Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Book Tour + #Giveaway: Red Roses by Tasha Hutchison @AuthorTHutch @RABTBookTours


Broken Petals, Book 2


Women's Fiction

Date Published: 09-02-2024

Publisher: Running Wild Press



Four girlfriends take a trip around the world after drunkenly taking ancestry tests during a wine-filled girl's night that changes the trajectory of their lives.


Interview with Tasha Hutchison

    Have you read anything that made you think differently about fiction?

    Sidney Sheldon's storytelling style has profoundly influenced my writing. His ability to weave intricate plots with compelling characters and unexpected twists has inspired me to create a story that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Sheldon's knack for blending suspense with deep emotional arcs has guided me in developing rich, multi-dimensional characters whose lives and relationships are as captivating as the journeys they embark upon. His influence is evident in my dedication to pacing and my commitment to delivering a story that is both entertaining and thought-provoking, much like the unforgettable tales Sheldon himself has penned.

    How do you select the names of your characters?

    When creating characters, I enjoy seeking out distinctive names that reflect their unique traits and personality. As part of this process, I carefully consider and choose from a curated list of surnames that complement the overall characteristics of the character. This gives me a chance to ensure that the name truly resonates with the depiction of the individual in my story.

    Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?

    In my writing, I strive to maintain transparency and avoid concealing information unless it contributes to the story's progression. While I aim to keep my work authentic and cohesive, I may also integrate characters, settings, and other elements from my previous publications to create a sense of interconnectedness and depth in my writing.

    What was your hardest scene to write?

    I find emotional scenes the most challenging to write. I need to delve deep within myself, to places some people try to avoid. I have to be vulnerable, allowing the character to feel everything and work through it to reach the other side.

    Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?

    I am currently writing the final book of a three-book series. While I try to make each book stand alone, they are interconnected to form the series. After completing the series, some characters may appear in other stories beyond the series.

    What were your goals and intentions in this book, and how well do you feel you achieved them?

    "Red Roses" is the sequel to "Broken Petals." This book will address the characters' questions about their family history, helping them to uncover their roots and learn more about themselves through the adventurous journey they undertake in the book.

    What inspired you to write Red Roses?

    The inspiration for writing “Red Roses” stemmed from the journey I embarked on with Brooklyn Monti in “Broken Petals.” Her courageous battle with Huntington’s disease resonated deeply with me and my readers, sparking a desire to explore how life's unexpected twists and turns can lead to profound growth and transformation. "Red Roses" continues this exploration, taking Brooklyn and her friends on an adventurous, globe-trotting journey that underscores the power of friendship, resilience, and self-discovery. Through their shared experiences and the new challenges they face, I wanted to highlight how embracing the unknown can lead to unexpected joys and new beginnings.

    Can you tell us a little bit about the next books in the Broken Petals series or what you have planned for the future?

    As I mentioned earlier, I'm presently working on the final book in the Broken Petals series. It has been quite challenging because my main character has to confront her greatest fear. After years of avoidance, she must confront it, and she will either grow from the experience or fall apart.

    Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Red Roses?

    Iris Reid is a Chief Forensic Pathologist with an explosive personality who balances her demanding career with raising her son. Iris struggles in her romantic relationships but excels in her friendships and professional life.

    Brooklyn Monti battles with living with Huntington’s disease. Despite her frailty and past traumas, she grows stronger mentally every day. She finds solace in her friendships, especially with Iris Reid, and dreams of a meaningful life with her husband, Kai Mayfield.

    Tammy Avalos is known for her artsy style with dramatic jewelry and mixed prints. She is co-owner of a successful event planning company with Lorraine. She's blunt, outspoken, and loves to meet new people--mainly men.

    Lorraine Collins is hopeless romantic that sees the good in everyone and everything. Despite being a single mother to her daughter Violet, Lorraine maintains a positive outlook and embraces life with an easygoing, goody two shoes demeanor.

    They are four fabulous friends who cheer each other on and love hard.

    What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

    I enjoyed writing about their adventures. They know how to have a good time and laugh. They have meaningful conversations and sometimes engage in naughty girl chat. However, I enjoyed most writing their transformations after uncovering their roots.

About the Author

Tasha Hutchison, author of the captivating women's fiction novel, "Broken Petals." With a passion for captivating storytelling, Tasha aims to enchant and intrigue readers through her evocative narratives. Her book Broken Petals also landed her as a finalist in the best book awards for Page Turner Awards in 2023.

Hailing from Texas, she holds an associate in arts degree and finds solace in quality time with her loved ones. When not crafting compelling tales, Tasha channels her creativity into developing writing organizers to assist fellow writers in nurturing their story ideas.

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