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This weeks Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books You'd Like To See Made Into A Movie
Top Ten Books I Would Like To See Made Into A Movie
Witchblood is one of those books that keeps you turning the pages staying up till 3 am because you just have to know what is coming next.
I really, really loved Fire Baptized. I loved that it had a new twist on all the different supernaturnals like Vampires, Shifters, Fairies, and Witches etc... I would love to see Lanore make fire and Meshack turn into a Were-cheetah. I would like to see how the supernaturals lived in The Habitat.
I would like to see how the starters lived, the places they lived in. How they rented out their bodies. The technology that they used to transfer the enders mind to the starters bodies.
I would like to see more movies about vampires and post-apocalyptic. Darkness Falls would make a good movie.
I love vampire books especially when they are different than any that I have read before. I loved the fact that Bianca is a vampire but is a very different type of vampire than her parents or any other vampire.
Juliette Ferrars has been locked up for 264 days. She hasn't seen nor spoken to anyone in 264 days. The Reestablishment locked her up for murder. Juliette didn't do anything wrong, all she did was touch someone. Her touch is deadly.
I loved the House of Night series and would love to see Zoey with all her tattoos and all of the characters in the House of Night's tattoos.
In reading My Blood Approves I liked how the vampires being turned is very different than in any other vampire book that I have read.
"This is the way the world ends - not with a bang or a whimper, but with zombies breaking down the back door."
Hollowmen picks up six months after Hollowland, right where it left off with Remy at the new compound being their little rat trying to find a cure for the virus.
Leave me a comment with your Top Ten list. I would very much like to see the Top Ten Books You'd Like To See Made Into A Movie. Thanks for stopping in for a visit. I love my visitors.
Hmm, you've got some that are on my TBR list, some that I have an just haven't read yet, and some I've never heard of! All sound interesting though!
Thanks for stopping by my TTT!
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