Monday, July 29, 2024

Book Tour + #Giveaway: Snoodles in Space Episode 2 by Steven Joseph @RABTBookTours

The Zoodles Strike Back

Children's Books

Date Published: August 1, 2024

Publisher: Enigami Publishing


In the award-winning book “Snoodles in Space”, Steven Joseph and Andy Case brought us further adventures of Herbie Snoodleman and Sour Croodle-man exploring the universe and battling the Zoodle Kidoodles for the Earth’s entire supply of noodles.

In this third instalment of the Snoodles series, the Zoodles are determined to have revenge and with the help of a grimy millionaire whose fallen on hard times, they intend to poison the Earth’s water supply and turn everyone into Willy Nilly’s and Dilly Dally’s.

Can Briana and Ricky save the Earth again? Will the outcast kids on the other side of the track rise to the challenge and help save the world?

Interview with Steven Joseph

    Have you read anything that made you think differently about fiction?

    I would have to say the Harry Potter series because it made me think about how JK Rowling had to plot out things in the 8th book before even writing the first. At that time, she doesn’t know that it would be the success that it would be. But, I can see that once you create a character like Harry Potter, you have to continue to write just because you want to find out for yourself exactly what happens.

    How do you select the names of your characters?

    They should rhyme with Noodle, but I find that it is then fun to combine other names like Briana Brainy Broodle and Rick Rockadoodle or Whimpy Whiny Woodle and Frimpy Frumpy Froodle.

    Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

    That is my illustrator Andy Case’s job. I have to read the books ten times to find all the things I have missed!

    What was your hardest scene to write?

    It wasn’t hard to write any of the scenes. But, in my next book, “Escape from Zoodletraz”, if it wasn’t for knowing that I have Andy Case as my illustrator, I would have never written that book. He has to draw Zoodletraz which is where all the pets are sent. It is both dark and light, scary and wonderful. Full of contradictions.

    Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?

    Both. I want a new reader to pick up Book Three and be able to figure things out, but I want them to get all the books to get a full sense of the Snoodleverse that is being created. Each book is so much fun on its own, but with the books put together, it is “Shock and Awe” in such a delightful way. The totally ridiculous becomes completely believable, and magic starts to happen.

    What were your goals and intentions in this book, and how well do you feel you achieved them?

    The big idea was taking Willy Wonka and turning it upside down making the misbehaving kids the heroes at the end. I wanted to say something about labelIng people, good decisions and redemption. And staying completely ridiculous. I have an amazing illustrator, Andy Case, and he nailed it!!

    What inspired you to write Snoodles in Space Episode 2?

    Taking the Willie Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and turning the story upside down on its head.

    Can you tell us a little bit about the next books in The Zoodles Strike Back or what you have planned for the future?

    Book Number Four is titled “Snoodles in Space: Escape from Zoodletraz”. More fun new characters, and the Snoodleverse grows. It is music-themed inspired by my illustrator Andy Case’s first music album “Leap of Faith.” Two songs on the Album drove me to write the story” “Lost Souls in the Dark”, and “Break Free.”

    Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Snoodles in Space Episode 2?

    There are lots of characters but it centers around Grumpy Grimy Groodleman, and his conspiring with Evil Kidoodle to turn everyone into complete nincompoops. His children Frimpy Frumpy Froodle, and Whimpy Whiny Woodle overheard the plot and helped to save the planet.

    What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

    Writing something very silly, and completely ridiculous, and having important teaching lessons. It was not just about the silliness.

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