Friday, July 26, 2024

Review: CONDOR (The Fall Gauntlet #4) by J. A. Merkel


The Fall Gauntlet #4

by J. A. Merkel

Published: July 21, 2024

Publisher: Worlds Apart Media

Genre: Young Adult, Apocalyptic, Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian


Benji may have defeated the last Fall Gauntlet threat, but a new, more sinister champion rises ...

After defeating the malevolent chrysix totem, Benji and Soren finally have a chance to recover, but the hunt for the brothers who broke the Fall Gauntlet rages on. In the desert oasis town of Oajin, both the Crown and a murderous condor totem appear, forcing Benji, Soren, and their new companion, Lyaza, to flee.

When Benji learns his friend Daniil is still alive and holds vital information about the night Benji defeated the chrysix, Soren and Lyaza warn him to stay away. Ignoring their caution, Benji secretly meets Daniil, who gives him a dire warning: if you put on your mask, you risk the condor finding you.

As Benji uncovers more about Daniil’s past and the Fall Gauntlet, his beliefs about the totem masks, the Crown, and the Dei are turned upside-down again. The Crown, an enemy responsible for his family's downfall, is far more complex than he knows.

Benji must face this new enemy head-on, but as the lines between friend, foe, and lover blur, he risks being ensnared in a web of lies that will send him down a one-way track to an endless black hole of pain, one more excruciating than death itself.

The Fall Gauntlet continues …

J. A. Merkel’s CONDOR is part of The Fall Gauntlet, a collection of dystopian sci-fi novellas about Benji and Soren’s quest to outsmart the Crown and reclaim their family, all while learning how to be brothers again.

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My Review: 

CONDOR is the fourth book in The Fall Gauntlet series by J. A. Merkel.

CONDOR starts off with a blast and never lets up from beginning to end.

CONDOR is a very intense and suspenseful read that kept me glued to my seat hanging on every word as I raced to the end as I couldn’t take my eyes off the page. 

CONDOR drew me into its world deeper and deeper the more I read. I lost all thought to the world around me as I dived in.

Benji, Soren, and Lyaza kept me chopping at the bit as I followed them on their journey for more information about the night Benji defeated the chrysix and tried to stay one step ahead of the Crown. Benji, Soren, and Lyaza find themselves still on the run from the Crown after defeating the malevolent chrysix totem. 

Benji runs into an old friend, Daniil whom he thought was dead.  Daniil warns Benji about putting on his mask again as it would let the Crown know his location. 

But just as Benji, Soren, and Lyaza are boarding the train to leave they see Daniil who is in trouble. The three try to help Daniil even though it means they may be caught.

I highly recommend CONDOR to anyone who likes a good story especially post-apocalyptic ones. Grab a copy of CONDOR today and join Benji, Soren, and Lyaza as they search for answers as to what happened when Benji defeated the chrysix.

Be sure to check out all the books in The Fall Gauntlet

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