Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Book Tour + #Giveaway: Catching Little Foxes by Amy Buchanan @RABTBookTours

40 Day Devotional to Tend the Fire of Your Faith


Date Published: 09-26-2024

Publisher: Victory Now Consulting


Have you ever felt overwhelm, as a Christ follower? Have you blamed yourself for not praying hard enough, fasting more, serving harder? Are you in a season of life where you long for more of the Lord but you just cannot seem to find the time or the energy? This Devotional of Song of Songs was written for you. Over the next 40 days you will experience breakthrough into a deeper level of intimacy in your relationship with God. I refer to God as Papa. Along these pages you will be challenged by invitation after invitation to know and be known by The King of love.


 Interview with Amy Buchanan

    Does writing energize or exhaust you?

    Writing Energizes Me

    What is the first book that made you cry?

    This is a hard question, I can recall being emotionally invested in the VC Andrews Flowers in the Attic series as a pretteen. I can recall in my late teens discovering Jayne Ere by Charlotte Brontes and then Wurthing Hights as well.

    How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

    Prior to becoming a published I wrote deliciously selfishly, for pleasure, and for a creative outlet. Now I am also compelled to write with a “for others” purpose.

    What do you owe the real people upon whom you base your characters?


    Where did your love of books/storytelling/reading/writing/etc. come from?

    I would entertain myself as a child by reading an writing and pretending to teach.

    What do you like to read in your free time?

    This changes but I always enjoy a good allegory. Like Hinds Feet in High places like Hannah Hurnard or The Final Quest by Rick Joyner. Sometimes I can get knee deep in a “self help” type genre that focuses on learning to fellowship and grow spiritually.

    Can you share some stories about people you met while researching this book?

    I did not research this book.

    Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre? If you write more than one, how do you balance them?

    I chose a devotional style of writing because I felt led to, I originally was going to write a self help book/work book on carrying for your well being. In that process I found myself in my own devotional time with God in Song of Songs. He began opening up so much divine wisdom and revelation with this love story I had to share it with the world.

    How do you begin writing a new book? What challenges come with it?

    I start with prayer and then a loose table of contents. I often finding myself writing out the meat of the matter and needing to get this out of me before I can creatively wrap it in a digestible story.

    Share a place that inspires you to write

    My home office is my private space that is free from distractions.

About the Author

Amy Buchanan is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice in Northern California providing Christian Counseling to women. Through consulting, Amy is able to provide non-therapeutic care, strategy, and insights that have proven successful with women, couples, and other medical professionals.

After graduating in 2006 with a Masters in Social Work, Amy began working with older youth and supporting families through Child Protective Services. She has worked with inmates in CDCR institutions in Northern California. From there, she was able to serve her community as a clinical social worker within her local hospital. There, Amy was able to assist the overwhelmed caretakers who had limited resources. Today she loves providing support to women and couples that need to reconcile themselves back to God, to themselves, and to their families.

Amy’s life message, that she feels is needed for women at this time, is LOVE YOURSELF as much as you love others! This important Kingdom principal can be overlooked within church culture and even in the culture of family. As women, we tend to nurture and think of others first, but there must be a balance—a guilt- and shame-free balance.

Having raised five children, two are children of love through her marriage of 29 years. Much personal experience has been gained to offer support to couples with blended families. Amy currently has three grandchildren with one more on the way. She enjoys spending time with God, her family, and friends, and she loves being outdoors and in nature as her schedule allows. To learn more, visit,


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