Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Blog Tour + #Giveaway: Jadeite's Journey by Lucinda Stein @lucindakstein @yaboundtourspr

Jadeite's Journey
Lucinda Stein
Genre: YA Scifi
Release date: January 2017
Inkspell Publishing


When romance turns deadly…

Jadeite’s perfect world comes crashing down on her. In the futuristic world of United Society, her only problem has been how to act around the cute boy on the air shuttle. But Jadeite’s world changes when she comes across a man who looks alarmingly like her father. Clones were declared illegal years ago. When she sees her father, a robotic engineer, headed to the Dark Edge of United Society, she follows him and uncovers her father’s secret life.

Jadeite shadows her father past the boundary of United Society and into a primitive world of canyons and high deserts. She learns her father is a Ridge Runner passing between the two worlds. Even more alarming, she discovers her younger brother, Malachite, is sick and requires medicine only available from over the Ridge. After her father is arrested, Jadeite takes his place in order to save her brother’s life.

But her world turns even more precarious after she breaks up with her obsessive boyfriend, Mattie. Jadeite soon learns his threats are more than words, and she finds her life is in jeopardy.

Buy LinkAmazon

Book Trailer:

Interview with Lucinda Stein

What inspired you to write Jadeite’s Journey?

With all the trouble in the world, I thought about the future. Would technology eliminate the problems we currently have? On this premise, I began writing the story. However, technology can’t control the minds and hearts of people, and that’s where this story leads the reader.

Sometimes the smallest detail can prod me into a story. I remember a coworker telling me that when she was small she couldn’t tell her father from his twin brother unless she came close enough to smell his cologne. That tiny detail gave me the idea for clones.

When or what age did you know you wanted to be an author?

My mother told me my third-grade teacher said I would be a writer. To this day, I don’t know why she said that. When my children were young, I don’t remember writing. I dabbled in writing on and off through the years, but it wasn’t until I researched and wrote a historical novel that I was hooked on writing. Then there was no stopping me.

When is the earliest age you remember reading?

I remember reading Little Golden Books with their stiff covers at age five or six.

What genre of books do you enjoy reading?

I read a wide span of genres, but I especially enjoy magical realism.

What is your favorite book?

Don’t make me choose! Some of my favorites: Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd, Les Misérables by Victor Hugo, Once Upon a River by Bonnie Jo Campbell, Snow Child by Eowyn Ivy, Peace Like a River by Leif Enger, and Bone Gap by Laura Ruby.

Who is your favorite author and why?

I often find myself disappointed with the next book written by the author of a book I loved. The magic just isn’t repeated. (I’m talking about stand alones here.) Bonnie Jo Campbell’s novels have proved to be a satisfying exception. I loved Once Upon a River and her following book, Q Road.

If you could travel back in time here on earth, where would you go and why?

I would love to visit the Anasazi cliff dwellers and ask why they disappeared from Mesa Verde.

When writing a book do you find that writing comes easy for you or is it a difficult task?

That varies. When I start a book, it usually moves quickly at first. Then I reach a point where I need to really think about what comes next. There are times I actually have to pause and give myself several days before an idea comes to me. I enjoy the revision stage the most. Guess I prefer polishing to brainstorming.

Do you have any little fuzzy friends?

I have a rather large fuzzy friend named Opie. He was a shelter-rescue dog we adopted as a puppy. The owner of his mother moved and abandoned the pregnant dog. Can you imagine leaving a dog without water or food? Luckily, someone discovered her and her pups. Opie is a mix of Doberman and Weimaraner, but he looks like the latter and has a beautiful taupe color.
What is your “to die for” food/foods to eat?

King crab—a rare treat, the best ribs at Smokin’ Johnny’s in South Dakota, and world famous almond toffee from Enstrom’s in Colorado.

Do you have any advice for anyone who would like to be an author?

Read the best quality books you can find. Study your favorite writers—their word choice and descriptions, how they show emotion and add story conflict. Locate recommended writing books and join a writer’s group. If you’re serious about writing, find a healthy critique group that genuinely wants to help you grow by constructive criticism. If several writers in the group voice the same concerns, take their comments seriously. Writing is hard work and if you truly want to be a writer, you must be willing to learn from your mistakes and take advice. The more I learn about writing, the more I realize it’s a lifelong pursuit.

About the Author:
A school librarian for over twenty years, Stein now writes fulltime. Sanctuary: Family, Friends, & Strangers was a 2015 Colorado Book Award finalist. Three Threads Woven, was a 2010 WILLA Finalist. Her story, Sulfur Springs, won First Place in the 2011 LAURA Short Fiction competition. Her stories have appeared in Pooled Ink, The South Dakota Review, Fine Lines, and Women Writing the West online.
When not writing, she hikes desert canyons and alpine trails. She loves anything vintage, her shelter-rescued dog, Opie, and, most of all, her husband, Rob.

Author Links:



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Book Tour + #Giveaway: Neil Brand Crime Thriller Series by Ray Dyson @SDSXXTours

The Ice Cream Blonde
A Neil Brand Thriller Volume 1
by Ray Dyson
Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Suspense, Crime

Neil Brand is a former World War I soldier and disgraced ex-cop, now running security for Harry York at York Brothers Studio in 1931 Hollywood. York has a problem with bad boy actor Johnny Cutter, who failed to show up on the set to finish his latest picture, and Brand is sent to find the star. In doing so, Brand uncovers a trail of white slavery, drugs, and murder, involving famous actors and wealthy businessmen—and a dirty cop who was once Brand’s partner on the force. As the body count mounts, Brand tries desperately to discover the truth—before he becomes one of the victims.

The Naked Nymph in the Dark Flickers
A Neil Brand Thriller Volume 2

Rachel Ann Maddon is about to become America’s next great movie star. Adored by the camera, loved by her public, beautiful Rachel Ann has it all, including a dark secret from her past that threatens to blow up her promising future when her mentor and lover—a man old enough to be her father—turns up dead. Did he fall or was he pushed? Or did the bullet in him do the job? Either way, a homicide investigation will be deadly publicity for Rachel Ann and her family. Rachel Ann’s movie studio switches into high gear to protect her teetering career, but then Neil Brand, the studio’s security chief, uncovers a blackmail scheme over illicit sex films that threatens other major motion picture stars. As the heat builds, the rich and powerful scramble to get out from under. That’s when the bodies begin to pile up.

Excerpt from The Naked Nymph:

Harless saw me and stepped to the doorway. He pointed at the black sheet. “I think that’s somebody you know. David Lemmert.”

“VanderSaant’s kid?”

“The same. I believe you’ve met.”

I shrugged. “Briefly.”

“Keep your hands in your pockets and come on in.”

Another figure wrapped in a black sheet slumped on the bed, head over the edge, arm dangling. It was a woman’s arm.

“Charlotte Lemmert?”

Harless nodded. “No gunshot wounds on either body. No marks of any sort that indicate something of a violent nature. Cabin undisturbed.”  

“No one to hear. No one to see.”

“That’s right,” he said. “Looks like David Lemmert managed to get the cabin door open before he dropped dead. We found a snub-nosed Smith and Wesson .38 Special with a full chamber on the floor beside him.”  

I frowned. “One cabin?”

“Adjoining cabins. Figures out to around two grand for the trip.”

“That’s a lot of kale. I had the hunch these two were on their uppers.”    

“Any idea how they bought it?”

“We’ll know more when the coroner gets them.” 


“Same one you got. It ain’t hard to figure.” He eyed me stonily, went on. “What we don’t have are any witnesses. We can pin it down pretty solid. Looks like they bought it late last night. Ship was to sail this morning and it was a pretty busy place last night. 
You could probably have slipped a marimba band on board without it being seen.” 

“You’ve got people to see, Frank. Why bring me down here?”

“Might be the people we want to see belong to your pal Harry York in one way or another. Thought I’d give you a heads up.”  

“I’ll tell you this, Frank. Harry no longer cares about any of them. There’ll be no interference. No stall. No more payoffs.”

He nodded. “I figured that since we got access to Metcalf and to the Maddon doll without strings it was shaking out that way.”

“I figure I’ll be seeing some of those people in the course of business.”

“Go ahead, Neil. At least one of them already knows we’re on our way.”
Ray Dyson first took up writing in Evansville, Indiana, far enough back that not only is the house he was born in no longer there, neither is the street. He had a short career as a baseball player, but a long career as a newspaperman whose gigs included crime reporter, sports reporter and sports editor. He is also a noted Western historian. He is the author of the baseball book, Smokey Joe: A Baseball Fable, a tale of legendary pitcher Smokey Joe Hood. That book, and Bannon: The Scavenger Breed, involve members of the Bannon family: Joel Patrick the main character in Bannon, and his grandson, Henry Louis Bannon, an outfielder in Smokey Joe. His mystery novel, The Ice Cream Blonde, set in the Hollywood of the early 1930s, follows York Studios security chief Neil Brand as he solves the murder of a famous movie star mixed up in blackmail and white slavery. His latest Neil Brand tale, The Naked Nymph in the Dark Flickers, about a rising movie star caught up in a treacherous blackmail scheme that turns to murder, is now available. He lives in Mansfield, Ohio, with his family. In retirement, he works even harder on his golf game, but with less success.

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: The Knight by Skye Warren @skye_warren @XpressoTours

The Knight
Skye Warren
(Endgame #2)
Publication date: January 31st 2017
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

The power of pleasure…

Gabriel Miller took everything from me. My family. My innocence. My home. The only thing I have left is the determination to get back what’s mine.

He thinks he’s beaten me. He thinks he’s won. What he doesn’t realize is that every pawn has the chance to become a queen.
And the game has only just begun.

* * * * * *

THE KNIGHT is book two in the Endgame series from New York Times bestselling author Skye Warren about revenge and seduction in the game of love.

Grab book 1 – The Pawn – for only 99¢!
Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo


A sleek black limo idles in the center of the parking lot, the gleaming black stark against the backdrop of cracked concrete and cigarette-littered gravel. It’s not for me, I tell myself. It can’t be.
It’s probably one of Chastity’s customers.
At eight o’clock in the morning. In the cheapest motel in Tanglewood.
The driver steps out and nods to me in that deferent, discreet way that drivers have. My stomach sinks. He opens the back door and stands beside it, a silent invitation. A tacit command from the man inside.
My feet move me across the pavement, breath trapped. It’s that moment when you’ve slammed your finger in a door, before the pain has registered, when your mind is all too aware of what comes next.
The shadowed interior hides his face, but I know who it is before he speaks.
“Good morning,” comes the low voice of the man who made me come on his desk. The door shuts behind me, enclosing me in the warm darkness.
“What are you doing here?”
A shuffle of papers. The scratch of a pen. As the darkness solidifies, I see him reclined in the back of the limo, focused on a stack of papers in front of him. Working, like I’m a distraction. “I’m your ride.”
He doesn’t even look up. “Excuse me?”
“To Landon Moore’s office. That is where you’re going, I assume.”
My eyes narrow. “How do you know that?”
Finally he looks up, his golden gaze searing me. “Because you’ll do anything to get your house back. It’s the only place you feel safe, isn’t it? The only place you felt loved?”
My stomach clenches. “How did you know where to find me?”
“I don’t think you need me to answer that.”
Because he knows everything that happens in the city. He could have had me followed after I left his office yesterday, but odds are he knew where I was before. “Thanks, but no thanks. I’d rather walk on nails than ride with you.”
I pull the latch to discover that the door is locked. From the inside.
My gaze flies to him. “You’re kidnapping me?”
“Unfortunately,” he says with fake sympathy. “You’ll have to explain to the cops how I abducted you and transported you in comfort to your previously planned destination.”
The car glides forward, as if connected to his very will.
I glare at him, settling into the warm leather. Are these seats heated? Of course they are. I have to admit this is way more comfortable than the city bus, but everything has a cost. And when it comes to Gabriel Miller, the cost is always too high. “Why are you doing this?”
“Does it matter?” he asks, his voice faintly mocking. “As a gentleman your comfort is my highest priority. It’s enough to be of service to you.”
“You’re not a gentleman.”
“Probably right. In that case I’m coming with you to see sweet old Uncle Landon give you the horrible news, to see your face fall as he assures you there’s nothing you can do.”
My throat constricts. “Can’t you find someone else to torture?”
“No one nearly as pretty. Besides, my presence has some advantages.”
“My very own supply of fire and brimstone?”
“People are more inclined to tell the truth when I’m in the room. My reputation for dealing with liars and cheats is somewhat brutal.” He leans forward, his eyes reflecting sunlight. “All of it true, I’m afraid.”
I’m living proof of that, the fallout from my father’s decision to steal. “Be careful or I might think you’re actually being nice to me.”
A short laugh. “Not a chance. It will be my pleasure to see Landon Moore break. And even sweeter to watch you break, too. A show I can’t pass up.”

Author Bio:
Skye Warren is the New York Times bestselling author of contemporary romance such as the Chicago Underground series. Her books have been featured in Jezebel, Buzzfeed, USA Today Happily Ever After, Glamour, and Elle Magazine. She makes her home in Texas with her loving family, two sweet dogs, and one evil cat. 



Cover Reveal: Pin Me Down by Holly Dodd @HollyDodd80 @XpressoTours

Pin Me Down
Holly Dodd
(Brewhouse #2)
Publication date: February 28th 2017
Genres: New Adult, Romance, Young Adult

Mia Reynolds isn’t interested in relationships. She refuses to follow the same troubled path her codependent mother traveled. Now that she’s graduated from college and has a real job, paying her loads of money, the world is hers for the plucking. She doesn’t need a man at her side, keeping her from having fun. Especially Regi, whose brandy brown eyes and gravelly voice have haunted her since high-school. Together their gunpowder and fire, explosive but dangerous. She’s only willing to give him her body, but never her heart.

Regi O’Connell has been concealing his heartbreak for years. Despite the endless amount of women in his bed, there’s only one whose claimed his heart and soul. But Mia refuses to give him a chance outside of the sheets. He’s her dirty little secret, one she has no plans on revealing to the world. Sometimes all it takes is one incident, one flash of regret, to change who you were, and become who you are meant to be. Mia’s heart is unyielding, a lock-box without a key. She needs to let him in, or let him go. He’s giving it one more shot to show the women of his dreams that love doesn’t make you weak, but stronger than steel.

Book 1 in the series:

Author Bio:
Holly Dodd is an award-winning author. Her novel Covet won the 2016 RWA Beacon award for Romantic Suspense. A member of the Romance Writers of America, her stories are often spicy, with everything salacious right on the page. Ranging from the contemporary anti-hero, to paranormal and futuristic, she loves an Alpha Hero in any setting and a woman destined to keep him on his toes. 
Calling Pennsylvania home, she loves autumn, the beach, and beautiful weather. When she’s not writing, reading, or baking, she’s wrangling her three psychotic felines, and wondering where her muse will take her to next. 
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Review + #Giveaway: A Hundred Hands by Dianne Noble @dianneanoble1 @GoddessFish

A Hundred Hands
by Dianne Noble
GENRE:  Contemporary Fiction


Polly leaves her husband and travels to India. There she meets the charismatic Finlay and begins a new - and dangerous - life of teaching street children in the slums.


She battled her way to the open space where Finlay waited for her. The air filled with the metallic smell of blood.

‘Have you seen enough, Poll?’

A nod as she put her hand in his. In a metal pen stood a black goat. A doomed but stoical goat.

‘There’s the guillotine,’ Finlay said, nodding towards a huge metal blade fixed to the stone floor, bordered by fresh sawdust.

‘I thought they’d use a knife or a ceremonial sword or something...’ She felt faint, took hold of the back of his belt as the temple bells clanged and men hawked and spat near her feet. Without warning, vomit rose in her throat. She spat it on the ground as he dragged her along, hoping he wouldn’t look round.

Finlay upended a Fanta crate near a drinks barrow and bought her iced water. ‘Sit there.’ He peered down at her. ‘You’re a bit pale. Drink this.’

After a few mouthfuls she managed a feeble grin. ‘Horrible place.’

‘Well, you did insist.’ He turned over another crate and sat beside her. ‘Better now?’

‘Yes. Thank you.’
She looked up. A small crowd of men had formed around them. Sharp words from Finlay and a few moved away.

‘You speak Hindi.’

‘Of course. This has been my home for so long.’ His eyes met hers. Not laughing eyes now. ‘I’m nearly twenty years older than you, Poll. Is that a problem?’

‘No.’ She took his hands. ‘It’s not.’ Oh Lord, maybe he thinks I’m too immature. ‘Is it a problem for you?’

He shook his head, smiled, kissed one of her hands and then the other. A collective murmur came from the crowd.

My Review:

After feeling that she needs to escape her home town in England with all the feedback or the feedback she feels like she is getting from the people there when her husband is imprisoned for paedophilia Polly decides to go to India. When she arrives in India she meets two wonderful guys who are both taking care of the children that live on the streets of Kolkata.

The first guy Polly meets is Liam and he is like a missionary only working with the children on temporary bases. At Liam’s place the children come there during the day and are feed three meals a day and are taught to read and write and then have to go back out on the streets at night.

The second guy Polly meets is Finlay who has around twenty five children living in his home at one time. He feeds them and teaches them to read and write plus he hopes to teach them a trade that will aide them in finding a job when the time comes.

Polly loves working with the children they call her Aunty in respect and love to be hugged and like lots of attention. When Liam’s time is up and he has to leave and the new guy takes over he doesn’t allow Polly to work with the children anymore so then she gives Finlay and all his children her time.

Polly falls in love with Finlay and the children so when her visa of six months is up she doesn’t want to return home but when she learns that her grandmother has fallen ill she rushes home to be with her.

The whole time Polly is away from Finlay and the children she misses them something fierce and is very sad. She wants to return to India but is not sure what to do. She needs to stay and take care of her grandmother and so is not sure what she must do. Now Polly has to make a choice stay or go.

When I read the summary of A Hundred Hands I knew I had to read it hoping to learn something of India and their ways and how they lived. I read a book once that was set in Vietnam and the author made Vietnam sound like a very beautiful place with the description of the land itself and I wanted to visit Vietnam. Dianne Noble did a wonderful job of describing India and showing you how they live and all the things that they live with or without according to how you look at it. Polly is a very strong and Wonderful person and her work with the children is very remarkable.

I truly enjoyed reading A Hundred Hands and reading about Polly, Finlay, the children and India. I would like to read more about Polly, the children and India as well. I really like reading stories where the author gives you at least a little detail about the country and people who live there.

If you have not read A Hundred Hands then let me suggest that you do. A Hundred Hands is an astounding read one that I could not put down. 


I was born into a service family and at the tender age of seven found myself on the Dunera, a troopship, sailing for a three year posting to Singapore. So began a lifetime of wandering – and fifteen different schools. Teen years living in Cyprus, before partition, when the country was swarming with handsome UN soldiers, and then marriage to a Civil Engineer who whisked me away to the Arabian Gulf.
Most of the following years were spent as a single parent with an employment history which ranged from the British Embassy in Bahrain to a goods picker, complete with steel toe-capped boots, in an Argos warehouse. In between I earned my keep as a cashier in Barclays, a radio presenter and a café proprietor on the sea front in Penzance.
My travels have taken me to China, Egypt, Israel, Guatemala, Russia, Morocco, Belize and my favourite place, India. I keep copious notes and constantly dip into them to ensure my writing is atmospheric.

Author Links:

Buy Links:

A Hundred Hands will be $0.99 during the tour.


$20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning.

Book Blast + #Giveaway: Triple Love Score by Brandi Megan Granett @brandigranett @GoddessFish

Triple Love Score
by Brandi Megan Granett
GENRE: Contemporary Romance


Miranda Shane lives a quiet life among books and letters as a professor in a small upstate town. When the playing-by-the-rules poet throws out convention and begins to use a Scrabble board instead of paper to write, she sets off a chain of events that rattles her carefully planned world.

Her awakening propels her to take risks and seize chances she previously let slip by, including a game-changing offer from the man she let slip away. But when the revelation of an affair with a graduate student threatens the new life Miranda created, she is forced to decide between love or poetry.


“You sure you don’t want to take a cab?” Scott asked her.

“I’m sure. Then we wouldn’t see the diamonds,” Lynn said.

“Tiffany’s?” Miranda asked. “You’re a little young for that aren’t you? Though you are Bunny’s granddaughter.”

“Not like Grandma Bunny’s diamonds! The diamonds on the sidewalk. Look!”

Sure enough, the concrete in front of them sparkled. Four or five runs of sidewalk shimmered with mica flecks, then it went to plain for a block or two, then more that sparkled.

“I want to know what makes them different,” Miranda said to Scott, pointing at the abrupt change from sparkle to non-sparkle on the sidewalk in front of them.

“But knowing the difference would ruin it,” Scott said.

“You’d rather think it was magic?”

“I like the idea of magic. Don’t you?” he asked.

“I don’t take much stock in that,” Miranda said.

“Daddy, look!” Lynn said.

And there in front of them was a huge elephant balloon with a circus ball balancing on his trunk. The ball wasn’t all the way inflated yet; it wobbled a little and the sides of the elephant shuddered some as the helium pumped in. But an elephant as tall as a house at Central Park was a sight to behold no matter the size or amount of helium left to go.  The crowd around them seemed to holding their breath in anticipation as the ball slowly rose.

“See,” Miranda said, “to people watching on television that's magic. But it’s not magic. It’s a year of planning and then people working all night on the day before a family holiday to pull it off.”

“But it’s magic to her,” Scott said.

Lynn strained at the barricade, craning her neck to see down the street and the rest of the balloons staged there.

“Sure, it’s magic to her. She’s a kid. Kids have to believe in magic. When you really grow up, it’s different.”

“I guess I’m not really grown up then,” Scott said. “And maybe I don’t want to be.”


Brandi Megan Granett is an author, online English professor, and private writing mentor. She holds a PhD in Creative Writing from Aberystwyth University, Wales, an MFA in Fiction from Sarah Lawrence College, a Masters in Adult Education with an emphasis on Distance Education from Penn State University, and a BA from the University of Florida.

Granett is the author of My Intended (William Morrow, 2000). Her short fiction has appeared in Pebble Lake Review, Folio, Pleiades and other literary magazines, and is collected in the volume Cars and Other Things That Get Around.

In addition, she writes an author interview series for the Huffington Post, and is a member of the Tall Poppy Writers, a community of writing professionals committed to growing relationships, promoting the work of its members, and connecting authors with each other and with readers.

When Granett is not writing or teaching or mothering, she is honing her archery skills. She lives in New Jersey with her husband, daughter and two dogs.

Author Links:

Purchase Links:


$50 Amazon or B/N GC

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning.

Cover Reveal: The Daughters of Maine by Tish Thawer @TishThawer @XpressoTours

The Daughters of Maine
Tish Thawer
(Witches of BlackBrook #2)
Publication date: March 7th 2017
Genres: New Adult, Paranormal, Romance

“With vivid scenes and likable characters, Thawer’s series is a definite winner! Come for the adventure – and stay for the awesome witchery.” ~ #1 New York Times Bestselling Author, PC CAST

Through space and time, sisters entwined. Lost then found, souls remain bound.
After being reunited in the present day, three sister witches are forced to separate once more in an effort to save their newly formed coven and themselves.

Foes from their past now threaten their future, and a trip that spans centuries is their only hope of survival. Chasing their enemy back through time seems like the right choice, but will walking in the footsteps of their previous lives provide the answers they seek?

Only time will tell.

A Witches of BlackBrook novel.

Sequel to:

Author Bio:
Award Winning Author, Tish Thawer, writes paranormal romances for all ages. From her first paranormal cartoon, Isis, to the Twilight phenomenon, myth, magic, and superpowers have always held a special place in her heart. 
Tish is known for her detailed world-building and magic-laced stories. Her work has been compared to Nora Roberts, Sam Cheever, and Charlaine Harris. She has received a RONE Award nomination (Reward of Novel Excellence), as well as nominations for Best Cover, Reader’s Choice, and Author of the Year (Fantasy, Dystopian, Mystery). 
Tish has worked as a computer consultant, photographer, and graphic designer, and is a columnist for Gliterary Girl media and has bylines in RT Magazine and Literary Lunes Magazine. She resides in Arizona with her husband and three wonderful children and is represented by Gandolfo, Helin, and Fountain Literary Management. 
You can find Tish on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/AuthorTishThawer 
A common FAQ: "How do you pronounce her last name?" 
Answer: Think "Bower" or "Thow-er". It's Persian! 


PROMO Blitz: A Northern Rebel by John J. Schaffer @jjschaf @RABTBookTours

Historical Romance
Date Published:  February 2016
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Jameson Hartford and his wife, Abigail, return to their home in South Carolina to claim his inheritance, the Serenity Plantation, where he is determined to free all his workers and put an end to the evils of enslavement. He encounters hostility and hatred from family, friends, an entire community, and even his wife, as he steadfastly holds to his beliefs. Through the ordeal, he meets and falls in love with Delilah, one of his female workers, which further complicates the volatile situation.
Outnumbered and alone, he must sacrifice everything as he attempts to liberate Delilah and her people, facing confrontations, treachery, and even betrayal, culminating in a final deadly showdown between precious freedom and extreme prejudice.
A Northern Rebel is a romantic adventure that touches on human emotions and forbidden love amidst the rich backdrop of the old South at the onset of the Civil War.


Jameson tossed and turned until the wee small hours of the
morning, unable to fall asleep. His thoughts were filled with the
events of the day: Abigail, Bethany Sue, and especially Delilah.
He felt guilty about Abigail and shocked by Bethany Sue but
couldn’t get Delilah out of his mind. She suffered so much at the
hands of unscrupulous men. He decided to rise, get dressed, and
go down to slave row to be sure she was all right. He carefully
opened the bedroom door, and being reassured that Bethany Sue
was not there, he crept along the wall and down the stairs, finally
reaching the main door. He turned the knob and pulled the door
open, letting the hot, moist air engulf him.
He started down the path then suddenly stopped, wondering
what he would say to her. Would she think he was coming to take
advantage of her, to hurt her like his brother did? He decided this
was not such a good idea and it would be in his best interest to
go back to the house. He turned to retreat but was stopped by
a voice.
“Mista Jameson?”
He turned around to see Delilah standing there; looking
absolutely beautiful bathed in the pale moonlight.
Startled, he began to ramble. “Lilah, I couldn’t sleep. I was
concerned, I mean, worried about you. I wanted to be sure you
were all right. You were so sad. I wanted to say again how sorry
I was.”
She walked toward him.
He kept on speaking. “Abigail left me. She thought you and
I… Well, uh, I mean, she’s gone back to her mother.”
Delilah said softly, “I know. I saw her leave.”
He continued nervously, “I want you to know that you
never have to fear me. I would never hurt you or force you to do
anything you didn’t want to do.”
Delilah looked seductively into his eyes and whispered, “You
wouldn’t be forcing me.”
Jameson, confused for a second, did not know what to make
of this beautiful brown woman. He stuttered. “Are you saying, I
mean, that you… and I, that is, you would—”
She softly spoke. “You’re the first white man who ever talked
nice to me or even treated me with any kindness. You saved me
from that horrible Mista Slycott, and you care enough about me
and my people to give us our freedom, even though it puts your
life in danger. You’re the most wonderful person I ever met.”
She leaned in close to him and pressed her moist, soft lips
firmly yet gently on his. He did not hesitate and kissed her in
return. She tasted so different yet so delicious. They looked deep
into each other’s souls; she could see the desire in his eyes, he
could read the need in hers. They would never forget this moment
for the rest of their lives.
Delilah joined her hand into his and slowly led him into
the barn. They crawled onto a pile of hay and began to kiss each
other passionately. She started to unbutton his shirt. He, in turn,
removed her dress. They fell into each other’s arms and gave into
the temptation and the lust. They wanted each other badly.
He ran his hands up and down across her young body, touching
her first with his fingers and then with his lips. She returned the
affection with eager anticipation, exciting him more and more with
every touch—caressing, hugging, and kissing so deeply as they united
their two bodies in love. It was a love neither one of them understood,
but that didn’t seem to matter, as his lighter tan skin and her darker
brown skin blended together into a beautiful shade of brown. Their
state of ecstasy grew stronger and stronger, finally releasing all the
pent up fear and anxiety in the beauty of the moment.
Then they lay exhausted yet content in each other’s arms,
enjoying the forbidden love each one felt for the other. They
were lost in the moment and did not care about the time until
they heard the rooster crow. Reality was calling them back. They
hastily got dressed. He couldn’t resist a last kiss before letting her
leave, hoping this was not the end. They made no promises to
each other, for they both knew the risks and perils of their tryst.
However, he just couldn’t erase the big grin he had on his face as
he made his way back to the house. They couldn’t help turning
around, looking back at each other and smiling one more time,
wishing the moment did not have to end. He could still taste her
sweet scent in his mouth and vowed to himself to preserve the
memory for as long as possible until he could taste her once again.
Delilah was also smiling and dreaming of a love she knew
could not be. She slowly sauntered back to slave row only to find
the other slaves in turmoil.

About the Author

John J Schaffer has always enjoyed writing. He graduated college receiving a BS degree majoring in Marketing, with a minor in Psychology. Working in advertising for various major pharmaceutical and industrial corporations, he created, wrote and produced a wide range of promotional materials and literature for dissemination to physicians and sales representatives, winning several AGA awards for his works. He has a vivid imagination for creating memorable characters and situations, being able to bring an original idea to life. This is John’s first novel, and he is currently working on the equally exciting sequel to this fascinating and poignant saga. John plays guitar and also writes songs, receiving accolades for his original compositions while being a part of a rock group in the 70’s. He has also played and sang at church services during that time period. John was born and grew up in Elizabeth and currently resides in Old Bridge Township, New Jersey.

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