Friday, August 5, 2016

Blurb Blitz + #Giveaway: Code 3: Finding Safety by V.E. Avance @GoddessFish

Code 3: Finding Safety
by V.E. Avance
GENRE: Romantic Suspense


Leanna Dixon has had enough. She no longer wants to be a punching bag for her husband, Mark. Without a word, she packs her bag and flees from her hell.

Arriving in her new home, things begin to go wrong from the start. Through all the bad she meets James, an Austin Police Officer, who helps her pick up the pieces of her shattered life.


Mark Dixon rules his women with an iron fist. When he arrives home and finds his wife has left him, his anger begins to build to dangerous levels. He knows he needs to find her and teach her a lesson, just as his father had done to his mother.

Will Leanna survive or will she become another statistic?


Leanna slowly begins to stir.  Her head feels fuzzy and her body aches.  What the hell happened, is the first question that swims through her foggy mind.  Her eyes begin to flutter open and she takes in her surroundings.

She’s hung up on a ceiling and just ahead of her is a rotted work bench with whips and chains with branding irons lying across it. Her heart races as she tugs on her bindings only to discover that they are firmly attached to her wrists.

“Well, well, well, look who decided to join the land of the living,” Mark’s voice rings from a corner chair—a chair she missed when she assessed her situation.  He rises from the chair and walks toward her, a knife in one hand and a piece of wood in the other.  The bastard and his fucking whittling, Leanna thinks to herself with disgust and contempt spreading across her face.

“What are you doing, Mark?  Why did you kidnap me?”  She shakes her hands trying in vain to get free.

“I didn’t kidnap you.  I only took what was rightfully mine.  When you married me, you became my property.  Only I can rid myself of my property.  You,” he gets up in her face, eyes dancing with fury, “don’t get to decide when I’ve had enough of you.”


V.E. Avance lives in California with her husband, 2 kids and 2 fur babies. She graduated from Brandman University with a degree in Psychology. In her free time, she loves to write and read books.

Buy Links:
Amazon: US ~ UK ~ CA ~ AU


$20 Amazon or B/N GC

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning.


Victoria Alexander said...

Thanks for sharing the excerpt, I'm looking forward to checking this one out.

Anonymous said...

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

V.E. Avance said...

Thank you for hosting.

V.E. Avance said...

Rebecca: the best advice I have to give is don't give up. This industry can be tough but if you love writing, don't stop.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance :)

James Robert said...

Wishing everyone a great weekend with lots of fun. Thanks for the giveaway as well.