Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Review: Fallen World (Surviving the End #2) by Grace Hamilton

Fallen World

Surviving the End #2

by Grace Hamilton

Published: November 13, 2019

Genre: Dystopian, Science Fiction, Post-Apocalyptic


Family is all that matters when friend becomes foe—and the stakes are survival.

The world has become a dangerous place for Shane McDonald and his family since the solar storm wiped out the power grid. Tensions flare when it grows clear the dire situation will be prolonged and most are ill-prepared. Even the friendly small town of his prepper mother-in-law has drawn unwanted attention as word gets around about sharing their supply stores.
And strangers begin to infiltrate the once peaceful Georgia community.

All Shane can think about is where his wife and son ended up in all the chaos as the hours stretch into days since they last communicated. Jodi is far too trusting a soul, her desire to help the downtrodden a dangerous commodity among desperate and increasingly hostile citizens.

But Jodi isn’t without resources when push comes to shove. When her son and cancer-stricken brother come under attack, she finds the strength to do what’s necessary to ensure their safety—and inadvertently draws the attention of a menacing gang.
Now they must stay one step ahead of their pursuers in a race to reunite with family.

Before all hell rains down on them.

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My Review:

Fallen World is the second book in the Surviving the End series by Grace Hamilton. Fallen World picks up where the first book Crumbling World left off. Fallen World pulled me deep into its world just like Crumbling World did. I couldn’t take my eyes off the page once I began reading. 

Shane and Violet have made it safely to Beth’s. Jodi, Owen, and Mike are still on the road trying to make their way there. Jodi, Mike, and Owen run into a biker gang and are separated when the gang takes Jodi with them. Mike and Owen try their best to follow her. When they can't find her they do as Jodi would want them to do and go on to Beth’s. Later after they arrive and let them know what happened to Jodi Shane and James go looking for her.

It is a new world now and many bad people out there think it is ok to take whatever they want from others. They don’t bother to find their supplies they would rather take it from someone else. 

What a scary world it has become. The law is non-existent so the evil comes out to play. Evil that was probably already there lying dormant waiting for the right time to show its ugly face to the world. Waiting for the right time to show the world who they truly are. 

Fallen World was way better than Crumbling World. The suspense ramps up more and more page after page. Fallen World kept me racing to the end to see how everything would come together. I kept rooting for Mike, Jodi, and Owen to make it to Beth’s. 

The world-building is one of the best I have seen in a long time. I love this world that was created for the Surviving the End series. I can’t get enough of it and can’t wait for more. I can’t wait to dive into the next book New World in the Surviving the End series. I can’t wait to see what comes next for Shane, Jodi, Beth, Violet, Owen, Kaylee, and everyone else who has become a part of their little family. 

I highly recommend Fallen World to all dystopian fans! Grab a copy of Fallen World today!

Be sure to check out all the books in the Surviving the End Series

Crumbling World #1




Fallen World #2





Connect with Grace Hamilton

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