Thursday, May 30, 2024

Review: Crimson Spellscape (The Archives Of Innah McLeod #1) by Jina S. Bazzar @Jina_Bazzar

Crimson Spellscape

The Archives Of Innah McLeod #1

by Jina S. Bazzar

Published: May 30, 2024

Publisher: Jina S. Bazzar

Genre: Supernatural, Suspense, Thriller, Fantasy, Mystery


In the town of Gold Fields, evil wears a friendly mask, blood doesn’t always run red, and fire doesn’t always burn.

Eight-year-old Innah McLeod witnessed a nightmare that shattered her innocence and left her with supernatural abilities.
For years, she uses these gifts in service of law enforcement, spying on the dregs of the supernatural community. But when her partner and mentor falls in the line of duty, Innah’s only wish is to retreat to the country and the solace of beautiful sunsets.
Now, Captain Bradshaw wants her back. If she accepts this one assignment, he will release her from her contract. Unable to refuse, Innah finds herself undercover in the town where she lost more than she ever knew.

She knows the drills—go in, identify the members, get out. But Gold Fields is home to a dangerous cult, one that brings the past knocking on her door and awakens old nightmares.

Once, Innah McLeod faced unspeakable horrors. In the town of Gold Fields, she will step into that darkness anew, where the line between savior and sacrifice hangs by a thread.

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My Review:  

Innah McLeod is taking a stroll when she happens upon a dead body. Innah recognizes the woman. Something strange is going on. What happened to the woman? Innah is a woman with supernatural abilities she received when she was eight when she witnessed something horrible.

Innah goes undercover to solve the mystery of the dead woman. How did this woman end up dead in the middle of the forest? Innah’s job is not to find out what happened to the woman, no her job is only to identify the ones who were responsible.

Innah must return to the town of Gold Field where her horrible dangers occurred all those years ago. She must face her monster once again. What happened to Innah? How did she end up with supernatural abilities? What are her supernatural skills?

Crimson Spellscape is full of surprises that had me racing to the end to find out what they were. The town of Gold Field has many secrets that it is trying to hold on to. The mystery alone is enough to keep those pages turning not to mention the many twists and turns it keeps throwing out.

Crimson Spellscape is a great start and introduction to The Archives Of Innah McLeod. I can’t wait to read more from this world to see what else lies beneath it all.

Grab a copy of Crimson Spellscape today!

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