SYMBIOSIS is a YA supernatural romance novel with contemporary fantasy appeal.
Date Published: January 10, 2015
A switch flipped the night of the dance. Something awakens within Kate Archer that alters
her relationship with Nick and Alex. Haunting visions of the past plague her. In an effort to maintain harmony within her relationships, she tries to hide the knowledge the dreams reveal to her. Eventually, when the façade that she’s so carefully crafted begins to unravel, Kate realizes that the past has no boundaries, and it has stained her soul. It is then that the truth finally sets her free.
Sarah stood on the
edge of the hillside and stared into the ocean as it rhythmically beat upon the
rocks below her. A full moon glistened in the sky above and shimmered upon the
dark water, casting shadows upon the earth. Strands of Sarah’s dark hair blew
in the gentle breeze. She grabbed the fluttering strands and twirled them into
a bun at the back of her head, and then she pulled a long silver pin out of her
skirt pocket and slid it through the bun, securing her hair. A quiver of arrows
rested upon her back, and her thin bow hung at her side.
A rustle of leaves
and branches crunched in the distance. Out of the woods crept a willowy Indian
woman. She approached Sarah, her face smooth and serious. The moonlight shined
off her black hair as it cascaded freely over her violet sari. “I am glad you
are here, alone.” she said in a heavy accent. “I was not certain you would be
able to get away.”
“They are asleep,”
Sarah said softly. “Netra, why are you here? Things must be dire if you have
been summoned.”
“Not everything is
written in stone. Faith is your greatest ally.” Netra’s large gold earrings
slowly jingled as she moved. “I have come to help you, the ones you love, and
the village.” She tilted her head over her shoulder and looked into the valley
at the little community that slept during the night. “It is not too late.”
“There is still time,”
Sarah said. She reached up and touched her neck, her fingers caressing an
ornate charm that hung on an intricate chain. “We will talk to them again. We
will take her by force if we must. We will help her understand who she is.”
“That will not help,”
Netra said. “The Reapers want a sacrifice. They want blood. They will destroy
this village, and then they will hunt you down. They will not be satisfied
until they taste Asteri blood.”
“You do not know
that,” Sarah said stubbornly. Her hand left the charm and trailed down her
burgundy bodice.
“I do. I saw it.”
Netra stepped closer to Sarah and wrapped her dark fingers around Sarah’s
golden hand. “You know I see things. It is my gift.”
“What am I supposed to
do?” Sarah shook her head, her eyebrows drawn together. “Please, tell me. How
do I stop them?”
“They want a
sacrifice. You must give it to them.” Netra stared into Sarah’s eyes. “Let them
taste the blood they desire, and you can save hundreds of lives. The power is
in your hands.” Netra pulled a tiny turquois and gold bag out of her petticoat
pocket. “I know a spell that can save you all. Do you trust me?” The golden
bangles on her dark hands rattled as she shook the tiny bag.
Sarah studied the
bag. “What magic do you have?”
“It is not magic. It is
life,” Netra whispered.
Sarah reached out and
touched the bottom of the bag and squeezed it ever so gently. “You hold life in
a bag?”
About the Author
Story time always captivated Karen. As a child, she fell in love with books that transported her to different worlds and introduced her to new creatures. As a teacher, she encouraged her students to explore different times and new worlds through literature. Now, when Karen isn’t living in reality with her husband and daughters, she can be found creating an alternate reality filled with creatures and worlds that she hopes will delight and raise goose bumps on her readers.
Thank you for posting
Thank you for participating in the SYMBIOSIS Book Tour! I had a blast writing this young adult series and am excited to share a little more with you. The cover image is loaded with information. The background is actually Jordan Lake (a major setting in the book). There are two butterflies on the cover. In the reflection on the water, the blue butterfly represents the butterfly that was on SCINTILLATE’s cover. That butterfly represents Kate and her transition. The white/black butterfly appears to be emerging from the blue butterfly. This butterfly represents Sarah. The body of the white/black body has 2 bows with an arrow in the middle. I used bows and an arrow for this butterfly because Sarah is an archer.
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