Thursday, June 27, 2024

Book Tour: Hail the King by Jeff Thompson @jefftministries @RABTBookTours


A Verse-by-Verse Journey Through the Book of Revelation

Nonfiction / Religion / Biblical Studies / Christian

Date Published: May 7, 2024

Publisher: Lucid Books



Did you know that the Bible speaks more about the times we are living in than any other period in history?

In the mysterious and prophetic Book of Revelation, God has laid out His plans for the incredible final chapters of planet Earth so His people can be blessed, informed, encouraged, emboldened, strengthened, and filled with hope as they navigate the last days.

 Written in a clear and accessible style, Hail the King will illuminate every verse and chapter of this captivating book. You’ll learn:


•         Why the Old Testament is the key to unlocking the Book of Revelation.

•         The meaning behind the vivid imagery and strange symbols used by John.

•         How the past 2,000 years of the Church were prophesied in 7 letters written by Jesus.

•         The chronological sequence of events leading up to Christ’s glorious return.

•         How to find a renewed sense of urgency, purpose, and hope in these uncertain times.


Prepare for an immersive encounter with Scripture that will equip you for the days ahead, grow your love for Jesus, and inspire you to live with an eternal perspective!


Interview with Jeff Thompson

    Does writing energize or exhaust you?

    I would liken it to any other art form, in this sense – the inspiration part is energizing. When the ideas are flowing and I’m in my creative “zone,” it’s a wonderful feeling. When the inspiration ends, the perspiration part begins. This is the part of writing that is the craft (editing, sourcing citations, etc.). And I find that part exhausting.

    What is the first book that made you cry?

    Probably Aslan’s death and resurrection in C.S. Lewis’ “The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.”

    How did publishing your first book change your process of writing?

    I learned so much about the editing process, especially putting myself in the reader’s shoes. Though I personally love language and large vocabulary, my goal is to write for the everyman – and that means writing with an accessible voice. My editor did a wonderful job of helping me learn how to do that.

    What do you owe the real people upon whom you base your characters?

    I’m a non-fiction writer, and so I am profoundly grateful for the faithfulness of John the Apostle, who recorded the Book of Revelation. The Roman government had tried to kill him by boiling him alive in oil, but he had been miraculously protected. The resulting awe and fear caused them to exile him to the Greek island of Patmos. But rather than ridding themselves of his influence, God revealed to John the most mystical book in the entire Bible – and one who’s contents have never been more applicable than they are today.

    Where did your love of books/storytelling/reading/writing/etc. come from?

    I have always had an appetite for learning and for art. At an early age, I discovered that books could open up worlds of information to me and also take me on journeys that stirred the emotions and stoked the imagination. I still haven’t outgrown that childlike wonder!

    What do you like to read in your free time?

    I read books about God, religion, philosophy, the human condition, human behavior, and – if I have the time – I’ll indulge with some World War II history (yes, I’m a typical middle-aged dad).

    Can you share some stories about people you met while researching this book?

    A lot of the research was conducted for the two sermon series I preached to my church on the Book on Revelation over the past ten years. Those sermons were posted online, and over the years, tens of thousands of people have listened to them. One of the most rewarding aspects of this has been hearing from some of those people how the sermons helped them to understand a book of the Bible they’d always wanted to understand but felt they never could. More importantly, understanding it left them encouraged, full of hope, assured of God’s control over history, and more in love with Jesus.

    Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre?  If you write more than one, how do you balance them?

    I’m a local church pastor, and so, I’m constantly researching and preaching sermons. I teach expositionally – meaning I teach through books of the Bible verse by verse. Turning those sermons into books seemed like a natural opportunity to help more people grow in their knowledge of Scripture and God.

    How do you begin writing a new book? What challenges come with it?

    My first steps are editing my sermons into chapters for a book. This involves pretty tedious work, like spell-checking and editing the pronouns so that it is directed at a reader rather than a church. After that comes tracking down sources for everything I’ve referenced – which is also tedious!

    Share a place that inspires you to write

    This might seem a bit strange, but for me it’s my local Starbucks. I block out time to write and edit – usually two hours per day, leave all my work and the papers on my desk, sit down at an empty table, put on noise-canceling headphones and some instrumental smooth trance, pull out my laptop, have only a Word document open, and get into a flow state. The activity and people around me are energizing – especially compared to the solitude of my office.

About the Author

Jeff Thompson was born in Cape Town, South Africa, and has served full-time in churches since the age of 19 as a youth pastor, worship pastor, and teaching pastor. In 2012, he planted what would become Gospel City Church, where he has served as a pastor for over a decade. Jeff has a passion for Bible prophecy, which has led him to study and teach through some of the Bible’s most compelling and challenging texts. He lives in the beautiful Greater Vancouver region of Canada with his wife, Charlene, their 6 children, and a dog he foolishly promised his oldest daughter she could get when she turned 12.


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