Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Review: Six Queens Short Story Collection by @KVanRisseghem @RhondaSermon @sarah_kl_wilson @HilaryLThompson

Six Queens

Enlighten #0.5
By Kristin D. Van Risseghem

Midnight Chronicles #0.5
By Rhonda Sermon

Unweaving #0.5
By Sarah K. L. Wilson

Shift of Shadow and Soul #0.5
By Hilary Thompson

Published: November 2017
Genre: Fantasy, Magic


A collection of four short stories to introduce readers to the series by the different authors.

The stories include

Ninjas & Nephilims (Enlighten series) by Kristin D. Van Risseghem

Jonah's Curse (Midnight Chronicles series) by Rhonda Sermon

Prince of Hawks (Unweaving series) by Sarah K.L. Wilson

Wrath of Witches (Shift of Shadow and Soul series) by Hilary Thompson.

This edition was free on the authors joint mailing list.

My Review of Ninjas & Nephilims (Enlighten #0.5) by Kristin D. Van Risseghem

A Neophilim and an Angel are assigned to take care of a little girl from the day she is born. Day after day they go out sit outside of her house watching over her and keeping her safe.

Ninjas & Nephilims was a great introduction to the Enlighten series. I can’t wait to read more of this authors work and find out more about the characters in this series.

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My Review of Jonah’s Curse (Midnight Chronicles #0.5) by Rhonda Sermon

A young man, Jonah suffers from a curse, an illness and the medicine that he takes for it is killing him. In order to get the magic that he needs to stop the curse he has to leave the ones he loves cares about the most in this world and go fight with their enemy.

I really enjoyed reading Jonah’s Curse and hope that in the near future I can find out more about Jonah and The Midnight Society.

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My Review of Prince of Hawks (Unweaving #0.5) by Sarah K. L. Wilson

The Prince of Hawks wants to soar through the air like a hawk with his own body and not through the mind and eyes of the hawk.

One day his home is attacked and his parents are taken from him. After his parents died he took the crown from his dead father’s head and placed it on his own. He will now lead his men into battle.

This is not the first book by Sarah K. L. Wilson that I have read and I certainly hope that it is not the last. I have enjoyed reading this little introduction into the world of the Unweaving Chronicles.

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My Review of Wrath of Witches (Shift of Shadow and Soul #0.5) by Hilary Thompson

Resh the second son of a king sets out to find a talisman, a dagger and runs into a woman called Shanta who claims she can find the dagger for him. But first she wants Resh to help her find her friend. Shanta contacts a witch in town who tells her where to find this dagger. So Resh and Shanta take off on their journey to find Shanta’s friend and the dagger.

Wrath of Witches is not the first book by Hilary Thompson that I have read nor is this the first book in Shift of Shadow and Soul world that I have read. The Shift of Shadow and Soul is an amazing read. I can’t wait to read more in the Shift of Shadow and Soul world and more byf this author. 

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