Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Review Tour + #Giveaway: Royally Arranged (The Royal Series #2) by Amber Malloy @authambermalloy @GoddessFish


Amber Malloy

GENRE: Contemporary Romance


Thanks to social media, beauty mogul Astoria Richards fell into a multimillion-dollar business at the age of sixteen. Unfortunately, burnout threatens to snatch the rug straight from under her. With no personal life to speak of, and competitors nipping at her heels, she jumps at a unique proposition from a king. As long as Astoria keeps her heart out this arrangement, her bottom line would benefit from this weirdness … right?

Raphael Castille needs a wife. Tasked with taking over the throne until his twin brother gets stamped with a clean bill of health, he will be required to play his royal part. A simple one-year contractual obligation to make the people of Calor Dunas believe he was capable of leading their country turned into much, much more. The second he sets eyes on Astoria Richards, all the rules went straight out of the window. No one said love was a part of the deal, but if he stayed around the gorgeous, brown-skinned beauty for much longer, he’d have to find a way to add it to the contract.

Purchase ROYALLY ARRANGED @ Amazon


Lost didn’t cover Astoria’s dizzying confusion. Larger than the Atlantis Resort, she wandered the palace halls in need of a rescue team. For the first time since she’d dove straight into this strange odyssey, she reconsidered her role in all of it.


Rafe’s growly tenor, mixed with his cultivated tone, instantly stirred something in her gut.

Thought you came to your senses and changed your mind.” He advanced from the opposite end of the hallway with his hard-to-win smile inching northward.

Had a hiccup at the airport,” she admitted, mentally hollering at her pussy that beat boxed a mean tune at the sight of him. Swallowing the teenage giggles that begged to burst free, Astoria shared her harrowing tale about delayed planes and no available runways when a young woman stepped in front of her.

My name is Elana and there are no words for how late you are.” She tightly clutched a clipboard to her chest, granting Astoria the sternest schoolteacher glare.

None?” she asked. “Because the English language is vast, and right off the top of my head, I can think of several.”

This is unacceptable and mustn’t happen again. We have a tight schedule, and tardiness will not be tolerated.”

Where’s your detail?” Rafe asked, gracefully moving around Elana.

Also late,” she replied, turning toward the handsome man. The slim fit of his Prada dark grey suit hugged his lean body to a tee. Not to mention his enticing smell of sweet ylang-ylang and sandalwood that helped calm her jackhammer type of nerves.

My Review:

Royally Arranged is the second book in The Royal Series by Amber Malloy. After reading the first book Royally Screwed in The Royal Series I knew I had to read Royally Arranged the moment I laid eyes on it. I have to say that this series gets better and better with each turn of the page. The more you read the more you want to read.

Royally Arranged had my attention from the first page and never let go from beginning to end. There was not a dull moment to be had between its pages. There was enough romance and sparks flying in all directions for beauty mogul Astoria Richards and Raphael Castille, the would-be king who is to take the throne while his twin brother who is sick gets better.

A marriage has been arranged between Raphael and Astoria. The marriage contract is only to be for one year while his brother recuperates. The marriage was to be in name only but it seems that Raphael and Astoria could not keep their hands off each other. When these two got together the sparks flew. And let me tell you those sparks were hot. Oh, yeah it became pretty steamy real quick like between these two.

I loved Royally Screwed very much when I laid eyes on Royally Arranged I knew I had to read it. The Royal Series is not the first book by Amber Malloy that I have read I plan on reading more for sure.

Amber knows how to write a story that will pull you in from the first page and hangs on. Once you pick up a book by Amber Malloy you won’t want to stop reading until you have read the last page and then you won’t want it to end.

I highly recommend Royally Arranged to anyone who loves a good romance. Grab a copy Royally Arranged today. I would like to suggest that you grab a copy of the first book in The Royal Series, Royally Screwed as well. The Royal Series can be read as standalone but why would you want to?


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Amber Malloy dreamed of being a double agent but couldn't pass the psyche evaluation. Crushed by despair that she couldn't legally shoot things, Amber pursued her second career choice as pastry chef. When she's not writing or whipping up a mean Snickers Cheesecake, she occasionally spies on her sommelier. Amber is convinced he's faking his French accent.

Connect with Amber Malloy

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$10 Amazon/BN GC 

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Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thank you so much for hosting and reviewing today.

Marcy Meyer said...

I like the excerpt. Sounds like a story I would enjoy reading.

Rita Wray said...

Sounds like a great book.

Sherry said...

Looks like a interesting book.

Michael Law said...

I'm looking forward to checking this book out. Thanks for hosting.