Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Review + #Giveaway: Slip (Slip #1) by David Estes @davidestesbooks

Slip (Slip #1)
by David Estes
Published December 1st 2014
Genre: Young Adult, Dystopia, Science Fiction


Someone must die before another can be born...

As sea levels rise and livable landmasses shrink, the Reorganized United States of America has instituted population control measures to ensure there are sufficient resources and food to sustain the growing population. Birth authorization must be paid for and obtained prior to having a child. Someone must die before another can be born, keeping the country in a population neutral position at what experts consider to be the optimal population. The new laws are enforced by a ruthless government organization known as Pop Con, responsible for terminating any children resulting from unauthorized births, and any illegals who manage to survive past their second birthday, at which point they are designated a national security threat and given the name Slip.

But what if one child slipped through the cracks? What if someone knew all the loopholes and how to exploit them? Would it change anything? Would the delicate resource balance be thrown into a tailspin, threatening the lives of everyone?

And how far would the government go to find and terminate the Slip?

In a gripping story of a family torn apart by a single choice, Slip is a reminder of the sanctity of a single life and the value of the lives we so often take for granted.

Goodreads ~ Amazon

Guest Post:

Plotter or Pantser?

By David Estes

Every author has their own way of doing things, and there’s not necessarily a “right” way to write a novel. From my humble beginnings as I stumbled through writing my first book, to now, having written and published more than 20 twenty novels, I have always been a pantser at heart. It’s funny, I never really made a conscious decision to say, “Hey, I’m too cool to outline, so I’m just going to sit down and start writing!” It was more that the thought of writing an outline made me cringe and think of school and homework. It just wasn’t for me, and if anything, would’ve stifled my creativity and artistic process. That being said, I am not an advocate of writing by the seat of one’s pants; you simply have to write the way YOU feel works the best for YOU. That could be a detailed chapter-by-chapter outline, complete with character cards, character arcs, major plot points and twists, etc, or something less specific, say a rough outline. In any case, here’s how I roll:

I start with an idea. The hook of the story, as it’s called. From there I just close my eyes and think for a while. If my idea were a type of cooking, you could say I let it marinate. This is one of my favorite parts of the writing process, because there are no limitations, and the possibilities are endless. This is where I make the idea MY story. I let various characters speak to me, some of whom end up being the perfect characters for my book, and others who don’t fit quite right, and never see the light of day. I consider major plot points, characters attributes, twists, etc. This is my outline, only it’s all in my head.

From there, I jot down some bullet points. Not many, maybe a dozen. These are the sparks that will help me light the fire that will carry my book to completion. I don’t necessarily have to stick to all of these points, but in many cases I do.

What do I do next?

I start writing! That’s what makes me a pantser. The entire preparation phase for a new project for me is a couple of hours. That’s it. The stories I have inside me are like a flood building behind a dam, demanding to be let through. So I poke a hole or two. I literally sit down, write the title or working title for the book, and then “Chapter One”, and then I go. I don’t agonize over the first word or the first line, I don’t seek perfection, I just start writing whatever pops into this strange head of mine, and then see where that takes me. At the end of my first writing session, which is usually between two and three thousand words, I take a bunch more notes, because NOW the ideas are really flowing and the story is starting to take even more shape in my head. I don’t try to push things too much during the first week or two, keeping my daily word counts relatively low, because sometimes the more important time I spend is sitting back and THINKING.

As the weeks go on, I ramp things up, writing four, five, or even six thousand words a day, the story pouring out of me, moving from a light rain to a torrential downpour. The story is like a living, breathing thing, changing, growing, surprising even ME with the twists and turns it takes. On numerous occasions my readers have applauded me for twists that “shocked” them. I have to admit, sometimes those twists shocked me too! A good example is one of my most popular dystopian series, THE SLIP TRILOGY, where there are a number of twists from book to book. Honestly, I didn’t come up with most of those twists until almost just before they appear in the books! The biggest one of all, which makes PERFECT SENSE, didn’t come to me until the very end of the third book. But when it did, I jumped out of my chair and did a fist pump and probably looked completely insane. Because it was perfect, poetic and chilling and everything a twist is supposed to be. After I thought of it, I wondered why it took me so long to come up with it. And then I realized it was because I needed to let the rest of the story build first, preparing myself and my characters for that particular revelation. For me, that’s a major part of what I love about being a pantser, the excitement that comes as each new piece of the puzzle takes shape in my mind, clicking into place to form something that was MEANT TO BE.

As I like to say, creativity breeds creativity, and until you start writing, you don’t really know what kind of story you have. At least that’s the way it is for me, from the very beginning. There is no right or wrong way to write a book, only a right way for each author. For me, that’s PANTSER all the way! If you’re interested in checking out THE SLIP TRILOGY, or any of my other dystopian and post-apocalyptic books, check out my Amazon author profile for a full listing.

Happy Reading!

My Review:

Imagine living in a world where if you want to have a baby then someone else must die. Before you can have said child then you must register the birth and get a Death Match for your baby. But what if your child’s death match was a dud? What if the person that was supposed to die so you could have your baby didn’t? What would happen to your child? To you? To your family? This happened to Michael Kelly and his family. His son’s death match did not die. Now his child is a “Slip”.  

Michael must now keep his child, the boy with no name a secret from the rest of the world. He keeps him locked up away from the eyes of the world. This is all the boy with no name has ever known. He loves and trusts his father and only wants to make him happy by always doing what he tells him to do so therefor he never tries to leave or run away. But like all kids he is very inquisitive and has lots of questions for father about his life.

Michael works for the company that is in control of the population, PopCon and it is run by the government. PopCon hunts down the slips and kills them and anyone who is harboring them. Michael is not happy with his job and doesn’t like what he does but he does his job for his family and the boy with no name. It all goes back to what lengths would you go to for your child? What would you do to protect your child?

I know I have said this many times before but I know for a fact that Slip is one book that I will never forget. I really love the whole concept that made Slip what it is although; I did do my share of crying at times. I can’t understand how anyone could have so much hate in their hearts. How could anyone live like this without ever questioning it? I guess it is just like any society where you are told something and it is passed down from generation to generation and before long no one is left alive that knew what life was like before. So therefor no one thinks to question it or think outside the box so to speak.

If you like reading science fiction, dystopian books with some awesome characters that live in a world where one must die before another can be born then you are going to love Slip. Pick your copy of Slip today so that you can enter into the lives of the “Slips”. Trust me you won’t regret it. 

About the Author:

David Estes has written more than 20 YA and Children's science fiction and fantasy books. He has a love of dancing and singing (but only when no one is looking or listening), is a mad-skilled ping-pong player, an obsessive Goodreads group member, and prefers writing at the swimming pool to writing at a table. He loves chatting with his readers, all of whom he considers to be his friends. David lives in Hawaii with his beautiful Aussie wife, Adele, his asthmatic cat, Bailey, and his rambunctious son, Beau.

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