Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Virtual Tour + #Giveaway: A Mortal Indiscretion by Barbra E. Ross @barbraeross @GoddessFish

A Mortal Indiscretion
by Barbra E. Ross
GENRE: Romance Paranormal/Suspense


One night changed everything for bachelor Justin Bertolli. A womanizer at heart, never quite ready to settle down, he meets the woman who would change his life forever. Ambra Taylor is that woman, but is she all that Justin bargained for? When Justin discovers the truth about who and what she is, will he still love her? Will he still want her? Find out, as their hearts collide in this epic tale of love.

The sequel, MARZIO'S REVENGE, is now available. 


“Justin, maybe I should leave. I mean… If I am making you that angry…”

“You are not making me angry. It’s the situation…not you,” I said. “Tell me something. When you…I mean, did you really mean it when you said you loved me?

“Yes Justin. I loved you. I still love you.”

“But how? What can I possibly mean to you? I mean, Jesus! You are…you are… I don’t know! What I am trying to say is, what can I possibly do for you?” I was stuttering.

“I do not understand what you are asking me,” she stated.

“Ambra, this is not a normal relationship. I usually know where I stand with a woman, but I have no clue what I can offer you.

“Justin, you have given me what no one else ever has. Unconditional love. You made me feel special, wanted, needed and loved. And I did not make you do it. I never once influenced your mind to make you treat me that way. It was something I had never experienced before. I wanted simply to be with you. Nothing more, nothing less.”

“And the fact that I am not what you are… doesn’t bother you? I feel like I would be a liability, an accident waiting to happen, a burden…”

“Why? Because you are a man and not a monster as I am?”

“Because you are stronger than me. I can’t protect you from harm, not that anything can harm you really, but I am used to being the strong one.” I said, looking down.

“So this is what is bothering you? That I am not some weak, frail woman for you to save?”

“No. Not exactly, but you are close.”

“Justin, I am beyond saving. You cannot change what has happened to me any more than I can. I have learned to accept what I am because the alternative is to stop living. And since I met you, I do not want to stop living. I only wish you could love me, as you did.”

I looked over at her and thought about it. Yes, I was angry. And the thought being without her this past year was enough to drive me mad. But, under all the rage and embarrassment, under all the pain and sadness was the undeniable fact that I loved her. I turned back to the fire and smiled to myself.

“Okay. So… Like, you’re a vampire. Correction. A beautiful, stunning vampire. And I am, well… I am a not so bad looking guy, and… God! This is the really funny part. But I am hopelessly in love with you,” I rambled. There was silence behind me for a moment. The crackle and spit of the fire was all I heard.

“Justin… What are you…”

Interview with Barbra E. Ross

What inspired you to write A Mortal Indiscretion?

I love a great romance with mystery. I also love vampires, the romantic aspect of them and the longing for a love they cannot have.  I am also a firm believer in that you can’t judge a book by its cover. (Pardon the pun.) People are not always who they seem to be and if we judge them, we just might lose someone very special. I think that is why I wrote Ambra, the way I did. Justin had to only grow to learn to look past his judgements, and that in turn made Ambra do the same.

Can you tell us a little bit about the next book, Marzio’s Revenge or what you have planned for the future?

The sequel, Marzio’s Revenge, is a continuation of the storyline. It takes Justin and Ambra on a treacherous journey of love and loss. It also features a new villain, one that is intelligent and one step ahead of everyone.

Zeus, is the third installment in the series and is due to be released this year. I am not divulging too much about the storyline at this time, except to say it is epic and involves time travel, something I have always dreamed about.

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in A Mortal Indiscretion?

Justin, is a 29-year-old Italian-American bachelor, handsome and carefree. He seemingly has it all.  He isn’t ready to settle down, or so he believed. He is down to earth and has a natural charisma.
Ambra, is a stunningly beautiful lady, who also happens to be a vampire. Born in the 18th century, she is old-fashioned in her ways and she too, does not want to be in a relationship with anyone, for entirely different reasons. She believes that what she is, is a curse and vows to never fall in love. Until she meets Justin, that is.

You know I think we all have a favorite author. Who is your favorite author and why?

It has to be Stephen King. The way he delves into the minds of his characters, from the creepy to the normal characters. He has a skill to bring you in, something I admire.

If you could time-travel would you travel to the future or the past? Where would you like to go and why would you like to visit this particular time period?

This is fun for me, because my dream was to visit Ancient Egypt and Rome. To see all the people and the pyramids. The colosseum alone would blow my mind. I have always wondered how they built such magnificent structures with the little tools they had. To me, that is a miracle.

Do you have any little fuzzy friends? Like a dog or a cat? Or any pets?

I have a rescue dog, named Rain. She is a Pitbull, Sharpei mix.  She is a joy and I think she is the best dog ever.  I also have two feline rescue friends, JB and Zane. They are brothers and they make their presence known.

Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to visit with us today.

Thank you for the opportunity!


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Barbra E Ross lives in Michigan and is a nurse by day, lover of fiction at night. When people ask me what my book is about, I pause a moment because it is not so simple to describe. It is a vampire romance, I say and then, I pray that doesn’t scare them away. Because what are books really? I believe that books are a way to escape the daily routines of life.

I wanted to take an ordinary man and put him in fantastic situations. To bring a bit of fantasy down to reality. It is a love story at its heart. If I can take the reader on a journey and give them a laugh, cry, or simply bring a smile to their face, then it is all worth it. This story helped me through rough times in my life, and I can only hope it will do the same for the reader.

Buy Links:


$25 Amazon/BN GC 

Follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning.


James Robert said...

Good Morning and Happy Tuesday! I am helping my brother out today as he is on his way to pick up his kids from their visit with their mom. Have a good day and thank you for the giveaway.

FrangiePani said...

Congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)

Victoria Alexander said...

Great post - Thanks for sharing the excerpt & interview!

Unknown said...

Thank you Lisa, Gwendolyn and Victoria! Good luck in the drawing.

Bernie Wallace said...

What is your favorite movie based on a book? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)Com

Mary Preston said...

Ambra sounds like she has a big secret.

James Robert said...

Have a terrific Thursday and thank you so much for the opportunity to win.

Jana Leah B said...

Aww. Your furbabies are adorable.

James Robert said...

Hello and Happy Friday. I appreciate the opportunity to enter this giveaway and you taking the time to offer it to us. Thanks again!