Author: Claire Buss
Genre: Fantasy/Science Fiction/ Post-Apocalyptic
Tour Dates: 20th-24th of March
Hosted by: Ultimate Fantasy Book Tours

In City 42 Corporation look after you from cradle to grave. They protect you from the radiation outside the wall. They control the food, the water, the technology and most important of all, the continuation of the human race. Kira and Jed Jenkins were lucky enough to win Collection but when their friends start falling pregnant naturally, everything changes. How long has Corporation been lying to them? Is it really toxic outside the wall? As the group comes to terms with the changes in their lives they discover there is a much more powerful and ancient force at work, trying to bridge the gap between man and nature.
The people of City 42 live inside a dome that protects them from radiation on the outside of the dome. Inside the dome everything and everyone is controlled by Corporation who has control of their food, water and how babies are made and how life is continued. Babies are created in a lab and if you want to be a parent you have to apply and then be approved for collection before having or getting your baby.
While Corporation makes sure you have clean water to drink they also add a little something to the water to keep everyone sterile. But the thing is no one but the top dogs know about the little something that is added to the water. The people are being lied too.
Jed and Kira Jenkins applied for and was approved for collection while all of their friends are becoming pregnant the old fashion way. What is going on? Some of them are also being visited by a blue lady. Who is this blue lady and what does she want with them?
What is going on with the Corporation? How are all these women becoming pregnant all of a sudden? Has the Corporation been lying to them? What are they hiding?
I really enjoyed reading about the lives of the people who live in City 42. I really enjoyed all of the gadgets they have that helped to make their lives easier. I really loved the auto baby bottle warmer thingy. Oh and I liked how if someone called you on your house phone and you had to leave you could just have the transferred to like your personal device and take the call with you without any interruption.
I also like that while reading The Gaia Effect I would get so lost in the story that I would forget where I was in the real world and what was going on around me. I kept wanting to see when the little blue lady was going to pop up next and who was she going to appear to. Each character took me on an amazing journey; all their own; one which I hope to visit again soon.
If you have not read The Gaia Effect then I would like to suggest that you do and real soon. Well that is if you like futurist, science fiction or dystopian type books.

Claire Buss is a science fiction/fantasy writer currently based in Barking, Essex. She wanted to be Lois Lane when she grew up but work experience at her local paper was eye-opening. Instead Claire went on to work in a variety of admin roles for over a decade but never felt quite at home. An avid reader, baker and pinterest addict Claire won second place in the Barking and Dagenham Pen to Print writing competition in 2015 with The Gaia Effect and set her writing career in motion.
Visit her at:

Thank you so much for being part of The Gaia Effect book blog tour and for writing a review - I am so pleased you enjoyed reading the book :)
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