Monday, May 27, 2024

Review Tour + #Giveaway: GET OUT OF HERE by Tanith Davenport @TanithDavenport @GoddessFish


Tanith Davenport

GENRE: Erotic Romance


She ran away from her life – straight into his arms.

Photography graduate Starla Brower has always regretted not running away from her abusive home when she had the chance, as her older sisters did—especially her sister Electra, who fled with band Torque Converter six months ago. So when she decides to hitchhike away, she’s shocked to find Electra has arranged for the band to pick her up. And when lead singer Valen Lesellane rescues her from a gang of thugs by announcing she’s his fiancée, Starla goes along with it. Why not?

The band’s manager, Mike, is furious at this turn of events and the press attention it receives, but Starla finds Valen’s impulsiveness to be infectious and his touch to be irresistible. Before long she has regained contact with her other sisters and finds herself finally able to be happy, both with Valen and with her family.

But with her parents pursuing her and Mike fiercely against her relationship with Valen, can their unexpected engagement last beyond the bus tour?

Purchase GET OUT OF HERE on Amazon UK, Amazon US, and Books2Read


All right, darling?” The man in the centre, ginger-haired and freckled, smirked at her. “Looking for a ride?”

No thanks.” Starla did her best to keep her voice steady, but she knew her rapid breathing was audible.

I think you are.” The man took a step forward, and Starla forced herself not to move. “We saw you get out of that car. You’ve got no way out of here except with us.”

Don’t worry, sweetheart,” another one commented, a malicious grin crossing his face. “We won’t hurt you. As long as you don’t give us any trouble.”

Starla’s heart was pounding in her ears.

She’d always assumed the real danger would be from getting in the car with the wrong person, not being forced into a car. And now—

The first man took another step forward, and Starla jumped as an arm appeared around her shoulders.

You’re wrong, mate,” said a Yorkshire-accented male voice beside her ear, a voice that sounded strangely familiar. “You’re bothering my fiancée. And if you give us any more trouble, you won’t like where this is going.”

Bothering his fiancée? What the hell?

Whoever this was, it sounded like he was her best shot at getting away from these men. Trying to look natural, Starla cast a sideways glance at him and felt her stomach flip as a mop of brown curls came into her field of vision.

That was why his voice had sounded familiar.

It was the lead singer of Torque Converter.

Oh my God,” someone said from a few feet away. “Is that Valen Lesellane?”

Huh. So that’s his name. Whether it was his real name was open to question—she’d never met a man called Valen before—but at this point Starla was past caring.


My Review:

Get Out of Here is the fifth book in the Rock My World series by Tanith Davenport. Get Out of Here is the second book in this series I've have read. But hopefully, it won’t be the last.

I enjoyed reading Get Out of Here a lot more than I did the first book in this series I've read Making it Hard which was the fourth book. Why? Well, I am not sure. It could be the characters or it was learning more about the sisters. Maybe it was just reading more of Tanith Davenport’s work.

Whatever it is I plan on reading more of her work as I have found another favorite author. Yeah, another author has done it they have made me go and fall in love with their work. Yeah, I do love this series Rock My World. I can’t wait to read the rest of the story as the saying goes. I can’t wait to read about the other sisters and their stories.

Get Out of Here is a short story but it packs a lot of punch. Tanith knows how to write a story that will pull you into its world and make you feel like you are somehow a part of it. She will have you feeling like you are a part of the band. And with each book, you feel like you have made a few new friends. The characters all seem real as well as their world.

Starla Brower decides to leave home just like her sisters before her. The only difference is that Starla leaves alone with no one to help her escape. But never fear one of her sisters Electra sends in the carvery so to speak and helps her out. She sends in lead singer Valen Lesellane.

Valen lets it slip out that Starla is his fiancée which is not true of course but Starla goes along with it. Now the press is all over them and the band manager, Mike is not happy about it at all.

As I have fallen in love with this series I highly recommend it to the world! Grab a copy of Get Out of Here today for yourself and a friend! 

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Tanith Davenport began writing erotica at the age of 27 by way of the Romantic Novelists' Association New Writers' Scheme. Her debut novel "The Hand He Dealt" was released by Totally Bound in June 2011 and was shortlisted for the Joan Hessayon Award for 2012.

Tanith has had short stories published by Totally Bound, Naughty Nights Press and House of Erotica. She loves to travel and dreams of one day taking a driving tour of the United States, preferably in a classic 1950s pink Cadillac Eldorado.

Tanith's idea of heaven is an Indian head massage with a Mojito at her side

Connect with Tanith Davenport

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$10 Amazon/BN GC 

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning.


Tanith Davenport said...

Thanks for having me on here!

Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you so much for hosting and reviewing.

Sherry said...

This sounds like a good book and I really like the cover.

Michael Law said...

Thos looks awesome. Thanks for hosting.

Tanith Davenport said...

Thank you both, I love the cover too.

Daniel M said...

looks like a fun one

Tanith Davenport said...

Thank you, I hope everyone enjoys it!