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Book Tour + #Giveaway: Masterpiece: Our Journey to Spiritual Transformation by Jay Morris @jaybmo @RABTBookTours


Christianity, Spirituality, Inspirational

Date Published: September 15, 2023

Publisher: Credo House Publishers



We all must ask crucial questions about our life here on earth. Am I experiencing life the way God, the Master Creator, designed my life to be lived? Or am I living a lesser, devolving life of my own choosing?

We, God’s ultimate creations, can only understand our purpose in life if we learn to see ourselves through the eyes of our Creator. This book provides practical steps on walking with the Holy Spirit. It will transform your soul if you follow the instructions.


Praise for Masterpiece

"This book will transform your life into the original masterpiece you were created to be. It teaches you how to unleash the power of the Holy Spirit so you can develop unshakeable faith and spiritual discernment when you commit to doing the work that your spirit requires. Dr. Morris takes you deep into self-reflection as you imagine the possibilities for your life when you completely surrender to the Holy Spirit."

Karen Hinds, CEO of Workplace Success Group


"If you are interested in next-level living, then you must take this reading journey into the Holy Spirit. This book helps us understand how the Holy Spirit shows up and works within our lives. Dr. Morris provides the reader with keen clarity on how to reap the fruit of the Spirit in an exceptional and timely way. This book is a spiritual gift to the soul."

Jen Olson, Co-Founder/Principal KGO


Interview with JAY MORRIS, PHD, JD

Does writing energize or exhaust you?

It does both. There is a creative side to writing that is so invigorating as it allows me to create new and vibrant domains. It is like painting a picture with words and making it move in whatever direction I decide to take it. There are times when it ends up going nowhere after spending hours upon hours writing, and it turns out to be wasted time for that moment. However, It is the excitement of starting afresh and looking forward to what a new day of writing will bring that brings the ongoing energy.

What is the first book that made you cry?

I can’t remember the first book that made me cry.

How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

Publishing my first book enabled me to appreciate the art of writing. Now that I have achieved the milestone of writing my first book, I am still reflecting on the process of writing that includes marketing. It was a remarkable learning experience in so many ways. I truly value the feedback from my readers and desire to spend more time thinking about them and how my books will make life easier and more enjoyable for them. I will also consider the marketing aspects of writing which was totally foreign to me.

What do you owe the real people upon whom you base your characters?

The characters in my book are real. They are people I know and love. I am so appreciative of the way they allowed me to be a part of their lives. They live within my heart and are so much a part of who I am and who I am becoming. They have been gifts to me, the good as well as the bad!

Where did your love of books/storytelling/reading/writing/etc. come from?

My love of books initially came from my paternal grandfather who had a fourth grade education and suffered from alcoholism. When he was sober, he was a prolific reader who enjoyed listening and talking with people from all backgrounds. I realized at a young age that reading enabled him to be seen as a wise and brilliant man. He was the only person in my life who encouraged me to go to college.

I had a fourth grade teacher who challenged the class to read as many books possible for that year and to write book reports for each book. I read over 70 books that year and loved the writing aspect almost as much as the reading aspect. That experience helped to create a love for writing.

Where do you like to read in your free time?

Whenever possible, I love to read by the ocean sitting under an umbrella and listening to the ocean waves and feeling the ocean breeze blowing early in the morning.

Can you share some stories about people you met while researching this book?

The characters in my book were primarily people I knew. However, in order to celebrate my appreciation for my friends, I invited 12 individuals who were friends, colleagues, and mentors to lunch in Allentown, Pennsylvania after publishing Masterpiece. It was a small token of my appreciation on knowing these individuals many of whom I knew from the beginning of my life. Each of them has a story in and of itself. Some heartbreaking and some heartwarming. However, their friendship and love are based on authenticity and genuine respect that each one offered whenever they had the opportunity.

Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre?

My faith has been the one thing that has kept me out of harm’s way. It has been the only thing that has kept me moving in the right direction. I had to apply all of the things that I read in the Bible to keep me from a life of destruction. I am not perfect, but I have found that the concepts in God’s Word have made a difference for me. I make an effort to share what works in hopes that I can make someone else’s journey a little easier without being judgmental. I make every effort to live by example and let my actions speak for me.

How do you begin writing a new book? What challenges come with it?

I started Masterpiece by writing the outline for the entire book and then describing what each chapter would entail. I spent months working on the outline and then asked a few colleagues to give me feedback on the flow of the book. It took months to get a flow that I was comfortable with. The challenge came in trying to decipher the multiple opinions that were presented. In the end, I had to make sure I was happy with the flow. I also had to make sure it would benefit my audience.

Share a place that inspires you to write. Aruba


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Marcy Meyer said...

The cover looks great. Sounds like a good book.