Sunday, June 20, 2021

Review: Nation of the Sun by H.R. Moore @hr_moore

Nation of the Sun

The Ancient Souls Series #1

by H.R. Moore

Published: June 20, 2021

Publisher: Harriet Moore

Genre: Contemporary, Fantasy, Demons


Their demon lives spun around each other. Their souls, like magnets, pulled back together in every lifetime.

Amari has a perfect life. She's a successful food critic, and is marrying a high flying human rights lawyer. But the day before her wedding, a stranger, Caspar, tries to solicit her help. She sends him away, but can't shake the feeling that she knows him.

When Amari's new husband has to leave the country before their honeymoon, Amari tells Caspar she'll help him. But Amari and Caspar are attacked by an assassin, forcing them into hiding at the London headquarters of the Pagan Nation. Here, Caspar tells her that she's an ancient and powerful demon, someone who reincarnates, and that he is her soulmate.

As she's drawn into Caspar's world of standing stones and feuding nations, Amari can't deny the deep connection that pulses between them. But she can't remember her past, and the Pagans have secrets they refuse to reveal: Why did Amari avoid Caspar for a hundred years? And what happened between Amari and the leader of a rival nation in the past? To determine if she can trust Caspar, if she should help him, she must wake her demon soul, and bring back her memories. For one thing is certain: when that happens, the tables will turn.

Trigger warnings for violence and kidnap. Contains sexual content.

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My Review:

Caspar has been searching for his soulmate, Amari for many, many years in this lifetime that is. You see Caspar is a demon and so is his soulmate, Amari. This is not the first time Caspar has been separated from his soulmate as it has been going on for many, many lifetimes. And each lifetime Amari has no idea that she is a demon until she is awakened. But Caspar hopes to find her before that happens so he can help her.

In this lifetime Caspar finds Amari the day before her wedding. Caspar hopes to take his time in revealing to Amari that she is a demon. When he finally does find her they are chased by a demon hunter who is trying to kill Amari. Now Caspar must speed up his process of telling Amari who she is before she is killed.

I always love reading about soulmates and past lifetimes. I like that Caspar already knew he was a demon but is that only because he was already awake? I liked that Amari had not woken yet. I liked that Caspar had to awaken her. I also liked that they could remember their past lives.

Nation of the Sun is not quite like any book I have read before although it has some strong resemblance to others it is still a unique story all its own and with its own path to follow. It has its own style and uniqueness. The characters all bring their own creativity and uniqueness to the story as well.

Nation of the Sun is loaded with so many twists, twist that I never saw coming. There was this one big gigantic twist there at the end that really shocked me to the core. But one that put a smile on my face. It was surprising and shocking but I loved it. I can’t wait to see what else Casper and Amari have on their agendas in book two of The Ancient Souls Series.

I highly recommend Nation of the Sun to all fans of soulmates and reincarnation. One-click your copy of this epic novel, Nation of the Sun today!

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