Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Review: No Good Deed by January Bain @JanuaryBain

No Good Deed

by January Bain

Published: May 14, 2024

Publisher: Rough Edges Press

Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Crime, Psychological Thriller


A gripping tale where good deeds intertwine with hidden crimes and a quest for truth…

Katie Kelly finally has the career and house of her dreams, but it’s a life built on a shaky foundation. Everything she holds dear could be stripped away in a split-second if the truth were to become known and her secrets exposed. Her best friend, Sadie, is also involved in hiding the past. The pair have managed to move on since that day of reckoning that occurred when they were just teenagers, by helping others to escape bad situations.

When a young woman runs to Katie and begs for her help, Katie is compelled to come to her aid and hides her in a safe room, locked away from her abusive boyfriend.

But then the past rises up and threatens to derail her best efforts to help the young girl, exposing her and her best friend to the vulgarities of fate as the girl is discovered to have an unexpected agenda, harboring secrets of her own. Katie is left with few choices. With her entire life crashing down around her ears, she must act to save not only herself, but her dear friend as well. Can Katie stop the past from destroying all hopes for a future?

Discover the chilling consequences of one woman's altruism in the face of hidden crimes. Join Katie Kelly as she navigates the shadows of her past, compelled to make a choice that could change lives forever. Grab your copy now.

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My Review:

No Good Deed has many shocking but not surprising twists that kept me glued to the pages wondering how it would all come together in the end. No Good Deed is filled with sadness and hidden truths.

No Good Deed is a story about abuse and how two women helped to save each other and others in need of help. They are harboring some deep dark secrets that could destroy their lives if they were ever to be revealed.

The secrets the women are hiding are things they did in their past that they thought they had to do to survive. Things that they would never have considered doing if their lives had played

 out differently. You know if life hadn’t dealt them a bad deck of cards, so to speak.

No Good Deed is a book that will draw you in from the first page and keep you hanging on. It is a book that will have you wanting to stop reading but can’t as you are so invested in its characters and the situations they are dealing with. No Good Deed may be a sad book but the characters will touch your heart.

I recommend No Good Deed to all mysteries, thrillers, and crime stories fans! Grab a copy of No Good Deed today!

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