Thursday, September 5, 2024

Book Tour + #Giveaway: Heart & Soul by Toby Negus @tobynegus @RABTBookTours


Self Help, Spiritual Inspiration

Date Published: 06-12-2024

Truths beautifully expressed

Toby Negus, author and illustrator of The heart knows what the mind cannot see, has created a collection of lyrical inspirational prose messages coupled with colorful and mesmerizing symbolic illustrations that speak to the soul.

The author has continued his exploration of the most transformational psychospiritual concepts that lie deeply within all humans, bringing the wisdom of heart and soul into the light for our minds to connect with and grow from. He weaves his messages through a variety of topics, including love, freedom, choice, truth, self-awareness, the now moment, healing, peace, and most importantly, the role of the heart and soul in enlightening humanity’s journey on Planet Earth. Connections are made among these concepts to help readers make the same connections in order to find peace in their own lives.

As an artist, the author takes his ethereal subject matter, fuses it with the colors and shapes presented by his own spiritual muse, and gives the reader a visceral inner transformation through symbol, intense color, and cosmic shape.

Heart and Soul creates a deep and beautiful immersion for the reader into their own heart’s beautiful depths.


Interview with Toby Negus

Does writing energize or exhaust you?

Writing is is often a contemplative/connective process where I can relax into another relm of myself. It is also an adventure and struggle to pit the words into sentences that enable the deeper feelings to be expressed and explained.

What is the first book that made you cry?

I was very moved by Divine Beauty by  John O'Donohue. His ability to express the subtle spiritual aspects of life is beautiful.

How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

I realized that the publishing and promotion of my book was harder work that writing it .

What do you owe the real people upon whom you base your characters?

My work is about spiritual development so it is drawn from my experience of me and the observation of others. I always wish to make it as real as possible.

What do you like to read in your free time?

I ebjoy historical fiction and some of the better written spiritual books by authors who live what they speak and love what they see,

Can you share some stories about people you met while researching this book?

Real learning is not what we expect.

If we could expect it, it wouldn’t be learning.

I looked in the mirror today and saw more than who I thought I was; within the eyes was a million years of purpose. I saw the depth of the universe and felt its unfaltering love. It was as if I had seen the divine within myself, the truth of who we are. The us that never dies, the custodian of our purpose, the love of our life.

This wasn’t what I expected and was somewhat sobering. There was no blinding light, no sound of trumpets, and no big handshake with an almighty. But it was as profound as if there had been. For it seemed I was touching an eternal part of myself, an authority within that could create my heaven on earth, that was already in heaven on earth! It was a glimpse of something other than the me I thought I was. Its light questioned the lack of self-care and love I held for myself. And its presence would eventually crack and then dissolve my view of what I thought it meant to be human.

Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre? If you write more than one, how do you balance them?

My writing was an extension of my life quest, an attempt to document, explain and cement into me the perceptions that I was given.

How do you begin writing a new book? What challenges come with it?

Creating a book in the area of spiritual endeavour is tricky, life is vast and the human mind, at times, unfathomable. So where to start, where to finish and what to put in the middle is often like trying to sail a boat in a hurricane.

Share a place that inspires you to write

I love the sea, rivers, lakes, the power and fluidity of water. I am also inspired by Trees and woodland its majesty and its mystery.




About the Author

Toby Negus is an artist, both with paints and of the spirit. His work reflects a deep commitment to meeting life on its terms and an equally deep understanding of human nature.

Toby has studied and taught spiritual and personal development in the UK and around the world for over two decades. He is qualified in advanced counselling, as a life coach and as a Cognitive Behaviour therapist. He is an Amazon best-selling author of a collaborative Conscious Creators book and has illustrated and self published two books on the subject of self-awareness and the spiritual journey. He has articles published in national magazine and has given talks and run workshops in support of his published work within the UK.

In the last few years, he has created many pieces of artwork that are a reflection of his spiritual journey. These have appeared in magazines and have been exhibited in the UK.


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