Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Review: Crumbling World (Surviving the End #1) by Grace Hamilton

Crumbling World

Surviving the End #1

by Grace Hamilton

Published: November 13, 2019

Genre: Dystopian, Science Fiction, Post-apocalyptic


Family comes first—and he’ll do whatever it takes to protect his from the looming storm.

Even before becoming a husband and father, safety had been Shane McDonald’s priority for most of his forty-five years. As a nuclear engineer, it’s his responsibility to keep the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant from descending into a meltdown. But when a coronal mass ejection from the sun wipes out power across the globe, stopping a nuclear chain reaction is no longer his primary concern.

Now Shane and his blind teenage daughter, Violet, must trek across hundreds of miles in a world rapidly disintegrating into lawlessness. But with no cars and roving gangs, it’ll require careful planning to reach his prepper mother-in-law’s and reunite with his family.

His wife has her hands full as well. When her brother’s chemo drip suddenly stops working and her son gets stuck in the hospital elevator, Jodi McDonald must take control to ensure her loved ones survival and get them to safety. However, even the best laid plans go awry as the miles stretch out between them. Supply thefts run rampant. Those who have necessities prey on those who don’t. Minds broken by hardship kill on sight.

In the aftermath of the EMP, family isn't just a priority; it's our only hope.

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My Review:

Crumbling World is the first book in Surviving the End by Grace Hamilton. I love reading any book by Grace Hamilton. I love her stories. She can write a book that will pull you deep into its world from the first page leaving your world a blur. 

Crumbling World was no different as it pulled me into its world. Once I picked it up and started reading I didn’t want to stop but the world around me had other plans at times which left me feeling a little frustrated. 

I loved the world that was created for Crumbling World. I loved the characters and how they handled every situation they were put in. Crumbling World had me on the edge of my seat many times as I watched or felt as if I was watching the characters face the people who wanted to take their things from them. I mean why couldn’t they find their own as they had? 

Crumbling World follows the journey after the EMP hit of one family as they are trying to get to Jodi’s mother Beth’s home after an EMP hits and everything goes black worldwide. Beth has been a prepper for many years. We get to see the world come alive with this family. 

When the EMP hit Jodi was at the hospital with her brother Mike as he was getting his chemo treatment. Jodi’s teenage son Owen is with them as well. Jodi’s husband Shane has taken their teenage blind daughter, Violet with him to work as it was take your child to work day. Their youngest daughter Kaylee is with her grandmother Beth at her home. 

Each of their journeys involves someone wanting to take their supplies from them and leave them with nothing. Jodi, Shane, and Beth all have to deal with the same problems but in different ways and with different people and it all involves a gun or two. 

Chaos sets in as everyone is afraid of what is going to happen to them now that the lights have gone out across the world. No one knows how long or if they will ever be turned back on. It reminds me of the song “The Night The Lights Went Out in Georgia”.

I can’t wait to dive into the next Fallen World the book in the Surviving the End series. I can’t wait to read more about this family and where their story goes next. 

I highly recommend Crumbling World to all fans of dystopian or post-apocalyptic stories. Grab a copy of Crumbling World today!


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