Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Review: The Girl Once Known (The Girl Once Known #1) by R.M. Demeester @rmdemeester

The Girl Once Known

The Girl Once Known #1

by R.M. Demeester

Published: February 2, 2024

Genre: Fiction, Psychological Thrillers, Thriller, Women's Fiction


After a violent hit-and-run shatters Mira Harris's life, she finds herself at a crossroads.

Before the accident, Mira, haunted by a childhood shaped by dysfunction and the recent return of her estranged father, has always sought order to cope. Her relationship with Joseph Oliver, a young man with a troubled past, provided a semblance of balance. But now, with her trust broken and her body battered, to find out who wanted to harm her, she must peel back layers of lies, confronting not just the driver's identity but the very fabric of her childhood.

As the truth inches closer, Mira and those closest to her face a reality more daunting than her injuries. Is uncovering the truth worth the risk and the personal cost not only to Mira but also to those closest to her?

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My Review:

The Girl Once Known is the first book in The Girl Once Known series by R.M. Demeester. The Girl Once Known is the first book by R.M. Demeester that I have read. I hope it won't be the last as I enjoyed it very much and can’t wait to read more books by R.M. Demeester.

The Girl Once Known is filled with lots of surprises that kept me glued to my seat wondering what would happen next. The Girl Once Known is told from several points of view.

The Girl Once Known is about a young girl Mira whose father left a long time ago. It is just Mira, her sister Tiffany, and their mother Sherry. Mira is a girl who likes things to be perfect. But yet her mom and sister do not care. Mira likes a clean house and is always picking up behind her mother and sister.

Mira meets a new guy Joseph who is on the football team at school. Joseph has some baggage of his own to deal with like Mira but his is different in many ways. Joseph is good for Mira he helps to balance things out for her.

One night Mira and Joseph go to a bar. Mira sees her father at the bar. He is livid with Mira for being there as she is underage. Later Mira moves in with her father and his new wife, Sierra, and her daughter Leah.

Things are going ok until the night Mira is hit by a car and things take a turn for the worse. Secrets, lies, and betrayals start pouring out. Some very surprising secrets that I never would have suspected. These secrets really caught me off guard. The suspense and the twists are mighty in this one. They will leave you with your mouth hanging open.

I can’t wait to check out the next book in The Girl Once Known series, The Bond Once Broken to see what lies in store for us in that one.

I highly recommend The Girl Once Known to all Psychological Thriller and Thriller fans! Grab a copy of The Girl Once Known today! 

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