Friday, June 21, 2024

Review: Midlife Wolf Bond (Accidental Alpha #4) by Carissa Andrews @CarissaAndrews

Midlife Wolf Bond

Accidental Alpha #4

by Carissa Andrews

Published: June 21, 2024

Publisher: Author Revolution

Genre: Paranormal, Witches, Wizards, Shifters, Werewolves, Romance, Fantasy



In the unpredictable world of midlife, Ella Breene has faced her fair share of challenges. But now, she's about to confront her most significant trial yet - one that could change the course of her destiny and the fate of both the supernatural and human realms.

After a devastating attack on her home and family by Andres and his relentless Redmond Pack, Ella's life lies in ruins. Her once-comfortable home reduced to rubble, and her children's safety hanging in the balance, she can't afford to wait idly while rival packs encroach on her territory, seeking to exploit her vulnerability.

It's time for Ella to send a message—one that will echo far and wide, reminding everyone that she is the Alpha, and she will not be pushed around. But she knows mere words won't suffice; actions speak louder.

As Ella and Stone, her irresistible fated mate, finally embrace the potent bond that ties them together, they become one step closer to fulfilling their prophesied destiny as "Moon Wolves." Their connection grows deeper, unlocking newfound powers and abilities that could tip the balance of power in their favor.

But Ella knows she needs more than just their bond to protect her pack and the fragile peace between the supernatural and human worlds. She has a plan, one that involves Stone and something extraordinary, something that will not only assert her dominance but also leave a lasting mark on the supernatural community.

Midlife Wolf Bond is the electrifying fourth chapter of the Accidental Alpha series, where Ella Breene and Stone embark on a journey of love and power, forging a bond that could change everything. With her home in ruins and her pack under siege, Ella must rise to her destiny, sending a message that will be felt throughout the supernatural world and, just maybe, saving not only Black Crater but also the very balance of existence itself.

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My Review:

Midlife Wolf Bond is the fourth book in the Accidental Alpha series by Carissa Andrews. Like the three books before it Midlife Wolf Bond drew me into its world from the first page and never let go even after I read the last page.

Midlife Wolf Bond had me hanging on every word as I raced to the end of the story wanting to know it all. I couldn’t turn those pages fast enough waiting for the story to unfold with its many twists and turns that left me wanting more with each page.

I was pulled deep into Ella and Stone’s world from the first page. I couldn’t tear my eyes away as they faced many trials as they were searching for the Breath of Selene.

A curse has been placed on Stone that is threatening to tear him and Ella apart. Ella’s evil sister has come back into her life. Is she there to cause more trouble? Or does she truly need Ella’s help this time? What does her sister want? I mean she has to be up to something, right? I don’t think she would want to be around Ella otherwise.

Can Ella and Stone find a way to break the curse? Or will they lose each other forever? Can they find the Breath of Selene and solve the mystery before time runs out?

I can’t wait to read more in the next book in the Accidental Alpha Series, especially after that ending.

I highly recommend Midlife Wolf Bond to all fans of paranormal fans! Grab a copy of Midlife Wolf Bond today!

Be sure to check out all the books in the Accidental Alpha Series

Midlife Wolf Bite #1




Midlife Wolf Pack #2





Midlife Wolf Mate #3




Midlife Wolf Bond #4





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