Monday, July 31, 2017

Blog Tour + #Giveaway: Just Friends by Tiffany Pitcock @TiffanyPitcock @XpressoTours

Book Tour + #Giveaway: Religious Mystery Thrillers by Ken Fry @KenFry10 @SDSXXTours

Book Tour + #Giveaway: 30 Second Death by Laura Bradford @bradfordauthor @SDSXXTours

Virtual Tour + #Giveaway: Hearts at Seaside by Addison Cole @Addison_Cole_ @GoddessFish

Blog Tour + #Giveaway: Summer on Firefly Lake by Jen Gilroy @JenGilroy1 @Barclay_PR

Pre-order Blast: HOLD 'EM: A GAMBLING HEARTS NOVEL by Jacquie Biggar @JacqBiggar @MoBPromos

by Jacquie Biggar

Cover Reveal: Princesses of the Night by Teresa Fuentez & Tich Brewster @TichBrewster @XpressoTours

Cover Reveal: Moonburner by Claire Luana @clairedeluana @XpressoTours

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Virtual Book Tour + #Giveaway: When All Is Not Well by Om Swami @RABTBookTours

Date Published: July 14, 2015
 Publisher: Black Lotus

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I've heard so many people tell those who suffer depression to just "cheer up." I wonder if they really believe that it’s that simple. Depression isn't just sadness. It is emptiness, it is misery. It is pain and nothingness at once. When you are truly depressed you lack the ability or will to cheer yourself up. No one just “has depression.” You suffer from it. Even with all our scientific advances, depression remains one of the most mysterious mental illnesses.

 Anti-depressants don’t work for everyone just like meditation and vacations don’t work for many others. Ayurvedic and yogic texts dating as back as 5000 years called depression, vishada, a toxic state of mind. In this profoundly insightful work, Om Swami categorizes depression into three types to help you see how a different approach is needed to cure each type. Beautifully woven with soul-stirring case-studies and yogic wisdom, you will gain a new perspective on depression and sadness.


When there is Darkness in your life, a person rises to show us light. A light of hope out of depression. That person is OM SWAMI. He is not Dark Knight. He is the Monk Who Sold His Porsche. And now with this book he has thrown light on reality of depression. --By Ajinkya Sonwane on 26 April 2016 

This book helps us find the right response in trying times and situations. I wish I had this book when I was struck with depressive episode in my life 23 years back. --By Vipul Agarwal on 3 May 2016

When all is not well ~ when we glance at the title of book, it seems why we need to read this book, for most of us, situations are somewhat under control and even if they are spiralling out of circumference, then we may ask “ What a simple book will do?” or “There are so many self help books out there, why shall I read it?” To be honest, if I haven’t read other books by author, then I must have thought the same, but it must have been a big mistake and would have dearly missed the beautiful teachings and transforming thoughts expressed in book.


Larry, my best friend, called me to say that Anna, his live-in girlfriend, in an attempt to commit suicide, had jumped from a ferry into the Sydney harbor. Sydney harbor, besides being cold and deep, is known to have sharks. Fortunately for Anna, there was a quick-acting and kind co-passenger who risked his own life to save her. She was hospitalized, put on a prescription plan, and then discharged a few days later when things seemed okay. But, as it happens all the time, when it comes to depression, things only seem okay when they are actually not okay at all. Just like the sea is unusually calm before a tsunami, one’s life can be quite normal before damaging depression shows up at the door.

Barely had another week passed and Anna went right into a major traffic intersection while the pedestrian signal was still red. Escaping a major, probably even fatal, accident while the intersection echoed with honks and sounds of cars coming to a screeching halt, she was hospitalized once again. For weeks, this time.

Barely had another week passed and Anna went right into a major traffic intersection while the pedestrian signal was still red. Escaping a major, probably even fatal, accident while the intersection echoed with honks and sounds of cars coming to a screeching halt, she was hospitalized once again. For weeks, this time.

About the Author

Om Swami is a monk who lives in a remote place in the Himalayan foothills. He has a bachelor degree in business and an MBA from Sydney, Australia. Swami served in executive roles in large corporations around the world. He founded and led a profitable software company with offices in San Francisco, New York, Toronto, London, Sydney and India.

Om Swami completely renounced his business interests to pursue a more spiritual life. He is the bestselling author of Kundalini: An Untold Story, A Fistful of Love and If Truth Be Told: A Monk’s Memoir.

His blog is read by millions all over the world.

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Reading Addiction Blog Tours

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Not his Werewolf by Annie Nicholas @annienicholas @XpressoTours

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Wheeler by Sara Butler Zalesky @sarazalesky @XpressoTours

Release Tour + #Giveaway: A DEMON SCHEME by Lauren Marie @MoBPromos

The Haller Lake series, book 1
by Lauren Marie

Cover Reveal: Black Dawn by K. Gorman @kgorman8 @XpressoTours

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Virtual Book Tour + #Giveaway: Heart of Stone by James Fant @jamesfantjr @RABTBookTours

Book Tour + #Giveaway: Karma by Laura Simmons @LauraSimmons37 @SDSXXTours

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Got Mine by Nicole Loufas @NicoleLoufas @XpressoTours

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Hard Escape by Debra Kayn @DebraKayn @XpressoTours

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Right Text Wrong Number by Natalie Decker @AuthorNatDecker @yaboundtourspr

Promo Tour: THE SECRET SANTA series by Nikki Lynn Barrett @nikkilynnbarret @MoBPromos

Xmas in July
by Nikki Lynn Barrett

PROMO Blitz: Breakaway by Valentine Cardinale @ValCardinale @RABTBookTours


Date Published: January 2017

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Father Richard Bianchi is looking for a little peace and quiet in a rented house in New Jersey to reflect on whether he should stay in the ministry or marry Tess Tessalone. A couple of days after moving in, he meets Dana Dvorak, a teenager with at least half dozen issues. The star on an all-boys hockey team, she's about to enter a major hockey tournament when her Dad, with whom she lives, is mysteriously abducted. Father Bianchi, Richie to his friends, puts aside his own issues to become part of the search team led by a prickly and savvy detective. 

About the Author

Valentine Cardinale enjoyed a successful career as the editor of leading magazines in the advertising and pharmacy fields before deciding to write fiction. Breakaway is his fourth novel. Val lives in New Jersey, not far from the West Side neighborhood in New York City where he grew up. 

Contact Links

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Blog Tour + #Giveaway: The Caretaker by Dahlia Donovan @DahliaDonovan @HotTreePromos

Title: The Caretaker
Series: The Sin Bin, Book 2
Genre: Gay Romance
Release Date: July 8, 2017
Cover Designer: Claire Smith
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 On sale for $2.99 

Nurse Freddie Whittle devotes every fibre of his being to his work with cancer patients. Their pain weighs heavily on his shoulders. Between losing clients, the expectations of his fathers, and bigot neighbours, he’s slowly reaching his breaking point.

Taine Afoa retires from a storied career as an international rugby star. He’s moved away from London for a change of pace, never expecting to meet a man who’s far too young for him. No matter how hard he tries, it’s impossible to get Freddie out of his mind.

Will Taine's resistance dissolve in time for him to give love the chance to flourish?

 On sale for $2.99 

Welsh it Up
by Dahlia Donovan

Most of my characters have favourite curse words. Freddie, from The Caretaker, he tends to swear in Welsh, which amuses me to no end. He loves the rare and often eccentric meaning behind them (and so do I.) Here are five of his personal favourites along with their translations:

1. Twmffats – idiots
2. Coc y gath – The Cat’s Willy (Or – Bollocks)
3. Cachu hwch – Pig’s Poo (It’s all gone Wrong)
4. Dim gwerth rhech dafad – not worth a sheep’s fart (completely useless)
5. Cach – shit

Do you have a swear word you use more than others?


The Sin Bin, Book 1
On sale for half price!
The Wanderer

Dahlia Donovan wrote her first romance series after a crazy dream about shifters and damsels in distress. She prefers irreverent humour and unconventional characters. An autistic and occasional hermit, her life wouldn’t be complete without her husband and her massive collection of books and video games.

 Game On Submissions

Cover Reveal: Appointed by Fate by Skye McNeil @Skye_McNeil7 @HotTreePromos

Release Blitz + #Giveaway: Virtue and Honor by Randi Perrin @randiperrin @HotTreePromos

Author: Randi Perrin
Title: Virtue and Honor
Series: Earthbound Angels, Book 3
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Release Date: July 29, 2017
Publisher: Hot Tree Publishing
Cover Designer: RMGraphX

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Angela Waters juggles two high-stress jobs: nurse and earthbound angel. On a rare girls’ night out, she intervenes and saves the life of Mason Kearney, a stripper with southern charm and a secret. It’s a move that will force her to contemplate why in all the heavens she puts up with the injustice of being an angel, which leads to a bombshell that challenges everything she’s ever known.

In the midst of falling for the Alabama boy, she’s in for the fight of her life when a demon, hell-bent on taking her wings, shows up at the most inopportune times.

With a family of angels rallying behind her, she’s sent on a mission to learn everything about them, herself, and evil, to save all the earthbounds from an untimely demise.

Can Angela survive with her heart and her wings intact?

99 cents
All buy links HERE

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Randi has spent her entire life writing in one form or another. In fact, if she wasn't writing, she'd likely go completely and utterly insane. Her husband has learned to recognize when the voices are talking in her head and she needs some quality time with an empty Word file (the key to a successful marriage with a writer).

She lives with her husband, daughter, and four-legged children—all of which think they are people too.

A pop culture junkie, she has been known to have entire conversations in movie quotes and/or song lyrics.

 Game On Submissions