Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Virtual Book Tour + #Giveaway: Sunrise Interrupted by Eden Monroe @GoddessFish


Eden Monroe

GENRE: Mystery


The motion picture, Retribution, could be the big break Alexandra Martel has been waiting for. A Canadian movie star and strong female lead, even greater success may be within reach. But she also envies her married sisters, and has been hoping to meet her own soulmate.

Dr. Beau Remington, handsome male lead is the hometown veterinarian. He’s been contracted by motion picture execs to be on set when animals are called for, so when he and Alexandra eventually cross paths there is undeniable chemistry. However, Hollywood heartthrob James Langford has already laid claim to the striking young actress and tries to stop the budding romance.

Then everything changes at sunrise one morning when Alexandra goes for a run alone in the picturesque Belleisle, New Brunswick countryside. That’s when the man who’s been stalking her for weeks finally makes his move. She must endure the terrifying ordeal of being kidnapped and drugged in this Eastern Canada romantic suspense.



Beau rolled out of bed at his usual morning start time of four-thirty. That’s all the sleep he’d ever needed, and it meshed perfectly with his get up and go attitude. Even if he was inclined to sleep longer, his three dogs, Carley, Ajax and Ron would see to it that his feet hit the floor in time to let them out to answer the call of nature. Ron was his latest rescue, and it was amazing how much he’d improved since he’d found him by the creek a little over two months ago.

The dogs headed for the back door ahead of him, Carley as usual barking in anticipation of open-door freedom. There were squirrels waiting to be chased, although it was never a close contest. In fact he could swear the little squirrel waited for his friend, clinging to the side of the tree, chattering excitedly. It easily scampered to safety high in the branches of the venerable old oak that had seen countless generations of red squirrels.

Beau’s usual busy day awaited him at his veterinary clinic at Hatfield Point in the heart of Belleisle. He and his assistant, Hailey Cruickshank, had easily handled the small number of sick or injured animals when he’d first opened, but business had steadily increased until it had become necessary to expand his practice. That’s when he’d added Dr. Jennifer Tuttle to his payroll, in addition to a second assistant and a vet tech. That worked out great because Dr. Jen was an absolute gift, picking up the slack when he was needed on farm calls. And now with the movie Retribution being filmed in the area, and he being the veterinarian on call for that production, a larger staff would come in handy.

However, as great as Dr. Jen was turning out to be, it was becoming increasingly obvious she had more than a passing interest in him. Not that she wasn’t a wonderful woman, there was simply no interest on his part. A person couldn’t manufacture those feelings, there had to be a seed from which it could grow and it just wasn’t there. He liked her as a friend but preferred to keep the whole thing on a professional basis. Dr. Jen apparently felt otherwise and although she kept her feelings to herself, it was all right there in her eyes. He’d been trying his best to ignore it so they wouldn’t have to have that conversation, and he was hopeful she’d lose interest over time.

Interview with Eden Monroe

Have you read anything that made you think differently about fiction?

I’ve been a voracious reader since a very young age, both fiction and nonfiction, but when I read Anne of Green Gables at the age of fifteen (while in bed with pneumonia), it was transforming for me. That was the book that made me want to become a writer. To this day, even though I have read authors who are considered to be the best of the best, nothing has stirred me in quite the same way as that book did.

How do you select the names of your characters?

The male lead (with perhaps one or two exceptions) has to have a strong name so I go for the hard vowels. I seem to lean toward “A’s” a lot: Kane, Dade, Blaise, Tate, Hayden and so on. And sometimes it’s “O”, like Rhone and in Sunrise Interrupted, Beau. For the female lead I usually try to find something that dovetails well with the name of the male lead, usually a soft vowel sound, as in this case, Alexandra. Those are my two main concerns, then it’s just whatever names seem to fit the secondary characters. When I write period pieces, the names have to reflect the era in which the story is taking place, although some names are timeless.

Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

I can’t say as I intentionally do that, no, although there are things that only people who know me personally might recognize. Sometimes I surprise myself with something that has unintentionally worked its way into the book.

What was your hardest scene to write?

In Sunrise Interrupted it was the actual acting scenes in the movie, getting inside Alexandra’s head for the interaction between herself and the difficult director, Nigel Garretson for example. So writing a story within a story, but I enjoyed the challenge of doing that. It can also be draining to write highly emotional scenes because I feel it just as much as if it was happening to me personally, and it stays with me. They cry, I cry.

Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book.

Each of the books in The Martel Sisters trilogy, Sudden Turn, Barlowe Pride and Sunrise Interrupted can all stand on their own. But there is an interconnectedness too between the three books that I think is worth exploring. I believe it would definitely enrich the read to follow the lives of all three sisters.

What were your goals and intentions in the book, and how well do you feel you achieved them?
One intention for sure was to talk about animals, and some of the challenges they face … as animals. I think that’s something that never hurts to have a little extra light shone on it. I believe it’s always worth examining the plight of some animals that are at the mercy of those who don’t take proper care of them. Nevertheless, I think the number of kind, considerate, loving pet owners far exceeds those who aren’t, but even one abused animal deserves our attention. Aside from animals, family dynamics also come into play in a big way in Sunrise Interrupted. Unfair assumptions. I feel I ticked all of the boxes I intended to in this book.

What inspired you to write Sunrise Interrupted?

I knew when I began to write The Martel Sisters trilogy that the third sister, Alexandra, would be an actress. I thought that would be a cool storyline to pursue. And it was fun. Also, any chance to write about animals makes me happy, so along came a veterinarian, Dr. Beau Remington. I also wanted to explore the dark element, the underbelly of things that often inserts itself into unsuspecting lives.

Can you tell us a little bit about what you have planned for the future?

My next project is called The Kavenaghs, and it’s another trilogy. This one takes place between 1870 – 1879. It features the Kavenagh family who fled Upstate New York under the cloak of darkness in 1859 and relocated to the wilds of New Brunswick on the East Coast of Canada. I have already written all three books and with them you will meet Garrett, Brogan and Pate Kavenagh.

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Sunrise Interrupted?

Alexandra Martel is an up and coming motion picture actress well established in Canadian television and cinema, but eager to make her mark in Hollywood. She is stunningly beautiful, but well grounded and a genuinely nice young woman.

Dr. Beau Remington is a veterinarian, and is contracted in his capacity as an emergency and critical care specialist to be on the Retribution set when animals appear in the film. Tall and ruggedly handsome, he’s a no-frills kind of guy with only a passing interest in the entertainment industry.

James Langford is a Hollywood superstar, and Alexandra’s love interest in Retribution. He is smitten with Alexandra, but he does not stir her blood. However, he recommended her for the role so she feels somewhat beholden.

Dr. Jennifer Tuttle is a bright young veterinarian who works at Beau’s clinic, and she believes fate has brought her and her boss together. She is in love with Beau, despite the fact that he has made it clear there’s no interest on his part. Still, he doesn’t want to lose a bright young veterinarian from his employ….

The stalker is a desperate man prepared to take drastic measures to realize his goal. He must get Alexandra Martel! To just about anybody, what he does is unthinkable.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

Of course I loved the scenes about animals, and speaking of animals, I enjoyed facilitating the ongoing cat and mouse games between these five characters. I especially loved the interactions between Alexandra and Beau, and the explosive drama between the stalker and his victim.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Eden Monroe writes about real life, real issues and struggles, and triumphing against all odds. A proud east coast Canadian, she enjoys a variety of outdoor activities, and a good book.

Connect with Eden Monroe

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$15 Amazon/BN GC

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Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for hosting.

Marcy Meyer said...

Thanks for sharing. I would enjoy reading this one.

Author Eden Monroe said...

Hi Marcy! Hope you really enjoy the read. Are you familiar with New Brunswick by any chance?

Author Eden Monroe said...

Thank you for hosting me on your site today. Great to be here!

Sherry said...

Looks like an interesting book.

Author Eden Monroe said...

Thank you, Sherry. I'd love to know what you think about Sunrise Interrupted when you've finished reading it. Have you ever been to Canada?

Michael Law said...

This looks like a great read. Thanks for sharing.

Audrey Stewart said...

When I saw all of Eden Monroe's books on Goodreads, I was so excited. I can't wait to get started.

Daniel M said...

looks like a fun one