Saturday, December 31, 2016

Blog Tour + #Giveaway: Brake Failure by Alison Brodie @alisonbrodie2 @starange13


 Title: Brake Failure
By: Alison Brodie
Publication Date: January 9, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Brake Failure is a contemporary romance with a kick-ass heroine. The story is set in one of the most fascinating periods of America's history: the months leading up to Y2K "melt-down."

"Is it too late to tell him you love him when you're looking down the barrel of his gun?"

Ruby Mortimer-Smyth is an English debutante, destined for Lady's Day at Ascot and taking tea at The Savoy. She knows the etiquette for every occasion and her soufflés NEVER collapse.

She is in control of her life, tightly in control. Until fate dumps her down in … Kansas.

Ruby believes that life is like a car; common-sense keeps it on the road, passion sends it into a ditch. What she doesn't know is, she's on a collision course with Sheriff Hank Gephart.

Sheriff Hank Gephart can judge a person. Miss Mortimer-Smyth might act like the Duchess of England but just under the surface there's something bubbling, ready to explode. She's reckless, and she's heading for brake failure. And he's not thinking about her car.

With the Millennium approaching, Ruby gets caught up in the Y2K hysteria. She joins a group of Survivalists, who give her a gun and advise her to stockpile basic essentials, such as gasoline and water-purifying tablets. So she bulk-buys Perrier, Gentleman's Relish and macaroons.

Ruby, far from home, is making Unsuitable Friends and "finding herself" for the first time. She falls in with a gang of Hells Angels and falls foul of the law. At every turn, she comes up hard against Sheriff Hank Gephart, whose blue eyes seem to look deep into her soul. She desperately wants him but knows she can never have him. She's angry at the emotions he arouses in her. Pushed to her limit, she bursts from her emotional straightjacket.

As the clock strikes midnight of the new Millennium, she's on a freight train with three million dollars, a bottle of Wild Turkey and a smoking gun.

What happened to Miss Prim-and-Proper? And why did she shoot Mr Right?

______ Note: Alison Brodie wrote this story from first-hand experience. She lived in Kansas during this time and was stunned by the hysteria, unnerved that the US government was spending $150 billion preparing for Armageddon. As Lionel Shriver says in "We have to Talk About Kevin": '1999, a year widely mooted beforehand as the end of the world.'

What Others Are Saying

5 * "OMG…I freakin' LOVED this book…going on the list of one of my favorites of 2016." -Star Angels Reviews

5* "Everyone needs to read this book. It's blooming brilliant." -The Reading Shed

5* "Hilarious." -Lauren Sapala, Book Reviewer and Writers' Coach.

5* "A laugh-out-tale that will keep you flipping the pages as fast as possible." -Tome Tender

5* "Empowering…comical…refreshing." -San Francisco Book Review

Pre Order Your Copy NOW!

That afternoon, Ruby parked outside Shady Acres. She couldn't wait for Gephart to ask her out on a date. Then she could tell him she was married. Ha!
He sat in reception. In full uniform. Why couldn't he have changed into civilian clothes? Now he would make her look like an offender. Or was that his intention? Just because she'd put a few scratches in his police car.
'Hi, Ruby.' He stood up, crushing a plastic cup in one hand and tossing it in the bin.
She stared pointedly down at his belt. 'Are you going to put me in handcuffs?' she asked sarcastically.
He winked. 'Not if you're good.'
Ruby blushed. Why was it that every time she gazed into his eyes, she felt as if a hand was pressing down on her chest? She was only thankful that once she started reading to the old lady, Hank Gephart would go.
The receptionist was busy dealing with two elderly gentlemen, so Ruby and Hank had to wait to sign-in. Ruby felt strangely jittery in the big man's presence. She only wished he wouldn't stand so close. She inched further along the reception counter and, wanting to hide her nervousness, started squaring up the brochures into neat piles.
He came closer. 'Ruby, I don't like you mixing with Hells Angels.'
She felt his warm breath on her cheek. 'Is there a law against that?' Refusing to look at him, she picked up a brochure and found herself reading about incontinence.
'No, but-'
'Then, presumably, I have the freedom to choose with whom I associate?'
'Yeah, but I'm warning you-'
Warning you. Angrily, she grabbed up another brochure and flicked through it at speed, false teeth and hearing-aids flashing by. 'Why do you have to be so aggressive? Why can't you say, "may I suggest?"'
'Okay.' He rested his arm along the counter and leant towards her. His eyes were blue, very blue. 'May I suggest you keep away from them?'
'No, you may-!' She stopped abruptly. A matronly nurse was hovering beside them.
'Well, Hank,' the nurse said gaily. 'Is this your lady friend you've been telling us about?'
Hank beamed down at Ruby with proprietary pride. 'It sure is.'
'I'm not his lady friend,' Ruby mumbled.
'Nice to meet you, Ruby,' the nurse said. 'I'm Amy.' She beckoned with a finger as if tempting two small well-behaved children to an exciting treat. 'If you want to come along, Mrs Amstruther is waiting.'
As they walked along the corridor, Ruby noticed two pretty nurses break off from their conversation to study her. She sensed that Hank had been gossiping about her. She caught up with Amy, determined to quash whatever rumours were flying around. 'I am not at all familiar with Geph- I mean, Hank.'
The nurse stopped at a door and knocked. 'I love your accent.'
Ruby persisted. 'I have merely bumped into him on various occasions.'
'We know.' The nurse winked and opened the door. 'You two go on in.'
As Ruby spluttered indignantly, Hank took her by the elbow. 'Mrs Amstruther?' he called. 'I've brought my friend to meet you.'
'Come in, come in,' a quavery voice replied.
Ruby stepped across the threshold and froze.
Mrs Amstruther was blind.
The old lady was sat up in bed, dressed in a faded, flower-print bed-jacket, her eyes wrapped in bandages; her skin appeared almost translucent, the pink skull showing beneath a mop of dazzling white hair. She smiled sweetly, reaching out a tentative hand.
Ruby felt a pang. Mrs Amstruther shouldn't be here; she should be in a cottage-garden in Devon with a wicker table laden with a cream tea and a vase of freshly cut delphiniums; and surrounded by her grandchildren.
'Dear Hank,' Mrs Amstruther murmured. Ruby stepped forward, and put her hand in the old woman's. 'Hello, I'm Ruby.'
'Oh, how lovely to hear an English voice! You're so kind, Ruby; volunteering to read to a boring old lady like me.'
'It's my pleasure.'
'Hank didn't bully you, I hope?' Mrs Amstruther said in mock gravity.
With an ache of sadness, Ruby gazed down at the old woman so far from home - a home she would never again see. Ruby realised the childish bickering between her and Gephart was pathetic. The discord she had brought into the room, evaporated. 'I didn't need to be bullied. I was delighted with Hank for asking me.'
'Do take a seat, Ruby, dear,' the old woman said.
Ruby pulled an armchair closer to the bed. The room was sunny, the walls covered in framed photographs of children at the seaside. Beyond the window, at the far perimeter of a vast lawn, a freight train rumbled passed, the melancholic blast of its horn fading into the distance. Gephart, too, was watching it.
Mrs Armstruther's hand was searching the rumpled bedding. 'Ruby, could you possibly read a few pages of Wind in the Willows? My son loved it when he was little.' She brought out a book from under the covers. 'It's so annoying not being able to see. Thankfully the bandages come off at the end of the month.'
'So it's not …?'
'What, dear?'
'Permanent?' Ruby asked, taking the book.
'Oh, no, it's just cataracts; the curse of old age.'
Ruby, discovering the old woman would recover her sight, felt a lightness of spirit; felt she could embrace all her fellow beings - including Hank. He was standing, studying the photos on the wall. Catching his eye, she smiled at him, tilting her head towards the door, a silent message that he could leave.
He wrinkled his brow, evidently unable to gauge her meaning.
She tried again, running her fingers through the air towards the door.
He gave her a stupid look.
'Are you going?' she mouthed silently.
He nodded to signify that he understood. Then he shook his head, walked over to the armchair by the window, sat down and rested his hands squarely on his knees.
He was obviously staying.
'Have you ever read Wind in the Willows, Ruby?' Mrs Amstruther asked.
'Yes, years ago.'
The old lady laughed. 'Mole is delightful, isn't he? Who is your favourite character?'
'Toad. I loved it when he dressed up as a woman to escape the police.' Ruby instantly regretted the words. 'Of course, I don't identify with Toad,' she added hastily, forcing herself not to look at Gephart. 'I just think he's a loveable rascal.'
'Isn't he just!' Mrs Amstruther settled back to enjoy the story, and Ruby began:
'"The Mole had been working hard all the morning, spring-cleaning his little home …"'
Why is P.C. Plod hanging about anyway? Surely he's not interested in riverbank creatures.
'"First with brooms, then with dusters; then on ladders and steps and chairs, with a brush and a pail of whitewash till he had dust in his throat and eyes and splashes of white-wash all over his black fur, and an aching back and weary arms …"'
He's staring at me; I know he is.
'"Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below …'"
This was too much! Ruby glared at him. 'Haven't you got a murder to solve?'
'What?' Mrs Amstruther jerked in confusion.
Ruby was appalled by her thoughtlessness. 'Oh, I'm sorry, Mrs Amstruther, I was talking to Hank. You see, I don't want to keep him from his work.'
He folded his arms across his chest and grinned. He was obviously taking delight in her embarrassment. 'I'm off-duty,' he said.
For the sake of the old lady, Ruby had to speak sweetly, but there was nothing stopping her from raking the man from head to foot with hostile eyes. 'Do you always wear uniform when you're off-duty?'
'I do when I haven't had time to get to my locker and change.'
She couldn't bear to look at that smug face a second longer. She snatched up the book and continued to read. '"Spring was moving in the air above and in the earth below-'" She stopped in confusion, her cheeks a fiery red.
'Oh, I've read that bit already.'
She could sense him laughing at her. And he was!
He stood up, his eyes dancing mischievously. 'I've got a feeling Ruby can't concentrate with me here. I'm flustering her pretty little head.'
Her relief that he was going was rapidly replaced by horror. That awful man was insinuating she fancied him! As he passed by, he bent and kissed her on the cheek. 'I'll be waiting for you in the lobby … Sweet Cheeks,' he said softly, squeezing her shoulder.
Wide-eyed and apoplectic, she watched him walk to the door.
'He's such a lovely man,' Mrs Amstruther said after he had gone.
Ruby couldn't trust herself to speak.
'The nurses say he's very handsome. Is he?'
Ruby was still pinning the door with a look of fury. 'O-h-h, you don't want to know what I think.'
She picked up the book, her decision made.
She was no longer angry; in fact, she was rather jubilant. Like any institution, this building would have a goods delivery entrance. Well, Gephart, she thought complacently. You're about to have a long wait because Sweet Cheeks, here, is going out the back.

Alison Brodie is a Scot, with French Huguenot ancestors on her mother's side of the family.  Alison was a photographic model, modelling for a wide range of products, including Ducatti motorbikes and 7Up.  She was also the vampire in the Schweppes commercial. 
A disastrous modelling assignment in the Scottish Highlands gave Alison an idea for a story, which was to become Face to Face.  She wrote Face to Face as a hobby and then decided to send it off to see what would happen.  It was snapped up by Dinah Wiener, the first agent Alison sent it to.  Three weeks later, Alison signed a two-book deal with Hodder & Stoughton.  Subsequently, Face to Face was published in Germany and Holland.  It was widely reviewed, ie:  "Vain, but wildly funny leading lady." -Scottish Daily Mail.  It was also chosen as Good Housekeeping's "Pick of the Paperbacks." 
Unfortunately, Alison then suffered from Second-Book Syndrome.  The publisher's deadline loomed and she was terrified because she didn't have an idea for a story!  She found the whole experience a nightmare; and this is why she cautions first-time authors to write more than one book before approaching an agent.  She managed to finish the book - Sweet Talk - but it bombed.
While writing Sweet Talk, she moved to Kansas and lived there for two years.  She loved the people, their friendliness, their free-and-easy way of life, the history and the BBQs!  Sadly, her visa ran out and she had to come back to the UK - although her dream is to one day live permanently in America.  Now, Alison lives in Biarritz, France.
Alison has taken the exhilarating steps to becoming an indie author.  Her second ebook, THE DOUBLE, is out on Amazon Kindle with some great reviews.  "Excellent." -San Francisco Book Review.
Alison writes contemporary romance.  She aims for a strong plot line, set against the background of a world-changing event, coupled with touches of humour, sexual tension and character transformation.
She loves to hear from her readers.

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Friday, December 30, 2016

PROMO Blitz: Breaking Evil by Kristina Rienzi @KristinaRienzi @RABTBookTour

Date Published: December 15, 2016

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One year ago, Sera Murano chose evil. She left her human world behind to transform into an Ensoul, a rare and powerful demon, all to fight the evil she was about to become. Working for her father Lorenzo, the leader of all demons, she secretly vowed to overturn his plot to destroy humankind.


That is, until demon hunters attack Sera and her beloved, Damon, and the truth about the human-demon war is revealed. Torn between the human life of her past and the supernatural one she lives now, Sera must decide who is the worse enemy: evil or humanity.


To win the battle of her life, Sera is forced to do the unthinkable, taking drastic measures and risking the lives of those she loves most. She must fight to the death against the only supernatural leader she’s ever known, all for a chance to break the cycle of evil.


Time was of the essence. Sera burst out of her room and into the hallway and raced down the long corridor. As she reached the winding stairs, she opened her mouth to scream that she was coming for Damon. But before she could say anything, a booming crack silenced her. It bellowed loudly. 

The noise stopped her in her tracks. She had no idea where the sound had come from. Dazed, she froze in her steps and looked around, trying to identify its source. What was that? Her blood pumped fast through her system. When she took her next step, an excruciating and undeniable agony came over her. She had been attacked.

Stars swirled and danced in her vision. Everything dimmed.  The back of her head throbbed. The pain pounded in her skull, making a ba-boom sound over and over again. Without further warning, her body gave way, and she dropped fast to the hard floor. As she fell and desperately tried to right herself, she spun on the perfect angle to see the reason for her unfortunate circumstance. He loomed over her, poised for a further assault. 

Her attacker was a dark, blurry figure. He watched her collapse with his small beady eyes glaring at her from the holes in his black mask. While the hunter's face was obscured, his smile gleamed brightly in the dimly lit house. Sera could have sworn she heard laughter. It was a note higher than she anticipated. She noticed the hunter's right arm; he was positioned ready to strike. He wielded a giant baseball bat, which had just connected with her head.

"What the…?” Sera’s rage metamorphosed into energy, thrusting through her like a roaring and violent storm. It readied her body to respond to her attacker.  

The hunter pulled his arm back slowly until it was raised high above his head. He paused, a cocky move, meant to intimidate her.

Unwilling to fall victim to the masked assailant, Sera summoned her supernatural strength once again and pushed herself off the floor to face him. In a flash, he twisted his body and swung the bat toward her. Sera hesitated a beat too long, just enough for the demon hunter to get his wish.

She had been mere inches away from an upright stance, when the bat, in full swing, connected with her cheekbone. The impact sent Sera careening backward until she slammed up against a wall.

For seconds she teetered on the edge of the top stair.  Finally, she lost her battle with her balance and slid off the wall. To save herself, she took a leap, high into the air. But nonetheless, her body tumbled and crashed down the steps of the grand staircase.

The fall felt as if it lasted for minutes, but only seconds had passed. Conscious as she experienced her soar through the air, her body twisted and turned as it made its way to the bottom of the stairs. Without warning, her head smashed violently onto the marble foyer entrance. Everything faded to black.

About the Author

Kristina Rienzi is an American author who has been writing in some fashion for several decades. In 2014, she achieved traditional publication for her debut novel, Choosing Evil (Ensouled Trilogy, Book One), and has since independently published, Luring Shadows, Twisted, and Winter Road. Her latest novel, Breaking Evil (Ensouled Trilogy, Book Two) will be releasing soon.

Professionally, Kristina has been active in the writing community as a member of several organizations such as Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime and International Thriller Writers. She has also served as the New Jersey Romance Writers Literary Book Fair Chair and, most recently, the President of Sisters in Crime-New Jersey. Kristina holds a Masters Degree in Psychological Counseling and a Senior Professional Human Resources Certificate, working in both fields throughout her business career. 

Personally, Kristina is married and doggie mommy to Pekingese and Shih-Tzu pups. Although a New Jersey resident, she dreams of one day moving to Hawaii and living the ‘Aloha’ way. When she is not writing, she spends her time reading, watching paranormal investigations, rooting for her West Virginia Mountaineers and relaxing with her loved ones, wine in hand.

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Book Blitz + #Giveaway: Light in My Dark by William Dresden & Jean Gilbert @WilliamDresden @jean_gilbert @yaboundtourspr @readroguehouse

Cover Reveal: Hot Tree Publishing's Going South Anthology @HotTreePromos

Love, Adventure, and Possibility in Australia
Elena Eames ~ Kolleen Fraser ~ S. Hartley
Megan Lowe ~ Aria Peyton ~ Gen Ryan
Title: Going South
Genre: Romantic Comedy
Release Date: January 26, 2017
Cover Designer: RMGraphx
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Love, adventure, and possibility. It’s all attainable when going south. Join six incredible authors in their fun and hot romantic comedies as they celebrate the wonders of all things Australian.

When Leesa Olsen is rescued by handsome firefighter Dare McCarthy, she knows she didn't exactly make a good impression. Will accepting a date with him help her cause?

The only thing Kat Winston fears more than Australia is love. She's about to get a crash course in both.

Aspiring author Dylan Phillips travels all the way to Australia to start the next chapter of her life. Neither she nor sexy Aussie pub owner Ian King are searching for love, but that is exactly what they find.

To Vermont native Georgia, Australia is a little back to front. Then she meets Sam and he turns her already back-to-front world upside down.

On the first real holiday she's ever had with her teenage twin girls, all Belle expects is sun, sea, and to see all Australia's “big” things. The last thing she anticipates is finding love in a giant pineapple.


Pro rugby player Mason James St. Patrick is known not only for his skills on the field but in the bedroom. When PR rep Delaney Matthews is hired to clean up his image, will she be able to resist his charms or will she fall for the type of man she swore she never would?


Blurb Blitz + #Giveaway: Beginner's Luck by Corinne Scott @AuthorCoriScott @GoddessFish

Beginner's Luck
by Corinne Scott
GENRE: romantic suspense


Eoin O’Brien is a police detective, despite his da’s wish that he run the family pub. His wife left him 3 years ago when he thwarted her dream to work in an art gallery. Now Vivian is back. After her gallery and her life are threatened, their paths cross again. Part of what drove her away was Eoin’s need for control. If Eoin lets her fend for herself, can he win her back and still keep her safe?


Vivian didn’t want Eoin, did she? She should choose Avery. Safe, predictable, unassuming Avery. The perfect gentleman. Right? Only now, as she read desire and yearning in Eoin’s green eyes, she wasn’t so sure.

Okay, yes. This was obviously desire, she thought as Eoin leaned down, giving her plenty of time to pull away if she wanted. She didn’t. His lips teased her unresponsive ones. Her passivity didn’t last long. One touch of his tongue to her closed mouth and she opened it for him, welcoming him in.

Their tongues danced and dueled as his arms moved around her, pulling her tighter. Ah, he’d missed this. His heart raced specifically for this woman. Eoin O’Brien was meant to kiss Vivian Lewis-O’Brien forever.

She should stop this. She really should. Who knew how many people were standing there gawking while she made out with her estranged husband on the sidewalk? But she was beyond giving a damn at the moment. Vivian needed his kisses like she needed air. It had simply been too long. Too long without his touch, she thought as he ran one hand inside her coat to brush the underside of her breast. Too long without his aftershave tantalizing her senses. Too long without the feel of his naked skin against hers.

Whoa! Slow down. She pushed slightly against his chest, separating their bodies. Heavy breathing on both sides. Good. At least she wasn’t the only one who wanted to rip her clothes off and launch herself in his arms.

“I don’t think this is a very good idea.”

Eoin stepped back again, putting his hands in his pockets and wearing the biggest grin she’d ever seen.

“What?” She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes.

“Nothing,” he smirked.

“It’s obviously something, Eoin. Just say it!”

“Our story is definitely not over.” And with that he strolled away, leaving her with her mouth open, staring at his retreating form.


Corinne Scott was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. Her parents were teachers, so of course she grew up to be a teacher as well, proving that the apple does not fall too far from the tree. Corinne has a bachelor’s degree from Texas State University and a master’s from the University of North Texas. She is passionate about books, which led her to her current occupation as a librarian and now author. Beginner’s Luck is her second novel, and the first in a series about the O'Briens of New York. Her first novel was Lover's Oak.

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Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

PROMO Blitz: Indomitus Est by Robert W. Brady, Jr. @RABTBookTour

Fantasy, Historical Fantasy

Free Until the End of 2016

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Imagine yourself, born into the suburbs, your parents working class people, your school nothing special.

Imagine that, for some reason far beyond your understanding as a very young child, a god that you didn't even know existed ear-marked you as his bargaining chip in a trade across realities.
Imagine that, from the time of that first first meeting and for your next eighteen years, that god - Anubis - threw everything he could think of at you, to break you, to torment you, to forge you into this thing to be traded.

And imagine that, at the end of it all, you passed all of the tests, leaving your life in a shambles, never knowing that you were being tested at all and, when the time came, Anubis appeared and tricked you into giving up your soul to him, only to make the trade and give you over to another god, named War, who by comparison made Anubis seem like a pretty nice guy.

I'm Randy Morden - welcome to my world. A world named 'Fovea,' where magic is real, technology the stuff of fantasy, and warriors with swords ride horses into battle, trying to stay one step ahead of their gods' will. I didn't ask for this life, but I promise you: before anyone ever knocks me down again, I'm going to have their blood on my knuckles, because a man can only be pushed so far!
Other books in the The Fovean Chronicles Series:

King Glennen of Eldador gave me a job to do - avenge his wife's death - and hey, you know me, I am to please!

So maybe he didn't say, "Attack the invincible city, sack it and pretty much slap the faces of every important person on Fovea," but then again I never went to charm school. I kind of do what I do.

But you know what I wish he had said? I wish he'd said, "Lupus, if you do plan to go sack the invincible city, you better make darn sure you have a way out of there, because the Uman-Chi are the most powerful Wizards on the planet, and every other nation is a friend to them.

Yeah, that would have been pretty good advice.

These are the continuing adventures of Randy Morden, a man from our world thrust into another where magic is real and technology sounds pretty far-fetched. As the chosen of a god named 'War,' Randy has a mission to fulfill a destiny that he doesn't understand and, incidentally, to keep himself and his family alive while doing it.
In Indomitus Vivat, the stakes are raised
 as War drives Randy to greater stakes and greater consequences, and pathway that could lead to empire, or straight to hell!

To say that Randy Morden had an effect on Fovea is an understatement. More than ten years after his arrival, the Fovean High Council is in a shambles, the supremacy of the Uman-Chi is a memory, and Eldador is an Empire, not a kingdom.

An Uman-Chi girl finds herself with a song to sing, a song which is a gift from the goddess Eveave. When she sings it, another call will come to Earth, a new call for two new champions, a young girl and an old man, for the world where magic is used like technology, and technology is just starting to appear.

Now War is about to rage across Fovea, and the greedy Eldadorian government is at the center of it. These two champions from Earth have a decision to make - one not so easy as they might think:
Which side are they on?

Travel with Bill and Melissa in the footsteps of the Conqueror and the shadow of the Wolf, and ask yourself: how do you fight the invincible warrior, especially considering that your failure is already foretold?

The battle for Fovea is on, and a girl named Raven and a man named Jack aren’t even sure of which side they should be on. On one front is the Emperor, Rancor Mordetur, from their home planet of Earth. He seems to have a lot on this side – a massive army of highly trained warriors, the most feared witch on Fovea as his wife and superior technology born of another world. On the other is every Fovean Nation; savage Men and wild Uman, long-lived Uman-Chi and merciless Swamp Devils and Slee; all of them unwilling to be subjects of the Empire. But is the Empire evil, or do Raven and Jack not yet have the whole picture? And what of the song that so few people can hear, sung to them by an Uman-Chi girl barely 167 years old? If they can find the weapons mentioned in the song, can they win the day? Or, as the song says, are they doomed to fail?

Indomitus Sum is the conclusion to Indomitus Oriens. Now you can finally learn the fate of those who have no faith, but who instead know the will of their gods.

About the Author

Robert W. Brady, Jr. is the author of 'The Fovean Chronicles.'
Born in Connecticut in 1964, he graduated from University of Connecticut in 1986.

He worked his way through college as a construction worker, an infant swimming instructor, a bartender, a waiter, a secretary, the manager of a dry cleaning store and a security guard.

While in college, he began the first version of the 'The Fovean Chronicles.'

After college, he lasted exactly three months in the insurance industry as an Assistant Annuities Analyst, and then enlisted in the Naval Nuclear Power Program.

He served in the Navy from 1987 - 1994, receiving the Navy Achievement Medal, the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, the Southeast Asia Service Medal, and Good Conduct Medal during the Gulf War. He was certified as an Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist, a Reactor Operator, a Radiological Controls Shift Supervisor and achieved a rank of Petty Officer First Class while serving onboard the USS Truxtun, CGN-35 and the USS Cape Cod, AD-43.

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Blog Tour + #Giveaway: ABSOLUTE TRUST by Piper J. Drake @PiperJDrake @Barclay_P

She wasn’t just a childhood friend; she was his reason for breathing.

Out Dec 20th – Absolute Trust, the third book in the romantic suspense series, True Heroes, by Piper J Drake.

Follow the tour and enter to win a True Heroes prize pack - the complete True Heroes series and swag pack or one of four print copies of Absolute Trust – US and Canada only

Title: Absolute Trust
Series: True Heroes #3
Author: Piper J Drake
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: December 20, 2016
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing - Forever
Format: Digital and Mass Market Paperback

After multiple tours of duty, Brandon Forte returns to his hometown on a personal mission: to open a facility for military working dogs like Haydn, a German Shepherd Dog who’s seen his share of combat and loss. It also brings him back to Sophie Kim, a beacon of light in his life . . . and the one woman he can’t have. But Forte’s success means he’s made enemies in high places. Enemies who are now after Sophie . . .
When Forte enlisted and left without saying goodbye, Sophie did her best to move on. But with her first love back in town, looking sexier than ever, she’s constantly reminded of what they could have had. Then after he risks himself for her, Sophie realizes she’ll have to put her life in the hands of the man who broke her heart, knowing the danger -and the sparks between them- could consume them both.

Get More information at: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes

Praise for Absolute Trust:

"With an action-filled plot riddled with suspense and tension, Drake’s latest in her True Heroes series is the best one yet.  Steady pacing, engaging storytelling and genuine, vulnerable characters (coupled with the endearing heroic dogs that protect and love them) make this romance shine." ~ RT Book Reviews

Excerpt from Absolute Trust:

Between one moment and the next, he was right there next to her, kneeling so they were face to face. She let out the air in her lungs in a rush, not sure of what she wanted to do or what he was planning to do. She parted her lips but didn’t say anything, didn’t want to put another question out there for him to address before he answered the one she really wanted to know.
Because she was hoping he was here for her—not his childhood friend—but for the very adult version of her who’d been waiting for him all this time.
Faster than she could react, his lips caught hers. The contact rushed through her in a lightning shot of surprise. Years of bottled-up frustration bubbled up and she leaned into him with a soft gasp.
And then he pulled back and she was left trying to catch her breath.
Slowly, carefully, he slid his arms around her back and under her knees. He cradled her against his chest and tucked her head under his chin. Circled as she was in his embrace, he held her close. He pressed his lips against her hair.
“That was too close yesterday, Sophie.” His voice was low, gruff, and almost cracked with emotion. “The thought of losing you just about killed me.”

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Extreme Honor
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Ultimate Courage
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About Piper J. Drake:
Piper J. Drake (or “PJ”) began her writing career as “PJ Schnyder” writing award-winning sci-fi & paranormal romance and steampunk. She has received the FF&P PRISM award for her work as well as the NJRW Golden Leaf award and Parsec award.
Now, Piper writes romantic suspense, incorporating her interests in mixed martial arts and the military into her writing. 
Connect with Piper at: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Google + | GoodReads| Youtube

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