The optimal guide to getting back to your own Queendom after having a child
Guidance & self help, child birth, parenting, motherhood, body image, self love, self care
Date Published: May 16, 2024
Giving birth is a true miracle, our bodies are amazing and nothing compares to holding your baby.
But often once we have given birth, we often forget to prioritize our own well-being. Our bodies went through a tremendous journey and should have time to recover and heal. This book will help you take charge of your own postnatal recovery, to be the best version of yourself so you can look after your baby in the best possible way. From candid prenatal advice, birth advice to postnatal care of your body and mind including healing your vagina to exercising your body, everything is covered.
Having gone through postpartum depression and the lack of available information, Eva has created a tool that can help you navigate this delicate path of becoming a mom, being a partner and above all being you in all your authenticity.
“Let this exercise be your joyful daily practice."
Eva is the creator of exercise programs tailored specifically for women after giving birth. The goal of her work is to make exercise a joyful daily practice. As a trainer and instructor, she found her passion in healthy movement by encompassing full body acceptance and true expression of self-love through the connection of body and mind. Eva connects exercise with psychosomatics, which she considers to be the source of all physical ailments. Eva believes in teaching wholehearted acceptance of each woman's unique body. To listen to our body, is to understand our body.
Interview with Eva Behenska
Does writing energize or exhaust you?
Writing gives me a huge energy boost! It gives me a huge sense of purpose, I want to share everything I write and get my thoughts and opinions out to as many readers as possible.
What is the first book that made you cry?
I've been crying at books since I was a kid, the plot always draws me in so much that I can't help it. It doesn't matter if it's a novel or a storybook, there's always something that moves me.
How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?
When I published my first book (2018), I didn't expect to want to write another one right away. I felt like it needed a sequel right away, I had so many new thoughts and ideas for improvement.
What do you owe the real people upon whom you base your characters?
My books are based on my experiences. I create books about the female body and for women as a guide and mentor.
Where did your love of books/storytelling/reading/writing/etc. come from?
Definitely from my childhood. My parents loved books, books were always all over the apartment. It was like a bookstore in my sister’s room, I loved going in there and reading the titles of the books and thinking about the names of the authors. Some I couldn't even pronounce.
What do you like to read in your free time?
Literally anything that is written. From washing machine manuals to ancient Greek epics. I'm an avid reader and I can't imagine not reading a few pages every day.
Can you share some stories about people you met while researching this book?
In writing the book, I drew from my own experience with clients and was sometimes extremely saddened by what they had gone through or what their bodies had to endure. I am very grateful for their trust. Also for the fact that I was able to help them by writing a book for them.
Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre? If you write more than one, how do you balance them?
My motivation was clear - to write down everything I experienced so that no one else would have to experience it. Also, to support women that they are not alone, that they have someone to turn to and that there is always a solution.
How do you begin writing a new book? What challenges come with it?
Writing a book is liberating! You can put on paper everything that your mind is hiding, that you feel needs to come out. For me, a certain discipline was important. There were times when I just looked at the white page of my computer monitor and thought, "What am I doing? Is anyone going to care?" but then I started and there was this amazing feeling of flow and freedom. I love it!
Share a place that inspires you to write.
When I write, when it comes, when I feel that thoughts and ideas need to be written, I don't care where I am. I just need to sit down and write. So my inspiration is the whole world.
About the Author
After many years of putting my body through suffering at a dance
conservatory and in theatres, I decided to approach my body in a new and
different way. My first impulse was practicing Pilates which grew into
compensatory methods. I became more and more interested in the mind-body
connection which led me to discover psychosomatics. Since I myself went
through a complicated postpartum period where I felt amazed but also
betrayed by my own body and my uncooperative mind, I started focusing on
working with women in the postpartum period. Out of this experience and the
desire to help as many women as possible, this book was born.
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