Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Review: Little Horrors: Vol.4 by Steven Jenkins @Author_Jenkins

Little Horrors

8 Twisted Short Stories: Vol.4

by Steven Jenkins

Published: November 28, 2023

Publisher: Different Cloud Publishing

Genre: Horror, Anthologies, Short Stories


“Are you sure he’s dead?”

After a plane gets overrun with zombies, Mitchell finds himself falling to his death, and the only parachute is attached to the rotter plummeting beside him.

A world confined to the night, where monsters rule the daytime, is all that Bonnie knows. But when her brother goes missing, she must step into the light and face the darkness.

Violet is eighty-two, has a painful hip, and lives alone. Every night, she hears footsteps and voices upstairs. Is she really alone?

For Tim, life was always an uphill struggle. In death, life is even harder.

Vampires lurk the dark streets, and holy water is the world’s only line of defence, leaving Father Roberts as the town’s most valuable asset.

Follow these lives and many more in another terrifying horror collection from Steven Jenkins.

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My Review:

Little Horrors: Vol.4

Little Horrors: Vol.4 is filled with many monsters of all sorts and kinds. Each story is unique in its own way and is a tribute to this anthology of horror. There are zombies, vampires, plus many more creatures.

The suspense of each story kept me hanging on from beginning to end as my world disappeared for a while. Each story is filled with twist after twist that kept me racing to the end as if it was the only story in the world.

I would highly recommend Little Horrors: Vol.4 to anyone who loves horror. Grab a copy of Little Horrors: Vol.4 today for another great scare!

Drop Dead

A man is falling to his death without a parachute after his plane is overrun with zombies. His only chance for survival is with a zombie who has a parachute.

I truly enjoyed reading Drop Dead. I love anything with zombies but I do believe this is the first time with a zombie falling from a plane with a parachute no less.

Drop Dead grabbed my attention with the first zombie and kept it as I witnessed Mitchell’s as he was falling to his death. I got to see it all through his eyes. What a thrill and scary moment it was.

The suspense of wondering if Mitchell was going to make it out alive was very captivating.


Reformed is filled with mystery and suspense that will keep you wondering page after page as to what is little secret the town is hiding. Reformed is about a girl and her story where no one in the town likes her not even the priest who lives next door.

He won’t even speak to her. I didn’t know what his problem was but I didn’t think he should be acting that way. But then I thought I didn’t know the whole story. But as they say, you can’t judge a book by its cover.

When the whole story is revealed it is surprising but you are enlightened as to why everyone acted the way they did. Were they right to do so?


A world filled with monsters that only come out during the day. WOW! What can I say I loved it! What a twist on monsters. Curfew definitely had my attention from beginning to end. What a ride!

Curfew kept me racing to the end wondering the whole time about the monsters what they were and when they were going to appear. My world disappeared the moment I began to read and I don’t believe I came up for air once.

Curfew may be short but it sure does pack a punch with a whole lot between its pages. The twists just kept coming the more I read. They were popping up around every corner.

Time of Death

Time of Death is a very short read that only took a couple of minutes to read. Time of Death is told from the point of a ghost wanting someone to find out why he was killed and who did it. He has no memory of his death.

Time of Death was a fun little read. It kept me hanging on wanting to know more about the ghosts. I would truly like to know more about this ghost what happened to him in his life and who he was and what happened on that awful day. The day he died.

A Spoonful of Medicine

A Spoonful of Medicine is told from the point of view of Ruby and her little boy Tom. Tom is sick. His mother gives him only over-the-counter medicine and herbs. Tom is tired of being sick and always having to stay home. He wants to see the great outdoors and have friends like any other little boy.

A Spoonful of Medicine is filled with twists but there is this one big twists that I never saw coming. A Spoonful of Medicine really surprised me after everything was revealed.


Down is about an eighty-two-year-old woman who lives alone or does she. She won’t let anyone come to visit her. But when her daughter moves back she tries to keep her away but without success.

Something strange is going on in her house that she tries to keep hidden from the world. She hears strange noises upstairs. She is frightened. What is she afraid of? Is the noises she hears coming from upstairs real? Or are they just a figment of her imagination? Or is it something more sinister?

Down is filled with lots of suspense that kept me guessing from the first page until the last. I was lost in the world of Down for a few minutes as I was kept in the dark about what was going on. I can tell you what was going on was not quite what I was expecting or anticipating.

Water in the Blood

Vampires have taken over the world. The only defense against them is holy water and holy water comes at a great cost these days. Vampires have destroyed the world. The church is becoming a thing of the past as the vampires destroy it and everyone else.

Vampires are not allowed in the church. But I loved what one vampire said as she thought everyone was welcome in the church. What a great twists. It really makes a lot of sense to me.


Zed is about a zombie who is locked up for the world to come and be able to see a real live zombie. Zed is about a farmer who captures the zombie and his life.

I really loved the twist on this zombie. But is Zed just an introduction for more. What a great new world Zed would make. The twist and plot are wonderful. I would like to know more about Zed and his world.

Be sure and check out all the Little Horror stories.

Little Horrors: Vol.1




Little Horrors: Vol.2




Little Horrors: Vol.3




Little Horrors: Vol.4




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