Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Book Tour + #Giveaway: Hard Dog’s Night by Rebecca Hendricks @RABTBookTours

YA  Historical Fiction /YA Coming of Age

Date Published: Tuesday, Aug 6th 2024



In a time when rock-n-roll is deemed evil music and blamed for youth rebellion, The Hound Dogs and The Dice are set to clash at the Madison Community Center.

The Hound Dogs search for a drummer to complete their lineup while The Dice hires Patrick McNeil as Danny Bruer's replacement. Unbeknownst to The Dice, Patrick carries a hidden agenda to sabotage his former band and settle old scores.

As Patrick and his accomplice, Stu, execute their plot, questions loom over the Madison Community Center. Can The Hound Dogs triumph against the odds? Will the controversy ignite a community torn between tradition and rebellion?

In a world where rock-n-roll rebels against societal norms, the destinies of two bands hang in precarious balance. The echoes of their battle will resonate far beyond the Madison Community Center.

Hard Dog’s Night, the second book in The Hound Dogs Series, is a unique blend of historical fiction, coming-of-age, and the power of music as it forever alters lives in the name of rock-n-roll.


Interview with Rebecca Hendricks

Have you read anything that made you think differently about fiction?

This question is difficult for me because it's hard to narrow down one specific element.

I can share that Stephen King’s book IT had a profound effect on me. The sheer size of the book was intimidating at first, but I was intrigued because I had watched the miniseries in the 90s and felt like something was missing. I had no idea how right I was

IT follows a group of six adolescents who join forces to fight a common foe. On the surface, the clown Pennywise is the terrifying element, but the story is about so much more than conquering an evil clown. King delves into the lives of each character in great detail, and while it may not always feel necessary, every detail plays a crucial role in the climax. This depth makes you care deeply about the characters and gives you a real sense of what it must have felt like to stand in the circle in the sewer.

In my opinion, IT is more than just a horror novel. It deals with coming of age, facing your fears, and standing up for what you know is right, no matter the consequences. This book has taught me that it is all right to write a multi character book that is lengthy as long as you tell a story that will stick with people even after the last page is turned.

How do you select the names of your characters?

I don't have a set method for selecting character names. Sometimes a name will come to me based on the personality of the character. For the "Hound Dogged" series, I wanted to use popular names from the 1950s. As it turns out, I did select a lot of J and M names, which I didn't even realize at the time. If you are involved enough in a story the first letter of a name shouldn’t matter.

Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

When I write historical fiction, I strive to make the story as authentic to the time period as possible. The "Hound Dogged" series takes place in 1958, which was a fun period to research. Not only did I include songs and settings from the decade, but I also added subtle details that bring back memories for readers who remember the era. I think these little touches create a richer experience for anyone who reads the book because they see more than soda shops and bobby socks.

What was your hardest scene to write?

The hardest scene to write in “Hard Dog’s Night” was the show at the community center. This is the climax of the book, and the scene is intense. All the main characters are present, and creating a fast-paced narrative that balanced the tension while ensuring each character's reaction was challenging.

Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?

The “Hound Dogged” series is designed to be interconnected. While it's possible to read book two without having read book one, I've noticed from reviews that readers who skip the first book often feel a sense of disconnect. The last two books in the series are especially connected, with book three bringing back characters from book one, so it could be confusing to jump in the middle. Not reading the books in order decreases the reader's connection to the characters and their journey, which is central to the series.

What were your goals and intentions in this book, and how well do you feel you achieved them?

The intention of the “Hound Dogged” series is to empower readers not to give up hope and to pursue their dreams. The characters are in their late teens and early twenties, navigating the tumultuous terrain that we all experience growing up. Often, as young people, we lose sight of our dreams and hopes because we get caught up in the expectations of others—whether from parents, society, or the media. We want so desperately to make others happy and fit in that we forget who we want to become.

Having been down this road myself, I wanted to show readers that believing in yourself is crucial for defining your happiness as you move forward in life. In a time when so many people are struggling with unhappiness and depression, I think it's important to remember that family, love, and true friendship are what life is truly about. I do feel that through the cast of diverse characters and their unique circumstances, I have been able to achieve the goals for the series. I hope readers take away the message to never be afraid to be who they truly are.

What inspired you to write (Hard Dog’s Night)?

I've been writing since I was six, and during my early teens, I spent a great deal of my free time writing a series about a rock-n-roll group. I tried to rewrite the first book in the series later in life, but I eventually dropped the project.

In the spring of 2021, I revisited the series and felt inspired to rewrite the first book again. Initially, I intended to do this just for myself, but my husband was insistent that he wanted to read the book. I normally don’t share an unpolished piece of work with someone, but I relented and let him read it.

He loved the book and pushed me to pursue getting published. I had tried to get published once before, and the experience was discouraging, so I wasn’t very excited about trying again. However, my husband was persistent in urging me to follow my dream. By the end of the year, he had convinced me, and I began looking into self-publishing. The rest is history.

Can you tell us a little bit about the next books in the Hound Dogged series or what you have planned for the future?

I had originally planned for the series to have three books, but as the story developed, I realized there was so much more to explore, so I decided to extend it to four books.

I'm currently working on book three, but since I work full-time and have financial considerations, it takes me a while to get a book ready for release. My hope is to have the next book ready by next spring.

Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in The Hound Dogged series?

The series follows the coming-of-age journey of six young men, each with distinct personalities and unique challenges. Coming together to form a band is not easy for them because they're not all on the same page initially. However, as time passes, their friendship deepens, and their commitment to success becomes a common goal.

Add in the tension of a rival band and some romance, and the road becomes even rockier. Each character is tested and pushed to their limits, but their strong friendship and reliance on each other become the glue that holds them together when things get tough.

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

I enjoy the creative process and watching the story unfold. I have a good idea of where the story is headed, but I am a pantser so, I don’t always know how I’m going to get there. This is why I love to write because I have the excitement of going on the journey with my characters. I can’t wait to discover what happens next.

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