Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Maverick Promotions Presents AUTHOR Ronda Caudill's Ravenshire @Ronda Caudill @mcjordan37

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On Tour March 23rd-28th
AUTHOR Ronda Caudill

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Ronda Caudill grew up in the small rural town in VA. She married her high school sweetheart and they have two wonderful daughters. Ronda has a Ph.D. in Education. She is the author of Ravenshire and The Glass House Children of Ravenshire (The Forgotten). Ronda has written books in other genres but loves fantasy and all fantastical creatures.


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Book Blurb:

Meet the people in the little, quaint town of Ravenshire where a myriad of ravens appear to be keeping a watchful eye on something. No one seems to know why there are so many ravens in Ravenshire--no one except the Frye family.

This is the first book in the Glass House Children series. In this fantasy the townspeople and the Glass House Children (Frye children) and their family are introduced.

Guest Post:

How I Combat Writer's Block

Like all writers, I have the occasional writer's block. At first I used to struggle terribly with getting past the block to continue and finish a project. Over the past couple of years I have discovered several ways to get beyond the block, here are a couple of things I do.

By discussing what's going on with your novel and where you are stuck with other writer's helps you move forward and get that project under way again. This is what I do most frequently. Don't feel that you must discuss your project with only a writer, you can talk to anyone who is interested-you would be surprised at where you can get help from. My daughters typically help me get things moving again-they can come up with some awesome ideas and even if they can't, the conversation usually sparks inspiration and ideas.

I have recently discovered a wonderful way to get beyond writer's block-using pictures as writing prompts. This works very well for me. Using pictures as writing prompts not only helps you to get your mojo back, but it can also lead to ideas for other projects. There are many other ways that I deal with writer's block. But these are my favorite and most beneficial.

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Promotion March 23rd-28th

Sun. March 23rd-- Radio interview with Author Chat with Lynda D. Brown 4:00-4:30pmCST.

Mon. Mar. 24th- Radio Interview 30 minute Book Chat w/ Michelle Cornwell-Jordan- IndieReview Behind The Scenes Internet Radio

Tues.Mar. 25th- Video Excerpt Reading at The BiaLog

Wed. Mar. 26th- Video Guest Post/Written Excerpt promo at IndieWritersReview and Spotlight Feature at Write Indie: Musings of a WriterGeek and The Avid Reader

Thurs.Mar. 27th-Video Chat Feature aired at Author Frances Langley Patty Website and IndieReview Behind The Scenes TV (Web Video Content Hosts) and

Fri. Mar. 28th-Ten Minute Twitter View chat w/ Host Michelle Cornwell-Jordan. Pls follow hash tag #MPTour.

Maverick Promotion"Artists Not Afraid To Think Outside The Box" ©Michelle Cornwell-Jordan


Unknown said...

Thank-you so much for hosting!:O)

The Avid Reader said...

Your welcome! Thanks for visiting.