Saturday, December 30, 2017

Free Book Promo + #Giveaway: Wolf of the Tesseract by Christopher D. Schmitz @cylonbagpiper @SDSXXTours

Wolf of the Tesseract
by Christopher D. Schmitz
Genre: SciFi Fantasy
227 pages

While investigating a series of strange murders in her neighborhood, college student Claire Jones is kidnapped by a handsome werewolf who claims he’s rescuing her from the clutches of an evil sorcerer. But she can’t run forever and if Claire and her companion can’t reclaim an arcane artifact to end the warlock’s reign of terror, he will unleash the dark god Sh’logath’s cataclysmic power upon the universe, shattering dimensional barriers, and devouring all reality.

**FREE on Amazon Dec 28th- 30th!**

Christopher D. Schmitz is the traditionally published and self-published author of both fiction and nonfiction. When he is not writing or working with teenagers he might be found at comic conventions as a panelist or guest. He has been featured on cable access television broadcasts, metro area podcasts, and runs a blog for indie authors.
Always interested in stories, media such as comic books, movies, 80s cartoons, and books called to him at a young age—especially sci-fi and fantasy. He lives in rural Minnesota with his family where he drinks unsafe amounts of coffee. The caffeine shakes keeps the cold from killing them. His entire family is musically gifted, although he is, sadly, their only bagpiper.
Education: Schmitz also holds a Master’s Degree in Religion and freelances for local newspapers. He is available for speaking engagements, interviews, etc. via the contact form and links on his website or via social media.

Release Blitz: Bear's Shadow by Desiree L. Scott @dlscottauthor @WTMOreads

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Release Blitz + #Giveaway: DESTRUCTION by Jennifer Bene @jbeneauthor @bookunleashed

Destruction Tour Graphic

Cover Reveal: Wild Hearts by Lindsay Detwiler @LindsayDetwiler @HotTreePromos

Friday, December 29, 2017

Virtual Book Tour: The War Ender's Apprentice by Elizabeth Guizzetti @E_Guizzetti @RABTBookTours

Blog Tour: STAIRWAY TO PARADISE by Nadia Natali @NadiaNatali @pumpupyourbook

 We're thrilled to have Nadia Natali, author of the memoir, Stairway to Paradise: Growing Up Gershwin today! Leave a comment below to let her know you stopped by!

Author: Nadia Natali
Publisher: RareBird Books
Pages: 304
Genre: Memoir
Growing up as Frankie Gershwin's daughter, the sister of George and Ira Gershwin, was quite a challenge. I didn't have the perspective to realize that so much unhappiness in a family was out of the ordinary. But I knew something was off. My mother was often depressed and my father was tyrannical and scary, one never knew when he would blow up. I learned early on that I had to be the cheery one, the one to fix the problems. Both sides of my family were famous; the Gershwin side and my father who invented color film. But even though there was more than enough recognition, money and parties I understood that wasn't what made people happy.

As a young adult adrift and depressed I broke from that unsatisfactory life by marrying Enrico Natali, a photographer, deeply immersed in his own questions about life. We moved into the wilderness away from what we considered as the dysfunction of society. That’s when we discovered that life had other kinds of challenges: flood, fire, rattlesnakes, mountain lions and bears. We lived in a teepee for more than four years while building a house. Curiously my mother never commented on my life choice. She must have realized on some level that her own life was less than satisfactory.

Enrico had developed a serious meditation practice that had become a kind of ground for him. As for me I danced. Understanding the somatic, the inner body experience, became my way to shift the inner story.

We raised and homeschooled our three children. I taught them to read, Enrico taught them math. The kids ran free, happy, always engaged, making things, and discovering. We were so sure we were doing the right thing. However, we didn't have a clue how they would make the transition to the so-called ‘real world’. The children thrived until they became teenagers. They then wanted out. Everything fell apart for them and for Enrico and me. Our lives were turned upside down, our paradise lost. There was tragedy: our son lost his life while attempting to cross our river during a fierce storm. Later I was further challenged by advanced breast cancer.

It was during these times that I delved deeply into the somatic recesses of myself. I began to find my own voice, a long learning process. I emerged with a profound trust in my own authority. It became clear that everyone has to find his or her way through layers of inauthenticity, where a deep knowing can develop. And I came to see that is the best anyone can offer to the world.

Enrico and I still live in the wilds of the Lost Padres National Forest, a paradise with many steps going up and down, a life I would not change.


Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Audible

Nadia Natali, author of the memoir, Stairway to Paradise: Growing Up Gershwin, published by Rare Bird, Los Angeles, 2015, and The Blue Heron Ranch Cookbook: Recipes and Stories from a Zen Retreat Center published by North Atlantic Books, Berkeley CA, 2008, is currently working on a second cookbook titled Zafu Kitchen Cookbook. 
Natali, a clinical psychotherapist and dance therapist, specializes in trauma release through somatic work. She earned a master’s degree from Hunter College in New York City in Dance/Movement Therapy and completed another masters degree in clinical psychology with an emphasis in somatic psychology at the Santa Barbara Graduate Institute. Nadia is a registered practitioner of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (RCST) and is also a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) who trained with Peter Levine.

DanceMedicine Workshops is Natali’s creation where participants move through their trauma with dialogue and dance. She also offers the Ojai community, DanceMedicine Journeys. In addition to her private practice, Nadia and her husband offer Zen Retreats at their center.

Born into a famous family that was riddled with dysfunction, Nadia Natali made the choice to turn her life inside out and step away from fame and fortune. Against her parents’ consent she married an artist and moved to the remote wilderness in California. It was there that she found grounding as she and her husband raised and homeschooled their three children and opened a retreat center. As she gathered her own momentum, she enrolled in a doctorate program finally becoming a clinical psychotherapist specializing in psychosomatic work. She and her husband live in Ojai California.



Massive Sale & New Release: The Falls Trilogy by Heather Renee @hrenee_author

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Review: Rise of Restless and Ruined (SoulShifter 0) by Hilary Thompson @HilaryLThompson

Rise of Restless and Ruined
SoulShifter 0
by Hilary Thompson

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: A Harmless Little Game by Meli Raine @meliraineauthor @XpressoTours

Release Week Blitz: Breaking the Ice by Julie Cross @juliecross1980 @chapterxchapter @EntangledTeen

Release: Burn For You by Theresa Troutman @TheresaTroutman @WTMOreads

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A Rock Star Romance
By Theresa Troutman

Cover Reveal: Quest for a Popstar by Katie Hamstead @HamsteadKatie @yaboundtourspr

Cover Reveal: Mute by ML Nystrom @HotTreePromos

Amazon After Christmas Gift Card Book Sale @WTMOreads

Amazon Christmas Gift Card Book Sale -

December 26th to January 1st

All Books on sale for only 99 cents!!


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Review: Six Queens Short Story Collection by @KVanRisseghem @RhondaSermon @sarah_kl_wilson @HilaryLThompson

Six Queens

Enlighten #0.5
By Kristin D. Van Risseghem

Midnight Chronicles #0.5
By Rhonda Sermon

Unweaving #0.5
By Sarah K. L. Wilson

Shift of Shadow and Soul #0.5
By Hilary Thompson

Published: November 2017
Genre: Fantasy, Magic


A collection of four short stories to introduce readers to the series by the different authors.

The stories include

Ninjas & Nephilims (Enlighten series) by Kristin D. Van Risseghem

Jonah's Curse (Midnight Chronicles series) by Rhonda Sermon

Prince of Hawks (Unweaving series) by Sarah K.L. Wilson

Wrath of Witches (Shift of Shadow and Soul series) by Hilary Thompson.

This edition was free on the authors joint mailing list.

My Review of Ninjas & Nephilims (Enlighten #0.5) by Kristin D. Van Risseghem

A Neophilim and an Angel are assigned to take care of a little girl from the day she is born. Day after day they go out sit outside of her house watching over her and keeping her safe.

Ninjas & Nephilims was a great introduction to the Enlighten series. I can’t wait to read more of this authors work and find out more about the characters in this series.

Connect with Kristin

My Review of Jonah’s Curse (Midnight Chronicles #0.5) by Rhonda Sermon

A young man, Jonah suffers from a curse, an illness and the medicine that he takes for it is killing him. In order to get the magic that he needs to stop the curse he has to leave the ones he loves cares about the most in this world and go fight with their enemy.

I really enjoyed reading Jonah’s Curse and hope that in the near future I can find out more about Jonah and The Midnight Society.

Connect with Rhonda

My Review of Prince of Hawks (Unweaving #0.5) by Sarah K. L. Wilson

The Prince of Hawks wants to soar through the air like a hawk with his own body and not through the mind and eyes of the hawk.

One day his home is attacked and his parents are taken from him. After his parents died he took the crown from his dead father’s head and placed it on his own. He will now lead his men into battle.

This is not the first book by Sarah K. L. Wilson that I have read and I certainly hope that it is not the last. I have enjoyed reading this little introduction into the world of the Unweaving Chronicles.

Connect with Sarah

My Review of Wrath of Witches (Shift of Shadow and Soul #0.5) by Hilary Thompson

Resh the second son of a king sets out to find a talisman, a dagger and runs into a woman called Shanta who claims she can find the dagger for him. But first she wants Resh to help her find her friend. Shanta contacts a witch in town who tells her where to find this dagger. So Resh and Shanta take off on their journey to find Shanta’s friend and the dagger.

Wrath of Witches is not the first book by Hilary Thompson that I have read nor is this the first book in Shift of Shadow and Soul world that I have read. The Shift of Shadow and Soul is an amazing read. I can’t wait to read more in the Shift of Shadow and Soul world and more byf this author. 

Connect with Hilary

Cover Reveal + #Giveaway: Night Shift by Carey Decevito @ItalRT4u @XpressoTours

Friday, December 22, 2017

Virtual Book Tour + Review + #Giveaway: The One Apart by Justine Avery @Justine_Avery @RABTBookTours

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Visionary New Years by Yumoyori Wilson @XpressoTours

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Bennett by Sybil Bartel @SybilBartel @XpressoTours

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Handler by Tish Thawer @TishThawer @XpressoTours

PROMO Blitz: Sorcerers' Dynasty by Stephen Perkins @RAGEOFWORDS @RABTBookTours

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Tainted Lies: A Dream Walker Division Novel by Leona Nation @XpressoTours

Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Strictly Business by Siena Noble @Siena_Noble @XpressoTours

Audio Release + #Giveaway: The Bunny and the Billionaire by Louisa Masters @HotTreePromos