Monday, April 22, 2024

Virtual Book Tour + Review + #Giveaway: The Darkest Light by Vicki-Ann Bush @vickiannbush @GoddessFish


Vicki-Ann Bush

GENRE: Young Adult Paranormal


As the star quarterback for his high school football team and local celebrity in the quaint town of Boulder City, Luke Jacob enjoys a charmed life. Everything's going according to plan, that is until the night he spots a mysterious and alluring girl in the crowd. Despite his father's cryptic warning to keep away from her, he's instantly drawn to Mary.

The team plans a gathering to celebrate their homecoming win, and Luke decides to invite her. The evening turns dark when the demon Abezethibou appears and threatens them. When Mary steps in to save her peers, Luke sees her for what she truly is, forever changing their future and creating a bond between them.

The revelation shatters what Luke believes about himself and forces him to face his destiny.

Will Mary stand by Luke in the face of the coming storm, or will she be swayed by the allure of darkness?

Purchase THE DARKEST LIGHT on Amazon


The ground beneath them succumbed to the warmth of the midday heat drinking up the moisture and, with it, their relief from the rising humidity. Luke didn’t mind, he’d withstand any inferno just to be close to Mary.

The teens shared earbuds and listened to some songs from Imagine Dragons. He turned his head from Mary to gaze up. He had never felt the kind of connection he did with her.

His eyes traveled back to the curves of her lean body. She was unaware of the beauty that she possessed. Living with the type of father Araqiel was, Luke was in awe of her ability to see things with such clarity. The angels gave her an impossible scenario and she accepted it. She had doubt, but also courage. Her eyes were closed, and he could faintly hear the words of the song she muttered under her breath. He grinned.

My Review:

When I read the summary for The Darkest Light I thought I knew what to expect but boy was I ever wrong as it was nothing like what I expected in the least but it was good. The Darkest Light drew me in from the first page and held on until the last. I am still reeling from what I found inside. What a great story.

The Darkest Light tells the story of a boy/girl meeting and things start to heat up in more ways than one as their lives are turned upside down on a night at the movies.

Mary has known for a while now that she was different from most. She tried to get her Dad to take her to the doctor but he would not. A doctor cannot fix what is wrong with Mary. Mary finds out some very disturbing things about herself on the night they go to the movies. Her life is never going to be the same again.

Mary has to fight with herself to do what is right. Mary could very easily turn evil but she is fighting to keep control of her dark side. Mary’s dark and light side is battling within her. She must learn to control it if she wants to stay friends with Luke.

Can Mary learn to control her dark side? Or will it keep her and Luke apart, forever?

If you like stories about light and dark then let me suggest that you give The Darkest Light a try by grabbing a copy today!

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Born Vicki-Ann Guidice, on January 14th, 1962, her journey into the realm of the spiritual and supernatural was initiated at birth. Her early years were spent in Queens, New York known for having more people passed on than alive, as well as having several Gothic cemeteries within walking distance of its communities. At the age of 15, she moved to Los Angeles California taking her fertile imagination with her. After meeting her future husband, Ronald Bush, her new homeland became Las Vegas, Nevada.

As a mother of two, her first published book in 2008, Winslow Willow the Woodland Fairy, took her love of fantasy and spun it into a heartwarming children’s book. The progression to the young adult literary market took root in her novels that captured the haunting qualities of the Las Vegas desert surrounding her, but it was New York that called her home. Alex McKenna, the main character in the book series first published in 2019, is the embodiment of her Italian-American roots, memories of adolescent outsider status, and the strength it takes to live an authentic life.

Ms. Bush is a co-founder of Coffee House Tours, an events-based collaboration between local bookstores and coffee shops allowing authors to represent themselves and their works. Additionally, she is a frequent podcast literary guest and has a special relationship with The Center LGBTQIA+ Las Vegas where Alex McKenna has been an inspirational focus as a transgender Paranormal teen. Now starring in the short film Alex and Margret’s Beginning, inspired by the book series, Ms. Bush is an award winning short screenplay writer and Producer. Bringing her moving and unique storyline and character to a broader audience.

Connect with Vicki-Ann Bush

Website ~ Twitter ~ TikTok ~ Facebook



$10 Amazon/BN GC 

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning.


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

We appreciate you reviewing today. Thank you.

Marcy Meyer said...

The story sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Vicki-Ann Bush said...

Thank you so much for hosting me and for such a lovely review. I'll be popping in if anyone has any questions. Have a great Monday everyone!

Michael Law said...

This looks like a fantastic novel. Thanks for sharing.

Sherry said...

This sounds like a good book.

Vicki-Ann Bush said...

Thank you! If you decide to read it, please reach out and let me know what you think. I always welcome reader feed back!

Vicki-Ann Bush said...

Thanks Sherry, happy reading! Let me know if you enjoyed it.

Nancy P said...

Lovely cover

Vicki-Ann Bush said...

Thank you!

bn100 said...


Nancy P said...

Sounds fascinating

Vicki-Ann Bush said...

Thanks! It was fun to write.

Nancy P said...

Who inspired you to write?

Vicki-Ann Bush said...

Several authors I enjoyed growing up, but my first inspiration came from a school contest.

Nancy P said...

How did you choose to cover?

Vicki-Ann Bush said...

Hi Nancy, my publisher designed the cover. I did have some input, but I was really happy with their design. I feel like it captured Luke. If you get the opportunity to read it, let me know if you agree. 😊

Vicki-Ann Bush said...

Thanks! I really do enjoy the tour and engaging with everyone. I've done many blog tours over the years and I must say that I feel like I'm in good hands with Goddess Fish. They're professional, detailed, and since I find it difficult talking about myself, they have a gentle way of encouraging me to share. LOL