Friday, June 14, 2024

Review: Immunity (Apocalypse #9) by Hayley Anderton & Laura Swift @handerton96


Apocalypse #9

by Hayley Anderton

Published: June 14, 2024

Genre: Zombies, Horror, Young Adult, Post-Apocalyptic


The group at the farm are under more pressure than ever with insidious threats from outside groups. When one of them is bitten, all hell breaks loose.

Fletcher's group are on the run, trying to recover from the events back at the Fortress, but who will they meet on their travels?

Ross' bid for power will take him to new heights of madness, and his plans for taking over the farm begin to unfold.

Unlikely reunions will be made.
Old enemies will resurface.
Everything will turn upside down.

The apocalypse never relents.

Goodreads ~ Amazon

My Review:

Immunity is the ninth book in the Apocalypse series by Hayley Anderton & Laura Swift. I have been waiting since February for Immunity to make its way onto my TBR list.

I love zombies and can’t get enough of them. I fell in love with the Apocalypse series the moment I read the summary for the first book Apocalypse and I have loved every book that came after.

I love the world that was created for Apocalypse. I love the characters and reading about them and getting to know them. There have been happy times but sad and scary times as well. Oh, and the zombies are awesome too.

Hannah is seeing monsters. She knows they are real but no one will believe her. Someone dear and close to Cassie comes back into her life. This person may not be who she thinks he is. He is not the same person she knew before. But who is?

The world has changed but so has everyone in it in many different ways. People are changing wanting to take what others have instead of finding their own as if turning into a zombie is not enough.

I can’t wait to read more in the Apocalypse series to see what comes next, especially after that ending. Monsters and more monsters in many different forms may be in everyone’s future. Oh my, I can’t wait.

If you love zombies as much as I do, I highly suggest you grab a copy of Immunity today for another zombie-filled adventure! I also highly recommend every book in the Apocalypse series!

Be sure to check out all the books in the Apocalypse Series

Apocalypse # 1



Fallout #2



Chaos #3



Sacrifice #4



Outlast #5



Alliance #6



Bloodlust #7



Slaughter #8



Immunity #9



Connect with Hayley Anderton:

Twitter ~ Wattpad ~ Goodreads ~ Amazon ~ Instagram

Connect with Laura Swift:

Goodreads ~ Amazon ~ Instagram