Saturday, July 4, 2020

Virtual Book Tour + #Giveaway: Guilty Until Proven Innocent by Robert Archibald @RABTBookTours

Date Published: July 17, 2020
Publisher: Blue Fortune Enterprises LLC, Cactus Mystery Press

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When Sherry and Beth discover what their boyfriends have been up to, they want in on the action. Working as vigilantes and providing justice for wrongs committed is a noble thing to do, but the women decide the stakes need to change.

Once again, the conflict is personal.

This follow-up to Roundabout Revenge follows former Professor Phil Philemon as he and his friends continue to seek elusive justice for victims who may not have been able to speak for themselves. Lurking in chat rooms, the group finds a large number of women who have been sexually harassed on the job. Sexually harassed in horrible ways. Harassed until their jobs, their reputations, and their sanity is on the line. And what they find is that the story of he said-she said is not always one that ends well.

But not everything goes as planned, and soon the four friends need to come to terms with a larger reality, including a crime of arson and an FBI investigation.

Interview with Robert Archibald

    For those interested in exploring the subject or theme of your book, where should they start?
The book is about the way women are treated if they claim they are being sexually harassed. The men they are accusing are presumed innocent, and so the women have to prove they are being truthful. The proceedings are set up so the woman is almost presumed to be guilty. If a woman is being sexually harassed, she can contact the National Sexual Assault Hotline, 1-800-656-HOPE (4673). This organization can direct people to local resources and provide timely information.

    How did you become involved with the subject or theme of your book?
This is the second book in a series, and it grew naturally out of the first book. In the first book, Roundabout Revenge, the women who are featured in Guilty Until Proven Innocent find out their boyfriends were involved in an elaborate revenge plot. Instead of turning the men in, the women decide to enlist their help. Guilty Until Proven Innocent tells the story of the women’s project.

    What were your goals and intentions in this book, and how well do you feel you achieved them?
I have two aims. First, I want to bring up issues people should think about. I don’t necessarily want to take sides, but I want people to think about the topic. Second, I want to tell an entertaining story.   

    Anything you would like to say to your readers and fans?
I hope they find my books interesting. I enjoyed writing this book, and I hope everything starts to open up again soon so I can connect with more readers in person.

    What did you enjoy most about writing this book?
I like putting my characters in challenging situations and finding a way for them to meet the challenge I’ve given them. I have only the vaguest outline when I start on a novel. I like the way things evolve within the outline.

    Can you tell us a little bit about your next books or what you have planned for the future?
I have completed a third book with the characters in my first two books. The third book, Crime Might Pay, completes the story of these characters, or at least gets them to a good place. Also, I have started a book with a new set of characters. One of the characters in my new book is a dung beetle. That’s all I’ll say at this point.

    How long have you been writing?
I’ve had a two-part career. I was an economics professor at the College of William & Mary for over forty years. I did quite a bit of writing in that capacity, over forty academic articles on a wide range of topics. Late in my career I started studying the economics of higher education. I published three books on that topic. I started writing novels when I retired three years ago.

    Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Guilty Until Proven Innocent.
The main character in Guilty Until Proven Innocent is Sherry Ahearn. Sherry is a very attractive woman in her 50s. She has a history of having trouble with men, including two times when she unsuccessfully pursued sexual harassment complaints. The book revolves around her plan to help women who are being sexually harassed.

Phil Philemon is Sherry’s boyfriend. Phil is a former college professor, who was the main character in Roundabout Revenge, the first book in the series. In Guilty Phil plays a support role, and he and Sherry’s romance progresses.

Ralph Williams is Phil’s helper. He runs a computer sales/repair shop in the small Pennsylvania town where everyone lives. His computer expertise is helpful. He and Phil do the law breaking involved in Sherry’s plans.

Beth Watson is Ralph’s girlfriend and Sherry’s good friend. Beth works as a nurse in the local hospital. She helps Ralph with some of the computer work associated with the group’s efforts.

All four of these characters work together in the planning and execution of the group’s project.

    If you could spend the day with one of the characters from Guilty Until Proven Innocent.who would it be? Please tell us why you chose this particular character, where you would go and what you would do.
I would like to spend a day with Phil Philemon who is part of the group in Guilty Until Proven Innocent. He is a former college professor, as am I. I’d like to accompany him to one of his Wednesday lunches. Each Wednesday, Phil goes to lunch with several of his college professor friends. They have very lively discussions of current events. I’d love to be part of one of those discussions.

About the Author

Robert Archibald was born in New Jersey and grew up in Oklahoma and Arizona. After receiving a BA from the University of Arizona, he was drafted and served in Viet Nam. He then earned a M.S. and Ph.D in economics from Purdue University. Bob had a 41-year career at the College of William & Mary. While he had several stints as an administrator, department chair, director of the public policy program, and interim dean of the faculty, Bob was always proud to be promoted back to the faculty. He lives with his wife of 47 years, Nancy, in Williamsburg, Virginia.

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