Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Virtual Book Tour + Review + #Giveaway: Rising Moon by Katie Groom @katie_writes_ @GoddessFish


Katie Groom

GENRE: Paranormal


Reunited with his mate Zoie and having taken revenge on some of his immortal enemies, werewolf Hugh has new goals for revenge and justice: Ruin the lives of his remaining foes and end their reign.

The powerful Council of the immortal world has been imprisoning those who oppose them. But now, Hugh is one of the Council and perfectly poised to take the Council from the inside with the help of Zoie and their friends.

While Zoie is busy working on her witchcraft—studying and practicing so that she can protect her loved ones, Hugh probes for the secrets that have kept them in power for so long.

Investigating both openly and in secret, Hugh uncovers more than just the public terror. Even without the mock trials, those who disagreed with the Council often found themselves in the dark, lonely purgatory of being a gargoyle. Trapped and awake for all of eternity, in a rapidly expanding graveyard that ages all who enter.

Even immortals have things they fear more than death.

Purchase RISING MOON @ Amazon


Visibly, yet quietly, annoyed, Hugh stood with his arms folded over his chest and a deep frown on his face. Still, this was his duty. Hugh held his place just off of the stage in the center of Nightbrooke.

The stage. That’s all it was, in his opinion. Everyone avoided even stepping on it when it was empty. Not out of respect, but out of fear. The only performances ever held on this stage were to overflow those who traveled through the underground world, secret from all mortals, with the certainty that if they put one toe-—one hair, one breath—out of line, they would be punished.

This place—Nightbrooke; Tenatoria; El Reino Mágico—

whatever it was called where that particular inhabitant was originally from—was intended to be a sanctuary for supernatural beings. It was supposed to be a safe place where they could be whatever they were without having to hide it. But this stage showed that this wasn’t sanctuary for everyone.

The only people who wanted to be on that stage were Hugh’s fellow council leaders. He had no desire to ever step foot on those ancient wooden boards, held together by even more ancient magic.

That’s why he hung off to the side. The others, however, relished these moments. Anything to see the fear in the eyes of the people they felt were a lower status than them.

Reon, King of the Abyss—the man who thought he was the King of Everything—was babbling on and on about the alleged crimes that the person before him had committed. He stood proudly on those wooden boards holding a scroll. He was nearly floating above the boards with joy. Hugh could hear Reon’s flutter from where he stood.

The difference between the two of them was a constant tension on the Council. They debated on opposite sides of every decision, to the point where Reon asked if Hugh was opposing him intentionally and just for the sake of being contentious. 

My Review:

Rising Moon is the third book in The Cardinal Moon Saga by Katie Groom. Rising Moon grabbed my attention from the first page and never let go. I love the world that was created for The Cardinal Moon Saga. I love reading stories where different paranormal creatures live together in the same world.

Rising Moon is filled with many twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat as I raced to the end. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough I had to know what was going on. I could see everything I was reading play out in my head like watching a movie.

Zoie is practicing her witchcraft so she can protect her family when the time comes. Hugh is out for revenge for the thousands of people who have been wronged over the years by the council.

When paranormal creatures break the law they are imprisoned in a gargoyle graveyard for all eternity. Hugh and Zoie are working on a plan to rescue the ones that are imprisoned in the graveyard. Hugh is now a member of the council.

Can Zoie and Hugh find a way to save the paranormal creatures?

I can’t wait to read more in The Cardinal Moon Saga. I can’t wait to see what lies ahead for Zoie and Hugh. Well, at least I hope there is more to come as I can’t seem to get enough of this world.

I highly recommend grabbing a copy of Rising Mood today! I do suggest that you read Fixed Moon and Gibbous Moon before reading Rising Moon.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Katie Groom grew up in rural Pennsylvania, where she received her bachelor’s degree in Business Management from PITT and her master’s in Employment and Labor Relations from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. In 2016, she decided to move to Alabama in order to avoid as much snow as possible (and to advance her career in Human Resources).

When she isn’t working, Katie enjoys reading, writing, jokingly critiquing movies and TV, and campaigning that the plural of moose should be meese. She also loves to take in live music (especially Hanson) and traveling, with the goal of reaching each of the continents. Katie’s favorite pastime, however, is spending time with her beloved Shih tzu, Delta.

Connect with Katie Groom on Twitter



$10 Amazon/BN GC 

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Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you for reviewing RISING MOON today.

Marcy Meyer said...

The excerpt sounds good. Thanks for sharing.

Sherry said...

This sounds like a good book and I really like the cover.

Edgar Gerik said...

Great review

Nancy P said...

Hauntingly intriguing

Daniel M said...

looks like a fun one