Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Review: Stones and Bones (Druid Detective Agency #5) by Theophilus Monroe

Stones and Bones

Druid Detective Agency #5

by Theophilus Monroe

Published: June 25, 2024

Genre: Witches, Wizards, Mystery, Magical Realism, Fantasy


The earth speaks for the angry dead...

The ley lines no longer offer me their power.

My best guess? New construction on an ancient burial ground.

If they'd stirred up a few vengeful spirits that would be one thing...

That's common enough. I could deal with that. If that's all it was.

But for some reason the earth has taken up these spirits' cause.

Nature has turned against us. It's turned against all of us...

And the more people who die, the more their rage infects the ley lines...

If I don't find a way to stop this soon, it won't just be the destruction of St. Louis that's at stake. The earth will tear herself apart...

Stones and Bones is the sixth book in the new Druid Detective Agency urban fantasy series. Elijah and Emilie already went through one adventure. Now, ten years after The Druid Legacy, they are facing a new challenge, one that will test their limits. The real threat isn't the otherworldly magic, the magic that once birthed life itself in Eden/Annwn. There was a reason why humanity was cast from the garden groves. When the magic of that place comes home, it won't take long to find out why. The real threat was here all along, hidden in human hearts, now made manifest by the power of creation itself.

Harry Potter meets Harry Dresden in Druid Detective Agency.

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My Review:

Stones and Bones is the fifth book in the Druid Detective Agency series by Theophilus Monroe. I love all the characters and the magic. The characters can be hilarious at times. They will have you rolling on the floor with laughter. They will keep you in stitches from beginning to end.

Well, when they do not have to chase down imps that have crossed over and cause trouble wherever they go. Imps don’t harm people but they sure do like to play pranks or jokes on people.

Or deal with ghosts that are causing havoc and causing people to harm themselves. Or are the ghosts hurting people for real?

Merlin's biological mother, Joni has come for a visit and wants to join them on their investigation chasing down ghosts that are causing trouble. Emilie, Merlin’s stepmom is not too thrilled about Joni’s visit but has a good heart and tries to see Joni as part of the family. The would-be princess is now Queen of the Merfolk.

Emilie is also pregnant which has her hormones in an uproar which she hides quite nicely if you ask me but that is probably just the nice-hearted person she is.

The world that Theophilus Monroe has created for Stones and Bones and the Druid Detective Agency series is the best. The descriptions are so vividly written I can see everything I am reading in my head playing out as if I were watching a movie. Theophilus knows how to write a story that will make you feel as if you are a part of it.

I highly recommend Stones and Bones to all fans of Witches, Wizards, and Magical Realism. Grab a copy of Stones and Bones today!

Be sure to check out all the books in the Druid Detective Agency Series

Merlin's Mantle #1




Roundtable Nights #2




Grail of Power #3




Midsummer Monsters #4




Stones and Bones #5




Connect with Theophilus Monroe

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