Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Book Tour + #Giveaway: Last Semester by Corine Mekaouche @CorineMekaouche @SDSXXTours

Blog Tour + #Giveaway: Chance at Redemption by Samatha Harris @SamathaHarris08 @chapterxchapter

Release Blitz + #Giveaway: THROUGH THE STORM by Meredith Bond @merrybond @bookunleashed

From Award Winning Author
Meredith Bond
Some plans are made to be broken…
Through The Storm
Meredith Bond

PROMO TOUR: Love by the Book & A Journey Home by ANGELA SCAVONE @busterwhyte @MoBPromos

Love by the Book & A Journey Home

Release Blitz: Under the Cherry Tree by Lilac Mills @LilacMills @RABTBookTours

Blurb Blitz + #Giveaway: The Man From Rome by Dylan James Quarles @dylanjquarles @GoddessFish

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: The Royal Treatment by M.J. Summers @MJSummersBooks @XpressoTours

Release Blitz + #Giveaway: The Baby Clause 2.0 by Melanie Moreland @MorelandMelanie @starange13

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Book Tour + #Giveaway: Remnants by Carolyn Arnold @Carolyn_Arnold @SDSXXTours

Blog Tour + #Giveaway: Black Dawn by Mallory McCartney @MalMcCartney @chapterxchapter

Release Blitz + #Giveaway: DAMAGE CONTROL by Eva King @evakingauthor @bookunleashed

Sometimes it takes more than damage control to find a happily ever after.
Damage Control
Eva King

Book Tour + #Giveaway: Set You Free by Elmer Seward @ElmerSeward2 @JaidisShaw

 photo Set You Free Banner.png

Release Tour + #Giveaway: THE MOMMY DETECTIVES AND THE BINGO HALL MYSTERY by Alathia Paris Morgan @alathiamg @MoBPromos

The Mommy Detectives series, book 1
by Alathia Paris Morgan

REVIEW Tour + #Giveaway: Sky Raiders by Michelle Diener @michellediener @GoddessFish

PROMO Blitz: The Windless Echo by Oliver Kaufman @Oliver_Kaufman @RABTBookTours

Cover Reveal: Junk by Komal Kant @Komal_Kant @XpressoTours

Release Day Celebration + #Giveaway: About Last Summer by Patricia B. Tighe @PatriciaBTighe @chapterxchapter @SwoonRomance

Hello Readers! Welcome to the Release Day Celebration for
About Last Summer by Patricia B. Tighe
presented by Swoon Romance!
Check out the excerpt below, and find your next read!
Happy Book Birthday, Patricia!
Pretend to be from Spain? Act like she can barely speak English? Sure, why not? It wouldn’t be the first time Gabby Vega had agreed to a challenge from her best friend, Kenzie. Besides, it’s only for a week of vacation with Kenzie’s cousins. Gabby will prove to Kenzie she can keep up the fake identity for the whole trip—that she’s not a quitter.

There’s just one major surprise. Noah Jernigan is also staying with Kenzie’s cousins. Noah, the boy she fell in love with at drama camp last summer and the boy she had to dump when it was over. The boy who knows who she really is. 

Noah can’t believe it when Gabby appears at the Bryson’s vacation home in the New Mexico mountains. He hasn’t seen her in a year. It practically took that long just to get over her. And now she’s Gabriela from Spain? All he wants is to get as far away as he can. Or maybe the exact opposite. Stick as close to her as possible and find out what the heck happened last summer. And definitely get some payback. 

Now Gabby has to keep Noah at arm’s length as she pretends to be Gabriela. She doesn’t want to answer his questions or rehash last summer. Because one thing is clear—the more time she spends with Noah, the more she’s in danger of falling for him all over again.
About Last Summer by Patricia B. Tighe 
Publication Date: May 30, 2017 
Publisher: Swoon Romance
Available for Purchase: Amazon
We entered a bright corner room with windows on two sides and twin beds. It was pretty, but I couldn’t really take it all in.
“Sit down,” Kenzie said, taking the backpack from my shoulder. “What’s the matter? You look like you’ve lost your best friend, and I’m still right here, so talk.”
I sat on one of the beds and slid my hands under my thighs. “Remember last fall when I was getting over the guy from drama camp?”
“That’s him. Noah Jernigan.”
Kenzie’s mouth fell open. “No way.”
I nodded.
“But, how could—? I mean, I thought he lived far away from Austin, like San Diego or something.”
“No, San Antonio.”
Kenzie was shaking her head. “And he goes to Geoff’s school. What are the odds?”
“I don’t know. But I can’t stay here. This is a nightmare.”
“No, you have to stay. That would be quitting. You wanted a challenge, didn’t you?”
“This is more than a challenge. I have no idea what he’s going to do. He knows me, Kenz. He can tell everyone who I am.”
She plopped onto the opposite bed. “But you don’t know that for sure. I mean, he went along with it outside, didn’t he?”
“Yeah, but it was so sudden. After he thinks about it, he’ll probably want to stand on the table and announce it to everybody.”
Kenzie laughed. “Still. He didn’t give you away, and he could’ve.” She got up and walked to the window. After staring out for a second, she turned back. “I say wait it out. See what he’s going to do. He might be really cool about it.”
I rubbed my forehead. “Would you? If someone dumped you and a year later you saw them pretending to be somebody else … would you be nice about it?”

I took a swig of Coke and chanced another look at Gabby. She was staring at Kenzie who was describing the nearby town and things to do. Gabby’s dark brown hair hung around her shoulders in loose curls. I could still remember how it felt to wrap one of those silky curls around my finger, and then let it slide free.
The conversation went on, but I wasn’t listening anymore. What would it be like to run my hands through Gabby’s hair again, to have her look only at me? And, as if she heard my thoughts, she made eye contact. Her smile fell away. There was a weird look in her dark brown eyes. One I’d never seen before. And then it sank in. Fear.
Gabby was afraid of me.
I turned back to my plate, but it was empty. I couldn’t remember finishing the sandwich. A pasty taste filled my mouth, so I chugged the rest of my soda. What did she have to be afraid of? I almost laughed out loud. Stupid question. I knew who she was. I could ruin her little game. The Spanish girl. Anger surged back through me.
The girl from Spain, who was really the girl from Austin, who was the girl who’d dumped me, who was the girl I’d been in love with. It had hurt. It was embarrassing how much it had hurt. Had she cared at all? I doubted it.
But she was afraid. The opportunity for revenge appeared as easily as if I’d asked someone at the table to pass it to me.
Hey, Geoff, pass the revenge.
Sure. Mind if I take some first?
Not at all. Help yourself.
Everything inside me settled into determination. No way was I going home early. Not when I could spend a week getting back at Gabby Vega. I smiled. She was scared of what I might do? Good. Because I was just getting started.

With a sigh, I fell back against the soft sheets and stared at the flawless white ceiling. No cracks to stare at to pass the time. I knew I couldn’t focus on a book. Not when I kept reliving that warm look in Noah’s eyes after I’d done the chicken impression. It was almost like he wasn’t mad anymore. Like he was enjoying everything. Even being around me.
But then the look had slid off his face as if he were thinking about the worst memory of his life. Was that me? Was I his worst memory? I had no idea. But it was probably the reason he was going to so much trouble to make me look stupid.
He was punishing me. Guilt and frustration warred in my chest. Never in a million years had I thought I’d hurt him so badly. I’d figured he’d be over me in a couple of weeks and get on with his life. That I was the only one hurting. Guess I was wrong. How long had it taken him to get past it all? If he was like me, way too long.
I stood and went to the window facing the back of the house. A wooden deck partially blocked the view of Kenzie and the guys shooting baskets. Laughter sounded, clear even through the closed window. Kenzie jumped up and launched the ball through the air.
“You suck!” Geoff’s voice rang out.
I smiled. Kenzie’s shot must have gone in.
Noah came into view, shooting what looked like the same shot, his body long and graceful in the air. I leaned my cheek against the cool glass of the window. He was so beautiful to watch. But the bang of his shot hitting the rim jerked me out of my semi-swoon. I gave my head a quick shake. I had to stop this. If I didn’t, I’d repeat my mistake from last summer and fall in love with him.
Only this time there was no chance he’d make the same mistake. He hated me.
“Gamma?” Geoff asked, without looking away from the cards in his hand. “Did I hear you say ‘Noah’?”
“Have you seen him?” he asked.
“Yes, a while ago, though. He went out the back door, carrying his guitar.”
Geoff grunted. “He probably won’t be back for a while then.”
True. When he played guitar, Noah traveled to another world. I couldn’t stop myself. I pushed away from the window. “Excuse me,” I said to no one in particular and left the room. I eased out the front door and dropped into one of the huge wooden rocking chairs that lined the porch. The sounds of a faraway guitar floated through the air like a feather that refused to land.
I exhaled, relaxing into the sound, wishing I was sitting across a campfire from him, watching his fingers dance across the strings. A sudden pain left me pressing a hand to my chest.
The realization of how much I’d missed his music, missed him, left me almost gasping for air. Why here? Why now? I massaged my breastbone with the heel of my hand, trying to rub the ache into nonexistence. Nothing could change between us. I’d made my decision last summer. It wouldn’t be fair to act like we could start over.
I set the rocking chair into motion. Forget all of that. Just listen to the music. I let the strumming sound wash over me for several minutes until my pulse returned to normal. Then the sound dipped too low for me to hear. I leaned forward, straining with everything I had, but it was no good. A few notes rose up to tease me, then dropped away again.
I was being stupid. It was just Noah playing guitar. And I wanted to hear it better. There was no special meaning behind it. None. I rose, jogged down the steps, and headed around the side of the house.

I was three measures into a different Celtic song when a sound broke my concentration. A footstep? Probably not. I frowned and kept playing. But somehow, the shades of darkness shifted. I squinted. Someone stood on the blacktop where we shot baskets, half hidden by the side of the deck.
My heart rate picked up. There was only one person it could be. The others were inside, and Amanda didn’t go anywhere without Haley. I kept playing, just more quietly. “You can come out,” I said. “I know you’re there.”
Gabby’s voice came from the blackness. “How?”
I waited until she reached the bottom of the steps. “A shadow moved or something.”
“Oh.” She stepped up and sat on the stair just below the deck’s floor. “That sounds familiar.”
Crap. I’d been playing her song again. I purposely plucked the wrong string, the flat note twanging out like a slap. “Haven’t played it in awhile.” Idiot, idiot. You played it a few minutes ago. If she was outside, she heard it.
She leaned back on her elbows and faced the backyard. “It’s still good.”
I could’ve switched songs. I so wanted to. But a perverse need to show her just how great the song could be filled me with determination. So I let myself fall completely into the music, each note ringing out with precision and aching sweetness.
Finally, when my chest was so tight I could barely breathe, I stopped. My body still rocked uncontrollably forward and back, the last notes reverberating into the night.
She said nothing. Just sat there as if she deserved the whole performance.
And I was caught. I wanted to jump up and go inside. But I also wanted to lean toward her. Remember how much you liked that last summer? Do you still? I had to be the biggest fool between here and whatever the hell river ran through Texas.
She sighed, and it broke through the Gabby-cloud in my mind. “What’re you doing out here, Gabby?”
She looked over her shoulder at me, but I couldn’t see her face in the darkness. Just her soft voice floated out. “Why didn’t you play games with everybody?”
I picked idly at the guitar strings. “I’m tired of games. Especially ones I can’t win.”

The mother of two grown sons, Patricia B. Tighe lives in West Texas with her husband and dog. She eats way too much pizza, drinks way too much coffee, and watches way too much NFL football. On the bright side, she also reads and writes teen fiction. She promises to include as much romance, angst, and adventure as possible in her books.
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Monday, May 29, 2017

Blog Tour + #Giveaway: When Planets Fall by Abby J. Reed @AbbyJReed @XpressoTours

Book Tour + #Giveaway: Rising by Sonya Weiss @SonyaWeiss @SDSXXTours

Release Blitz + #Giveaway: REMEMBER WHEN by Lindsay Detwiler @LindsayDetwiler @bookunleashed

A single moment can change everything...
but can love help us survive?
Remember When
Lindsay Detwiler

Book Tour + #Giveaway: May We Fill Your Kindle giveaway @MoBPromos

Let us pack your e-readers with some great reads for those long summer days that are just around the corner. No matter what you prefer to read, you’re sure to find some below.

Please note, that by downloading any of the books below you are agreeing to be added to that authors newsletter. We promise not to spam you and we’ll never sell your email address. In most cases once you’re added you’ll receive a welcome email which might possibly contain additional free books, so be sure to check your email.

Paranormal & Fantasy Romance
Contemporary Romance
Erotic Romance
Historical Romance
New Adult Romance
Romantic Suspense

PROMO Blitz: The Buddha Made Me Do It by Marla Martenson @marlamartenson @RABTBookTours

Blurb Blitz + #Giveaway: Broken Spire by Sue Perkins @SuePerkinsAuthr @GoddessFish

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Dark Illusions by D.D. Miers @AuthorDDMiers @XpressoTours

Release Blitz + #Giveaway: Damage Control by Eva King @EvaKing83 @HotTreePromos

Dahlia Donovan's Birthday Sale + #Giveaway @DahliaDonovan @WTMOreads

Dahlia Donovan is celebrating her birthday and YOU are getting the presents!!!
Check out her sale.
Free, .99¢ and 50% off

Release Blitz: Starshine by Melody Winter @MelodyWinter @RABTBookTours

Contemporary Romance
Date Published: 29th May 2017

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Film student Ella Summers can’t believe her luck when she is selected to work on the set of the most anticipated film release of the year—STARSHINE. For the next four weeks, she’ll be in the studio with heart-throb and leading man Alex Denton, and his co-star—and recent ex—the stunning Amy Strickland.

But her first day on set has her questioning the true character of the enigmatic and sexy Alex. The charming celebrity she’s adored on screen disappears before her very eyes—if indeed he ever really existed.

Off-camera arguments between Alex and Amy become difficult to ignore, and when Ella uncovers layers of deceit and closely guarded secrets between them, she becomes involved in a battle that has far-reaching implications.

With the paparazzi hounding her every move for the most sensational story they can get, Ella becomes deeply embroiled in Alex’s life. Can she break down his seemingly impenetrable walls, or will he remain the arrogant ass she first met?

STARSHINE is set in London, England. Beware though—Alex Denton has a crude mouth, and an equally wicked smile.



The silence was suddenly broken by the thud of distant music and the roar of a car engine. I glared at the car as it sped along the road toward the bus-stop, and inwardly cursed the idiot behind the wheel.
My glare turned into a worried frown when the silver car slowed down and stopped at the bus-stop. The dark tinted passenger window slowly hummed down, and the thud of music turned into a deafening roar.
The driver of the car was revealed—Alex Denton.
He raised his eyebrows, before lowering his gaze and taking in the sight of my dress clinging to my legs. I was glad I had a cardigan on, no matter that it looked like a wet sack now. At least he couldn’t see my bright pink bra, one that would be very visible underneath a practically transparent wet dress.
Alex licked his bottom lip as he stared at my legs, and I realised that the relief I had felt that he couldn’t see my bra due to my cardigan, had been misplaced. The modest woollen covering wasn’t long enough to cover my lower half. My matching pink pants would be very visible and I suspected that they were what Alex Denton was looking at.
“You’re wet!” he shouted above the relentless thudding of the music.
“You noticed!” I yelled back, wondering why he hadn’t turned the music down if he wanted to talk. I toyed with the idea of whether to accept a lift or not if he offered me one. The thought of being trapped with him in a car had always been a dream of mine, but after everything else that had happened today, I didn’t know whether I had the strength to spend even one more second in his scintillating company. But I was tired and I wanted to get home as quickly as possible. The thought of racing through London in his very expensive sports car, or trudging through traffic on a crammed public bus for a good thirty minutes made my mind up. I’d accept the lift if he offered. If he was sarcastic with me, I could just ignore him. Maybe he’d even mellow a little and I’d get to see what he was really like when he wasn’t in the same room as Amy.
He slowly lifted his hand, curling his finger to beckon me toward the car.
I took one step forward, stopping abruptly as he held his hand up in a halt position. Now what was he doing?
“You really are very wet!” he said before reaching forward and flicking a small silver switch on the central console. The music died, leaving the sound of the engine idling.
“No shit, Einstein. It has just poured down,” I said, my voice edged with sarcasm.
His jaw tightened at my response, and his eyes drifted down my body again.
“Hot pink?” he said, although it sounded more like a question.
I knew exactly what he was referring to. My cheeks heated as I pulled at the front of my cardigan, but it was no use. It wouldn’t stretch to cover my lower body. Knowing there was nothing I could do about my see-through dress, I gritted my teeth and offered Alex a stony stare. One that dared him to continue with his next response.
“I like it,” he said.  “Not as slutty at red.”
My body tensed. My nostrils flared as more heat flushed my face. Did he just refer to me as being slutty?
He smiled before pulling a sudden poker face. I was so wrapped up in thinking of a response to his somewhat undisguised insult that I didn’t see the bus approach.
“Shit,” I murmured, as it rumbled past Alex’s car. The next bus wasn’t due for another hour.
Alex watched the bus as it disappeared down the road and then turned to face me.
“See you tomorrow, Work Experience Girl.”
He grinned and winked at me as the car window hummed shut. The loud music started again and the engine revved several times before he sped off in the same direction as the bus.

About the Author

Growing up, Melody Winter showed a natural ability in art, a head for maths, and a tendency to write far too long English essays. Difficult to place in the world when she graduated, she pursued a career in teaching, but eventually ended up working in finance. Melody is convinced that the methodical time she spends working with numbers fuels her desire to drift into dream worlds and write about the illusory characters in her head.

Melody lives in North Yorkshire, England, with her husband and two teenage sons. When not dealing with football, rugby, and a whole plethora of ‘boy’ activities, she will be found scribbling notes for her stories, or listening to 80’s music on her IPod.

Melody has a tendency to fall head-over-heels in love with her main characters, even when they frustrate her and refuse to act the way she wants them to. She is a romance writer at heart and loves reading and writing about anything mythological or magical, as well as exploring the gritty side of love affairs and the complexities of being in love.

SACHAEL DREAMS was her debut novel, (REUTS Publications, USA) and the first in the New Adult Romantic Fantasy series—the ‘Mine Series’. The second book in the series, SACHAEL DESIRES’, was released in November 2015, and the remaining books in the series, SACHAEL DELUSIONS, and, SACHAEL DESTINY, are due to be released in the near future.

Melody has also self-published two books, INIQUITY, the first book in a Dark New Adult Romantic Fantasy series— ‘The Ascent’ (The second book in the series, ADVERSITY, is due for release later this year.) and STARSHINE, Melody’s first contemporary romance,  released 29th May 2017.

Contact Links

Purchase Links

Starshine is exclusive to Amazon and part of KU 

Reading Addiction Blog Tours

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Virtual Book Tour + #Giveaway: Blood Phoenix: Imprinted by Alisha Costanzo @AlishaCostanzo @RABTBookTours

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Darkest Days by N W Harris @nwharrisbooks @XpressoTours

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Dawn Girl by Leslie Wolfe @WolfeNovels @XpressoTours

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: True Hero by Susan Owensby @SOwensbyAuthor @XpressoTours

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Aiding the Dragon by Jessie Donovan @JessieDauthor @XpressoTours

Release Blast: RAFFLES TO RATTLES by Stacy Eaton @StacySEaton @MoBPromos

The Celebration Township, book 8
by Stacy Eaton

Kickoff to Summer Book Sale @WTMOreads

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Kickoff to Summer Reading Book Sale!!

All books are either free or

99 cents!

Limited time only!


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