, but the emotions just start to turn to mush. His eyes fill as thoughts of his new friend's betrayal wash over and the painting draws his eyes again.
"I'm sorry Alex," Quinn says quietly.
Monica nearly passes the gallery on her way to see their friends when Alex's shirt first catches her eye. She halts and shifts backwards until she sees the painting and stops. It's a female figure bent forward reaching for her toes. The abstract form of her body in swirls of orange and reds is cradled by a man swathed in blues and purple. Oh my God! That's me. That's us, stretching. It can't be. He's...
She struggles for air as the tears swell, and she can already feel him. As she stands there, not crossing the threshold, the two men watch her. When her eyes finally land on Quinn, electricity fills the room. She can only see him and the deep tan that backdrops the pale oceany eyes reaching for her. A warm drop gently slides down her cheekbone as her breathing syncs with his. His lips move slightly hinting at words that he can't find, and she struggles not to run into his arms.
Alex's discomfort is audible as he clears his clogged throat to rattle her attention to his worried eyes. She steps in and touches his hand briefly. "I'll be outside," she says, turning without another glance at Quinn.
Her feet move quick as her thoughts try to keep up. What are they doing? Alex is gonna hit him. I can't believe he's here. What are the odds? Did he know we'd be here? No. Maybe he moved here. That painting was him and I together. Would Alex know that? It's pretty abstract. Fuck! This can't be happening. Before she knows it, she's at the other end of the mall near the parking lot. She settles on a bench to wait for the world to stop crumbling around her.
An Interview With A.L. Goulden:
How did you come up with the story?
There is a little bit of real life in the story. I was laid up on the couch for a summer, forced to quit my job, because of three stress fractures in my ankle that wouldn't heal. I was reading a lot to pass the time and eventually started writing. There really was a sexy neighbor, he really is an artist, but there was never really an affair. Luckily I'm married to a man that finds my overactive imagination amusing and he never once thought it was autobiographic.
So many of the books I was reading had a similar heroine who was "damaged" as well as the same alpha males. I wanted to build characters that were realistic and flawed to see if I could make them sexy as well. People you would know. Your best friend or coworker. Real life is complicated and real love is even worse. I knew Monica wasn't always going to be likable. As much as we'd like to deny it, most of us aren't when we're going through life changes or stressful events. But that wasn't a reason not to connect to her or even understand her. I didn't want a woman who just callously throws away her life-long commitment because she needs to have sex. Monica loves her husband. He's her best friend. But she realizes that she wants more than a friend and Quinn reminds her that she's more than just this wife.
I struggled with the premise of an artist, because it's been done so many times and is a little cliche. But I know a lot of real artists, painters, sculptors, whose lives are very free and I wanted Quinn to have that. It's an element in Monica's past that she let go of and forgot about. So, I looked at it like another opportunity to take a cliche and make it more realistic. There are secrets behind him that will eventually test her ideas of freedom and trust. It's all about her growing into who she is supposed to be and finding out in her mid-thirties that she hasn't been honest with herself.
I set out to create a story that touches on the complications of love and commitment. It's been an adventure and I've learned so much. I never thought it would be a finished novel, much less multiple, but once I got into it I didn't want to stop. I know I still have a ton to hone and learn, but I'm finding that the challenges of writing are so addictive that I can't imagine ever quitting now. It's become my vice I guess. The reality is that I have another career still as a Production Designer and Art Director in film and television so writing does tend to be crammed into my nights and weekends or between shows.
What led you into writing? Was it a lifelong ambition, or the result of some type of turning point in your life?
I've been writing casually since I was in fifth grade. My first story was about five fifth grade boys and an escaped con. Stories were the biggest reason I got into the film and television industry, but as a visual person I ended up in the art department. It's only been the last few years that I was provoked to push myself to write novels.
About Cover Design?
I love designing my own book covers and graphics. I chose the titles of each book based on the literal and emotional condition in Monica Waters' life. The element that links all three book covers together is the eye and the predominantly white background. I wanted to reflect the voyeurism that runs through Monica's world, as well as the intense effect Quinn's blue eyes have one her. Instead of going dark, as erotic covers tend to be, I wanted to connect to the comfort she finds in a white blanket of fog. I was warned that a white cover might not attract the right readers, but I'm not one to shy away from doing things differently.
Through the series each cover slips into a new shade of oceany color that works with the accent images. August Fog was all about San Francisco and the fog that took over when the complicated affair began. December Rain reflects the tears shed and washing away of everything she knew before Quinn. I don't want to spoil April Snow's cover yet, but I'll say that it reflects springing into a new beginning and her growth. Hopefully readers will see the transformation and get the undertones of the story in just a glance.
What are you working on now?
I'm writing the final book in the August Fog series titled April Snow as well as a stand alone novel called Chasing Swells. I'm really excited about Chasing Swells because it's so different from this series, but it will be a little sad to say goodbye those characters.
What are some of your likes and dislikes?
Likes (or LOVES):
Chocolate - The darker the better!
Cooking - Anything I can do in a dutch oven or cast iron skillet.
Complicated characters with mystery. - Not all has to be unveiled to me.
Movies - I am a film-o-holic.
Laughter - Life is too short to live without it.
Instant Love in romance novels. (Lust is okay though.)
Assumptions (I'm guilty unfortunately.)
Chardonnay (One bad night can spoil it forever.)
Mean spirited people. (A no brainer though right?)
Tell us one thing about yourself that we wouldn't know?
I love to build things. I built the decks in our backyard by myself. It started as a dare, but I did it.
If there was one thing you could tell your readers, what would it be?
Thank you. Thank you for giving some of your time to hang out with me and my characters.
About the Author:
I'm a designer, author, wife and dog-lover living in the South Pasadena area of California. I got my BFA in Film Production from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, but my love of a good story came way before college. I remember writing my first full story in fifth grade on a typewriter. I cut and pasted it into a book, complete with cardboard cover and taped binding. Things have changed a lot since then. With the magnificent digital age I can produce books and give them to the world without a sticky mess.
In college numerous instructors and peers praised my dialogue pushed me to hone my storytelling skills. Of course the need to cut and paste was still there, so I went into the world of Production Design and Art Direction for films and television. It gave me the ability to connect design to storytelling in a way that no other career can. The past 18 years have spun a unique perspective on visually emotional tales of relationships and the thread that ties all things together. Now I'm shifting focus on the driving force that brought me here... stories. I hope that I can share a unique perspective on life, love and the pursuit in all of the above.
Blitz-wide giveaway (INTL)
2 signed copied of December Rain
2 signed copies of August Fog
2 August Fog bookmarks
Huge swag gift basket
Book Blitz Organzied By